Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3148: Can't you go out for sale?

The breeze in the early summer morning was blowing on the face, with a refreshing coolness, which eased Xia Jiu's anxious mood a little.

Today is the day for her graduation defense. As a fashion design student, she can not only obtain graduation qualifications through an excellent graduation design, but also contract this graduation design to a clothing company for a generous payment. .

Xia Jiu stretched out his hand to stroke the broken hair on his forehead, smiled, and walked towards the defense classroom.

She has picturesque eyebrows, beautiful curly chestnut hair draped over her shoulders, and a height of nearly 1.7 meters, it is easy to attract the eyes of the surroundings.

Walking into the classroom, a lot of eyes fell on her.

Xia Jiu had already seen no surprises, pulled the back chair and sat down, took out the laptop, and put it on the table.

After she entered the classroom, soon the teacher and other classmates were also in place.

When she saw her cousin Xia Ruomeng, Xia Jiu nodded and greeted her.

Xia Ruomeng came over affectionately and said, "Are you ready, Xia Jiu?"

"Okay, so are you?" Xia Jiu's face showed a bright smile, and she always looked a little cold in front of unfamiliar people.

But in front of familiar people, they often smile brightly.

Such a brilliant smile made her delicate eyebrows more sweet and less alienated.

When Xia Ruomeng withdrew her gaze, a domineering mockery evoked on the corners of her lips, and her eyes were all cold. With her Xia Jiu, she still wanted to sit on an equal footing with herself? Is she really the daughter of the Xia family?

The Xia family is no longer the same Xia family back then.

Every student who was called by name went up to explain their design and answered the questions raised by the teacher.

Most people's designs have more or less certain highlights, which have been approved by the teacher.

"Xia Ruomeng."

When Xia Ruomeng heard her name called, Shi Shiran stood up and walked onto the stage with her own design.

Xia Jiu has always had a good relationship with Xia Ruomeng, and they both learned fashion design, so they discussed more with each other.

The two were originally cousins, although they were not in the same class, they were closer than their classmates.

Xia Jiu looked at Xia Ruomeng, and of course hoped that both of them would have good results.

Xia Ruomeng took out his own design, put it on the big screen, and began to explain.

Xia Jiu didn't care much at first, but just sat casually and turned on his laptop.

But when she heard Xia Ruomeng's voice, her gaze quickly turned to what Xia Ruomeng was explaining.

Isn't that content her own graduation project?

She spent dozens of days and nights to make it. Every word and every line on it was carefully finalized by her. Even if those words and lines turned to gray, she would recognize them.

what happened? Did Xia Ruomeng make a mistake?

She immediately turned on her laptop, opened her design, and when she saw the page she designed, her head throbbed, and her design turned into a mess of code!

And Xia Ruomeng, with his face raised all contented, was explaining the content that belonged to him!

Xia Jiu remembered that during this time, Xia Ruomeng was closer to her than ever before, often bringing milk tea and supper to her to discuss the graduation project.

Because the relationship is good at ordinary times, Xia Jiu is a man and magnanimous, and he has no defense against Xia Ruomeng at all.

It must be Xia Ruomeng, taking advantage of her carelessness, copying all her things away, leaving the virus in her computer, which broke out at a specific time, and turned her hard work into it at this critical moment. Nothing.

At this moment, she can't even come up with valid evidence to defend herself!

But are you going to sit and wait like this?

No, absolutely impossible!

Xia Jiu stood up suddenly. The students who were immersed in their thoughts and the teacher who listened carefully to Xia Ruoxue were startled by the sudden sound, and all their eyes fell on Xia Jiu's body!

Xia Jiu was a man of the school before, and was held as a department flower and school flower every year in the annual selection. Moreover, the Xia family is rich, and Xia Jiu's clothes can be worn without heavy styles.

Everyone recognized her naturally. The eyes of the boys wandered around her, and the eyes of the girls were much more complicated.

The main person in charge of today's defense is the vice-principal. He frowned unhappily, but still gestured to Xia Jiu to sit down. At this moment, unruly students would be deducted points.

