Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3150: What a bastard

Xia Jiu picked up the bag and swiped the card to pay the fee.

When he was walking towards the payment room, Xia Jiu saw Fang Minghao walking towards him in strides.

Xia Jiu's heart warmed. At this time, she really needed someone by her side too much. Today's successive blows made her physically and mentally exhausted.

She didn't want to disturb Fang Minghao, so she didn't call him.

Unexpectedly, he had already learned the news and came over on his own initiative.

Xia Jiu was about to greet him, and a figure ran over faster than her, and rushed directly into Fang Minghao's arms.

It's Xia Ruomeng!

Just stole Xia Jiu's graduation design, Xia Ruomeng, who is currently unable to complete Xia Jiu's studies, is Xia Huangshan's biological daughter.

Xia Ruomeng plunged into Fang Minghao's arms. Fang Minghao looked down at her and dropped a kiss on her lips. His movements were very intimate and he could see that they were already very skilled.

Xia Jiu's bloodline surged, and Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao were already together!

They betrayed themselves a long time ago and are together.

How many things are there that I don’t know?

Xia Ruomeng took a checklist and said happily, "Minghao, take a look, we have children. It just so happens that I have graduated successfully now, and then I can get married with you."

"Okay." Fang Minghao hugged her softly, just like all the young couples in the hospital who came for examination.

The bottom of Xia Jiu's heart was full of holes at the moment, and he couldn't tell which of these things made him more painful.

She pinched her neatly groomed nails into her palm, strode towards Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng, raised her hand, and slapped Xia Ruomeng's face with a heavy slap.

Another slap fell on Fang Minghao's face.

Two consecutive slaps, caught off guard, so that the dog men and women have no time to avoid it.

Fang Minghao reacted quickly, grabbing Xia Jiu's wrist, his warm expression darkened a bit, and said, "Xia Jiu, what are you doing! Ruomeng has a child in his belly!"

"I care about what dog things are in her belly, I can't beat them!"

"Xia Jiu, you are too presumptuous!" Fang Minghao shouted sharply.

With tears in Xia Ruomeng's eyes, Chu Chu said pitifully, "Xia Jiu, just hit me if you want to. It has nothing to do with Minghao. I like him first. He can't help himself..."

"Ruomeng, don't say that, we are in love with each other." Fang Minghao comforted in a soft voice.

Xia Jiu is really going to be angry with each other? Where to put her real girlfriend? Who was it that pursued her so stalkingly, who said that she would get married as soon as she graduated and give her the best wedding?

Dare to love them, but she has become a third party?

Fang Minghao raised his head with fearless bravery on his face: "Xia Jiu, don't target Ruomeng. I like her very much, but I haven't had time to tell you. Ruomeng is not as arrogant as you, nor as arrogant as you. High above, she is very gentle, and very courageous, what do you have, come at me, don't trouble her."

It seemed that Xia Jiu was a scourge that prevented him from pursuing his true love.

Xia Jiu's red lips curled up slightly, and a smile appeared. The smile was extremely serious, as if the things just now had been wiped from the bottom of her heart: "When was the matter?"

"Xia Jiu, you..."

"I ask you Fang Minghao **** when did this happen?" Xia Jiu was angry.

Xia Ruomeng said softly and timidly: "It's very early. It's a long time since I liked Minghao. I have always had a deep love for him. Minghao likes me and struggles a lot. Don't blame him... "

"You go for it, don't insult the words such as joy and love. These words are not for people like you."

Fang Minghao protects Xia Ruomeng: "Xia Jiu, don't say a few words. I'm sorry for you, but if Meng didn't sorry for you, you have to beat or scold me and come at me alone."

"You are not worthy of this young lady to do it. Fang Minghao, would you not be, did you go for the Xia Group's money?" Xia Jiu's voice was lazy, no matter how scarred he was, he didn't want to be looked down upon by others. go with.

