Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3152: Ten seconds

After passing the checkpoint, he arrived at Shen Muhan's villa.

Butlers and maids came up to wait in groups, but dozens of people walked around, without making any sound. This shows the well-trained and the harsh requirements of Shen Muhan.

Xia Jiu's fingers subconsciously grasped the bag tightly. Tonight, under such circumstances, she will hand over herself to a strange man.

The moment she stepped into the villa, she hesitated and wavered a little bit. A year ago, or even a few days ago, her life was completely different from this.

The change came suddenly, but it seemed to be a matter of course, pushing her into the current situation.

Maybe there is another reason for choosing Shen Muhan, that is his power and character, arrogant and domineering, unable to tolerate her regret and rejection...

Twenty million, she should be able to get her sister to get the best treatment, and she can start anew with this, other than that, she has no other better choice.

Entering Shen Muhan's bedroom, his bedroom is in harmony with his personal style. They are all arrogant and cold winds, mixed with the black and white of the same style in the cool and noble Modilan gray.

"Sao Han, I thought we would be in the hotel." Xia Jiu looked around the room, obviously where he usually lives.

Is he here every time he brings a woman back?

"I like a comfortable place. Go to take a bath." Shen Muhan pulled off his tie, and any movement he did would have a strong sense of beauty.

Xia Jiu squeezed a fist, took a shower and came out around the towel, seeing Shen Muhan looking sideways at his mobile phone.

Even in the entertainment industry, there are very few people with perfect front and side.

The man in front of him is handsome and handsome in front of him, his nose is straight when he is on his side, his tight chin is firm and strong, and every line of his face is like a masterpiece of God.

He turned his eyes to the side, his gaze moved from the phone to Xia Jiu's body, and the color in his eyes was as deep as ink, surging inwardly.

Xia Jiu, who is already beautiful, has Shengxue's skin after bathing. Her long seaweed-like hair curls on her shoulders. His bright and beautiful appearance has a strong visual impact.

That little dark surge spread in his eyes, and Shen Muhan threw away the phone and entered the bathroom.

Xia Jiu lay on the bed and opened the quilt to cover her body. Even if this is a bed where countless women have slept in, she can only rely on this place at the moment to hide her panic and helplessness.

Thinking that she can wait until the wedding night to start a new journey in life, she now understands that her inner conservativeness is really far more open than her appearance.

With a soft click, the bathroom door opened, and the man came out simply wearing a bath towel.

The figure is so horribly good...

Realizing that his gaze was concentrated here, Xia Jiu's face blushed a little, and he took it back.

Shen Muhan turned off the light and went to bed casually, as if he was familiar with this kind of thing a long time ago.

The man's acting style is almost the same as his character, extremely calm and cold, only his body is contrary to it, full of heat.

Xia Jiu gripped the bed sheet nervously, about to flip over his lush white nails.

However, it was almost like that, and it was over.

Xia Jiu was taken aback for a moment, is this over?

So, this is what this man spends 20 million to do? One minute?

No, it lasted ten seconds.

Maybe it was only three seconds, but Xia Jiu was too nervous, and it seemed that the time passed was extraordinarily long.

This situation was unexpected by Shen Muhan.

He has never been interested in matters of men and women. This time he chose Xia Jiu because he was thirty, and it was almost time for such a thing.

And Xia Jiu, just in line with his vision at the time, made him impulse for a while.

But what he didn't expect was that Xia Jiu didn't lie, she was indeed the first time.

Both of them are in this situation, and they will naturally be in various situations.

Damn it!

Such a thing happened unexpectedly.

Shen Muhan had too obvious annoyance.

Xia Jiu saw that the man’s aura seemed to be cold, and asked tentatively: "Young Master Han...may I leave?"

Her words hit Shen Muhan, and his voice was low: "Who said that?"

"Then what else do I need to do?" If not, Xia Jiu really wanted to sleep. During this time, she took care of Xia Lin. After being tired for several days, she was really sleepy.

Shen Muhan's voice became deeper and deeper. Does this woman think he should be like this?

That's not his normal state, and it shouldn't be the situation where his physical quality will appear!

It's just that he couldn't and was in the mood to explain to this woman.

Fingers pinched the woman's jaw, and Shen Muhan asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

"I..." What should Xia Jiu say?

Do you praise him as great? Or tell the truth?

Only now did I know that the money of the master's father is not so easy to earn.

"Young Master Han, you can tell me what you want me to do. I don't have much experience in caring for people...but I will try to do it."

Twenty million, of course Xia Jiu knew that it was impossible to make such a simple profit.

She didn't have any need to go to the Memorial Arch of Chastity, as long as he spoke.

This woman is really laughing at his ability, Shen Muhan's aura is getting deeper and deeper, "You don't need to do anything, just be yourself."

After that, she sealed her lips.

When he woke up in the early morning sun the next day, Xia Jiu knew what it meant to be just yourself.

She also knew that she had really underestimated the man's ability, the first time it was almost ten seconds.

But every time after that, she almost cried and begged him to end.

Xia Jiu opened her eyes lazily, her bag, her clothes, and a check on the head of the bed.

She picked it up and glanced at it, twenty million.

Very good, a trustworthy man.

After Xia Jiu went to the bathroom to wash and put on her own clothes, the servants here were very helpful. All the clothes she changed were washed and dried. It can be seen that they are also the women who often serve here, right?

Xia Jiu simply put on a makeup to cover up the ugly face that was a little bit ugly from lack of sleep last night, and then she carried her bag and walked out slowly.