"Xia Ruomeng, why are you taking my graduation project?" Xia Jiu asked loudly.

Even if there is no evidence, even if her belongings are taken by Xia Ruomeng, but Xia Jiu knows very well that her own things have been seen by her tutor, Teacher Wang, and as long as Mr. Wang testifies for herself, Xia Ruomeng can be exposed .

A few innocent expressions appeared on Xia Ruomeng's face and said, "What am I taking you away? Xia Jiu, what's the matter with you?"

At this moment, Xia Jiu felt that Xia Ruomeng should go to the acting department, not the costume design department. She acted so realistically.

"Xia Ruomeng, the graduation design you are explaining in your hand is not yours at all, but mine. Please stop immediately, I don't need to pursue it, otherwise..." Xia Jiu has always had the temper of a young lady, Now it has been deliberately suppressed.

But the arrogance of the eldest lady is still there, and she looks a little aggressive.

It's just that this aggressiveness fits well with her own beauty and aura, but it makes people feel awe-inspiring.

Xia Ruomeng is even more innocent, and even her voice is softer: "Xia Jiu, you are not very keen on learning, and the results of each exam are also very average. And this design, you feel like you did it. ?"

Hearing Xia Ruomeng's words, the rest of the people shook their heads. Where can a daughter like Xia Jiu make such a beautiful design?

They admitted that she does have a beautiful appearance and a good body that is breathtaking, but her IQ may really be inversely proportional to her appearance and body.

In the past, many people said that Xia Jiu used her IQ to get this appearance and figure, does she have a family background?

Xia Jiu didn’t want to argue about this. She was really lazy before and didn’t put her mind on learning, but it didn’t mean she didn’t have talent, nor did it mean she didn’t love the profession she was learning. She was just too lazy when she was not inspired. It's hard to learn.

Her gaze fell directly on her tutor: "Ms. Wang, my graduation project has been discussed with you several times, and it was finalized with your approval. Is my share of Xia Ruomeng's share, please? You can prove it for me."

Xia Jiu was too lazy to continue to rip with Xia Ruomeng. Once she saw through her true face, Xia Jiu just felt sick and uncomfortable.

But a fly disgusted you. The first thing you need to do is to drive her away, not to get angry with her and chase her to fight.

People, there is no need to lag behind to be as knowledgeable as a fly.

Teacher Wang was named, stood up, and said embarrassedly: "Xia Jiu, I usually tell you, read more books, anyway, at least complete the graduation project. But I really didn't expect that you would So lazy, and at this juncture, accusing Xia Ruomeng of invading your graduation project. Xia Jiu, I'm really disappointed in you!"

Xia Jiu stood there indifferently, waiting for Teacher Wang to seek justice for herself.

But as Teacher Wang said one more word, her face became darker.

The calmness in his eyes gradually cracked.

A pair of beautiful eyes fell on Xia Ruomeng's body, and she let out a soft sneer. She should have known that Xia Ruomeng's courage could not be so big that she stole her graduation design without authorization, just being the tutor on both sides. Over there, it is impossible to pass.

However, now it seems that Xia Ruomeng has already done all of this, so she will have no fear, and unscrupulously take out the things that originally belonged to her, display them in the public, and take her own things as her own!

The whispers around gradually turned into loud voices, filling Xia Jiu’s ears: “Sure enough, the embroidered pillows are all grass. It’s good to look good, and it’s not useless. I knew shame before, but now I don’t even care about shame. Under such circumstances, I dare to say that other people’s things belong to my own."

"That is, where is the face, you really think you are still the daughter of the Xia family?"

"It's also useful to look good, at least, if you go out and sell it, you can still sell it for a good price..."

With a slap, Xia Jiu's slap fell on the face of the girl who spoke last, and the girl couldn't help but stand up and said, "Why are you hitting me? You did it yourself, people can't say it?"

Xia Jiu lazily put away his palms: "I just hit you, why?"