Fang Minghao looked humiliated: "Xia Jiu, put away your high-minded young lady's temper, and put away your self-righteousness. That's how you are, so that I don't continue to love you anymore. I know why. I think you are the best in the world, how can you be as gentle as Ruomeng? I also advise and advise you, you are not the eldest lady of the Xia family now, you are so beautiful, if you continue to be proud of your temper, this Jingyuan In the city, I don’t know how many men want to put you in sleep clothes in order to conquer your arrogance. Do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he took Xia Ruomeng and left.

Xia Jiu supported the chair in the corridor to prevent herself from falling.

She is a big young lady with a temperament, and she is very alienated and cold to everyone, because she can't make friends with people she doesn't like.

Over the years, she has been in the Xia family and has become accustomed to living a carefree life.

She may indeed be doing something wrong, but how can they do everything right?

Embezzled her parents’ property, exhausted her scheming to make her lose a foothold, and even carried her back together.

Is it that difficult to talk about breaking up and then changing people?

What a bastard!

She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while before continuing to pay the fee.

"Miss Xia, your credit card is out of quota." After changing several cards in a row, the toll collector couldn't get the money out of it.

Xia Jiu finally found a savings card, and barely raised half of her sister's medical expenses, and could not pay any more.

Regardless of taking care of her sister, she went to check her own assets. Except for credit card debts, she had almost no assets anymore.

The luxury cars and apartments under the name were sold by the Xia Group in the name of repaying debts. As for the whereabouts of the money, only God knows.

Although Xia Jiu does not have close friends, there are also rich second-generation friends who can be called friendly.

She called, and there was a giggling laughter from the other side: "Of course there is money in Xia Jiu, and it’s okay to lend it to you. But last time my friend said he wanted to pursue you and invite you to dinner by candlelight I didn't give them a bit of face, and they smashed their dinner. Xia Jiu, you have to apologize first for what you are doing, right?"

Xia Jiu hung up with a snap, why did she smash someone's dinner? Is she so arrogant that she doesn't even understand the basic human relationships?

If that **** didn't pretend to accidentally spill red wine on her chest, would she just ignore her face?

Everyone said that she was arrogant in Xia Jiu, but she had never seen the unkind light in the eyes of those men.

Those more or less colored eyes pierced her body every second. The beautiful women were the naked Chinese food in their eyes.

I am afraid that the beautiful women who are now down and down are even more so.

Xia Jiu whispered to the uncles of the fathers he knew: "Uncle Ma, I will borrow some for the time being, and I will pay you back when I find a job."

"Okay, Xia Jiu, I'll just transfer it to you directly. You don't have to pay it back. I will give you 10,000 yuan as my uncle."

Xia Jiu's heart sank before he could be happy.

Ten thousand yuan...

It was a drop in the price for her, and the other party was too embarrassed to be able to open the mouth.

"Xia Jiu, you'd better go back to your uncle. If he doesn't speak, no one in our circle dare to lend you too much money..."

I was afraid that Xia Jiu couldn't afford it, and I was afraid of offending Xia Huangshan.

Xia Jiu finally understood her situation. Xia Huangshan has now separated the entire life circle of Xia Jiu. In the original life circle, she could not get the same treatment as before.

But now, she, who doesn't even have a diploma, may not be easy to find a subsistence job.

"Miss Xia, your sister's condition has deteriorated. Now she is sent for rescue. Please go and see." The nurse rushed over and said urgingly.

Xia Jiu ran towards the operating room.

Xia Lin was sent to the operating room. The light in the operating room was always on, piercing Xia Jiu's eyes.

The parents are gone, and the younger sister has become her only relative, and the other people in the Xia family are now like wolves and tigers, and have nothing to do with her.

She had been waiting, lowering her head, and her seaweed-like chestnut curls drooped, covering most of her face.

I don't know how long it took before the door of the operating room opened.

The face of Xia Lin, who was pushed out, was terribly bleak and desolate.

Xia Jiu looked at her younger sister, and there was pain in her heart. When her parents were gone, she didn't even take care of her younger sister...

"Doctor, how is my sister?"

"Miss Xia, your sister's situation is good and sometimes bad, you have to make the most comprehensive preparation."

