Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 314: His confession

He Ning subconsciously grasped his hand tightly, and water mist appeared in his eyes again, just twice, she didn't want a third time.

Gu Yunchen picked up the corners of her lips: "If you want to do this, there will be too many people who owe me. Take a good rest, don't worry about it, and pay it back slowly in the future."

"Little beauty, don't cry. Don't Shen Jingyu before you get up, you are crying blind."

He Ning put away her tears, not to see Gu Yunchen who was always teasing her.

Shen Jingyu woke up, she was busy getting porridge and peeling fruit.

"Come here." Shen Jingyu only wanted her to be by her side, instead of busying with those insignificant things.

He Ning walked over, and Shen Jingyu grabbed her hand: "Sleep for a while, don't be busy."

"When you eat something, I will sleep again."

"You sleep first, I will eat." Shen Jingyu insisted.

He let her lean against him and forced her to close her eyes.

He Ning has actually been sleeping well during this period, worrying about his safety.

Now that Shen Jingyu wakes up, her tense mood has finally relaxed.

Leaning against Shen Jingyu, he fell asleep soon.

The side face of her peacefully sleeping was printed into Shen Jingyu's eyes.

Thinking of her direct confession just now, his heart was filled with warmth.

He said that she was forbidden to fall in love with him, for fear that she would lose him in the future and could not accept a life without him.

He also tried not to love her.

But there are three things in this world that cannot be hidden, and love is one of them.

Cover your mouth and your eyes will express themselves.

She was right, even if it was three years?

If you can love and be loved, time will not be an obstacle at all.

Shen Jingyu was seriously injured and couldn't get up, so she could only kiss her forehead with her head, and then her eyebrows, gently brushing across her skin inch by inch.

He Ning couldn't sleep deeply, remembering his injury, awakened by his itchy kiss, and asked in a low voice: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"He Ning, I love you." Shen Jingyu said softly, with a steady tone, his usual nice voice.

He Ning was taken aback for a moment. Shen Jingyu looked at her seriously and continued: "He Ning, I love you."

Seeing her stunned, her little face was filled with unbelievable words, Shen Jingyu said again: "He Ning, I love you."

"I love you very much."

"Earlier than you think."

"I love you before you fall in love with me."

"He Ning, I love you."

There is a smile in his eyes, full of affection, and intense emotions.

His only regret was that he didn't have the strength to hug her...hugging her and confessing to her.

He wanted to say these things for a long time, until he said it, he realized that it felt so good.

His words shocked He Ning, every word was so unbelievable that she thought she was dreaming.

But his sharp and handsome face is right in front of him, and there is a burning touch from his hand...

"He Ning, I love you." He reiterated fearing that she would not believe it.

"I love you too." He Ning's tears slipped silently, and there was a smile on his lips and between his eyebrows, but there were tears like beads that couldn't stop the thread.

She leaned over to hug him, tears falling on his face: "I love you too, Shen Jingyu."

Shen Jingyu kissed her on the cheek, her ears, and kissed everything he could kiss.

He Ning took the initiative to kiss him back, the bruises on his face and the bruises on his neck.

"From now on, you are not allowed to say anything stupid to let me marry someone else..." He Ning raised his eyes and blushed to warn him.

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