"That's you admit what I said," the girl was not to be outdone, "Huh, your parents are dead, how many days can you be Miss Xia? If you want to maintain your previous life, can't you go out and sell it?"

Xia Jiu shot again, and the vice principal said sharply, "Stop! When is this place, the vegetable market? You are college students, not ignorant village women without quality! Xia Jiu, you slander Xia Ruoxue, wait until you reply. Let's talk about it again! When Xia Ruoxue finishes her defense, you will be on stage!"

Xia Jiu glanced at her computer, it was all garbled, what was she going to do?

It is obviously unrealistic to make a new graduation project temporarily. Do you continue to repeat what Xia Ruomeng has already explained? At that time, it is not just slander, but also the big hat of plagiarism on his head.

"Teacher Wang, I am also very disappointed with you. I really didn't expect that in this industry, there is still dirt and dirt, and there are people like you. You really don't deserve to be a teacher!" After Xia Jiu finished speaking, he packed up his notebook , Turned around and left.

The vice-principal said: "Xia Jiu, you ignore the school discipline and step out of the classroom, just waiting for grade repetition and penalties!"

"Whatever you want." Xia Jiu walked out without looking back.

There was an uproar in the classroom.

Looking at Xia Jiu's back, there was envy, jealousy, contempt, and admiration, but more of it was gloating.

The eldest Miss Xia, who was so brilliant in the past, did she have such a time?

It's not without headaches, but headaches are also useless. Xia Jiu found out the hair rope and tied a shawl of chestnut hair into a neat ponytail.

Speaking of which, she should visit Xia's company.

Her life has indeed changed. After her parents passed away in a car accident a year ago, her life has changed drastically.

The eldest lady who didn't need to worry about anything in the past had to deal with not only the funeral affairs of her parents, but also all aspects of credit and debt. It also happened that her younger sister was ill and needed treatment, and her own studies were at a critical juncture in the final year.

If her parents were there, her studies would not matter at all.

But when her parents are gone, she must pay attention to these things, and she must handle all the things that she didn't care about in the past.

My father’s company, Xia’s Group, specializes in clothing business. After his father’s death, his uncle Xia Huangshan took over the management on his behalf. He was also the company’s veteran, and it was natural for him to take over.

Xia Jiu appeared at the door of the company, and the security guard stopped her easily.

"What are you doing?" Xia Jiu raised her delicate eyebrows.

"Ms. Xia, the company has a board meeting today, and Mr. Xia is receiving distinguished partners, so please don't bother you up there."

A sneer appeared on Xia Jiu's beautiful facial features: "Who told you to stop me? I am also a member of the board of directors!"

"Sorry, Miss Xia, you are no longer..." The security guard still stopped her.

A bad premonition emerged in Xia Jiu's heart.

She pushed away the security guard and strode towards the elevator entrance.

When the security guard followed, she had quickly pressed the close button, and the security had to board another elevator to try to stop her.

The top floor is the place where the company's high-levels are located. The huge conference room is all decorated with transparent glass. After stepping out of the elevator, Xia Jiu saw that a meeting was being held inside.

Uncle Xia Huangshan is sitting on the main seat to preside.

That position originally belonged to his father. After his father passed away, it should have been Xia Jiulai, but now, Xia Huangshan not only sits firmly in that position, but even excludes Xia Jiu from the entire company!

Xia Jiu originally thought that he still had time...I had time to slowly sort out the relationship with the Xia family, and had time to wait until my sister Biye got better before coming to take over the company.

The security guards followed from behind, but their speed was still not as fast as Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu opened the door of the meeting room with a bang, and everyone looked up at her in surprise.

The security guard followed: "Sorry Mr. Xia, Miss Xia..."

"You go out first." Xia Huangshan dressed in formal clothes, sitting on the main seat, full of style, saw Xia Jiu, showing a gentle smile of an elder, "Xia Jiu, we are in a meeting, if you have something, wait for a while. ."

"Uncle, why didn't you notify me of such an important meeting?" Xia Jiu stepped in. She was tall and beautiful in her face. As always, she was the arrogant and gorgeous daughter of the old lady.

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