"Doctor, please do your best to heal! I must make my sister get better."

The doctor looked at Xia Jiu: "Ms. Xia, your sister's treatment requires the use of the latest imported drugs and long-term blood transfusions. The money is guaranteed, and this condition can be guaranteed. Imported drugs from abroad, even us The hospital can get very little, and the person who needs the medicine is not your sister alone. If you cannot guarantee, the medicine may be stopped at any time..."

"Doctor, please do your best, I will raise money as soon as possible. Please help my sister."

After Xia Lin was asleep, Xia Jiu told the nurse to take good care of her, and then walked out.

When I returned to Xia's house, in the living room I had been familiar with for 22 years, the lights were dazzling. For a moment, Xia Jiu even thought that his parents were still alive.

However, when he saw Xia Huangshan's figure, the emotion in Xia Jiu's eyes sank.

Aunt Chen Meiru was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, holding a pampered Teddy in her arms.

The scenes that felt warm before now seem to be full of tingling pains. From the moment her parents passed away, her home was gradually disintegrating at an extremely fast speed.

"Xia Jiu, are you back?" Chen Meiru asked with a smile, "Why is it so late? My uncle and I are very worried about you."

"Auntie, why stopped Linlin's medicine? She is in poor health and needs medical treatment. You can't stop her medicine."

Xia Huangshan continued to drink tea, Chen Meiru put down the teacup and said, "Xia Jiu, your uncle has never told you that the company’s operating conditions are not very good. It’s difficult and debts are flying all over the sky. I even sold my brand-name bags and used them to fill in. Hole. It's not our intention, but we don't have the ability. Linlin spends hundreds of thousands a month, we really can't afford it."

"Then sell the house left by my parents and their company."

Xia Huangshan stopped drinking tea, and said, "Bullshit, do you think you can pay it back if you sell it? If you sell it, you won't pay it back. If you keep the company, you can still fight for investment. Wangyun also paid out money to treat Linlin. If you sell it, you can only carry a lifetime debt, and Linlin's money for treatment is completely hopeless."

"What about Linlin's current treatment costs?"

Chen Meiru shunned Teddy's Mao and said, "Auntie still has several thousand dollars in private money. You can take it for emergency."

She took out dozens of hundred-yuan bills from her bag and handed them to Xia Jiu.

In his demeanor, it is meant to be rewarded, holding it aloft.

Xia Jiu knocked out the money, and the red bills fell on the ground everywhere.

Chen Meiru said: "How can you kid be like this? I really don't know good or bad. It's no wonder you don't even have a reliable friend outside. Really... Butler, come and pack all the money."

Chen Meiru looked at Xia Jiu bitterly: "Xia Jiu, the only way now is to have a few investors in the company. Although one of them is a little older, he is particularly amiable. If you can promise him , Not to mention the company's revival, even more are okay..."

It turned out that they did it all, and this one was waiting for themselves.

Is this to squeeze out all of your final surplus value?

Xia Jiu lifted her red lips and revealed a mocking smile: "Auntie is still young and beautiful now, dressed up and well maintained."

Chen Meiru showed a smile and reached out to touch her face, Xia Jiu's words, but said to her heart.

Xia Jiu continued: "Auntie, isn't it just going to accompany the investor to bring the Xia Group back to life?"

The smile on Chen Meiru's face suddenly collapsed: "Xia Jiu, you are so inexperienced."

"People like you don't deserve to be respected!" Xia Jiu's tone was even more mocking.

"Okay, Xia Jiu, are you trying to tear yourself apart from your elders and sever the relationship? I see how hard you can be!" Chen Meiru said angrily.

Xia Jiu turned around and stepped upstairs. In the room, she found her brand-name bags and clothes, packed them all in a box, but did not intend to move them.

If she really moved away completely, it would have fulfilled their wish.

This is her place, she will occupy it forever if she doesn't say to go.

After she came out, she said to the housekeeper: "Housekeeper, you are optimistic about the things in my sister's room, and I know everything. If someone moves, you won't be able to compensate by that time!"

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