The housekeeper and the maid are respectful.

The butler stepped forward: "Miss, the car has been arranged outside and will take you where you want to go."

It seems that every woman who comes here accepts such treatment and routines.

Xia Jiu sighed softly, cast aside the slight loss in his heart, and got into the car.

Asking the driver to stop at the door of a large pharmacy, she got out of the car, picked out several contraceptive pills, bought a large bag, and put it in her bag.

Just wait a while to get back to the hospital and eat it.

Even if she experienced this kind of thing for the first time, she should understand that the body is her own, and she should take care of her body and should not cause trouble to the gold master.

With money and money, she should be responsible from the moment she stepped out of Shen Muhan's villa.

Tired all night, Xia Jiu's body seemed to be run over by a truck, and it took him a long time to walk to the hospital.

As soon as she entered the hospital, the oncoming scene pierced her in the eye.

Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng stood side by side over there, his hands were very considerate to protect her waist, as if he was afraid that the child in her stomach might make any mistakes.

The two depend on each other and are loving and considerate. Whoever wants it, just a few days ago, this man took Xia Jiu's hand and gently and eagerly told her that he wanted to marry her.

Xia Jiu only felt sick when they saw their hypocritical manner.

I deliberately tried to avoid them, but the hospital passage was so narrow that Xia Jiu couldn't avoid it.

"Xia Jiu, we have something to tell you." Fang Minghao stopped her.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to a bitch." Xia Jiu was in a bad mood and couldn't treat them in a good mood.

Fang Minghao's tone became serious, as if to blame her for being ignorant: "Xia Jiu, I know I'm sorry, I apologize to you. But Ruomeng and I already have children, even if I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do. I hope you can be considerate."

Xia Jiu was enraged, her eyes red: "Why should I be considerate? It's not my child. I can't consider you, just like you can't realize how disgusting I am now."

"Xia Jiu, I know you can’t understand anything now. Wait for the time to dilute all of this. But today, when we came, it was Ruomeng who said that Linlin’s illness would cost a lot of money, and you even took out your bags and clothes. Ruo Meng took the initiative to say that she would come to help Linlin pay for a medical bill. She feels very guilty to you, as long as she can think of a way, she will work hard to do it, just to get her peace of mind and make you comfortable some."

Xia Jiu stood still, his eyes scorchingly falling on Xia Ruomeng's body.

Xia Ruomeng nodded slightly: "Xia Jiu, there are some things that I really didn’t mean. Linlin is sick, and I feel very uncomfortable. My parents are tight now, and I raised a sum of money by myself. For your own private money, let you treat Linlin first. Even if you blame me, you can't watch Linlin suffer, right? She is your sister and my sister."

"It's so kind, you can just swipe your card, don't tell me."

"Xia Jiu!" Fang Minghao was very disappointed in her, "If Meng gave this money to reconcile with you, this is not just a matter of money."

Xia Jiu was very tired and said, "Really? Then you can swipe your card. I don't want to argue with you, because I know the truth about not competing with the slut. I can accept the money with peace of mind. Because of that, I don’t want to argue with you. It's all my parents' hard work."

Fang Minghao became more and more disappointed, his eyebrows were a little gloomy: "Xia Jiu, your attitude is hurting yourself."

"Minghao, go get my inspection report. I'll say a few words to Xia Jiu alone." Xia Ruomeng said softly, "Don't worry, there are so many people here, I will not hurt Xia Jiu, and Xia Jiu will not hurt either. mine."

Fang Minghao looked at Xia Jiu deeply for a while, then turned and left. Compared with Xia Jiu's arrogance, he was very satisfied with Xia Ruomeng's gentle atmosphere.

He also believed that Xia Ruomeng would definitely reconcile with Xia Jiu.

When Fang Minghao left, Xia Ruomeng spoke and said, "Xia Jiu, I have prepared one million for Xia Lin's treatment, how about it, am I interesting enough?"

Xia Jiu looked at her faintly, "It's interesting, if my eyes weren't blind at the beginning, do you think you have the arrogance you are here today?"

"I'm arrogant? Xia Jiu, you have been a daughter of the eldest daughter for more than twenty years. The Xia Group is under your control by your parents. When will your family take care of our family members? Ever? My parents have been working for your parents to earn money, but they are always part-time workers. You live a high-quality life, and what about us? We are just ordinary chatting to get by.

You have been the eldest lady that everyone admired since you were young. My sister and I are obviously from the Xia family, but we were sorted out.

But God is fair. Look at the fate of your parents, look at the fate of you and Charlene. In the past, our family had to live on your nose, but from now on, all of this should be changed. "

Without Fang Minghao, where could Xia Ruomeng's body still see gentleness and atmosphere?

Yes, it's just the cheeks of a villain.

She continued: "Yes, I took the graduation design from you. Who made you stupid and gave me a chance to take your stuff? I don't even look good at my graduation design. Who is to blame?

Your parents are so capable, they are nothing more than cultivating you. Do you know who Teacher Wang is? My mother's distant cousin, if he doesn't help me, can he help you?

Xia Jiu, you can't graduate now, and you'll never return to the company. No one will believe that you have the ability to change everything. My parents are now in charge of the Xia Group, do you think they will look at you more for those who are still cooperating with my parents? "

In Xia Ruomeng's words, every word hit Xia Jiu's heart.

She pinched her palm, only to resist the urge to strangle Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng continued: "This one million, although it is to treat Xia Lin, but Xia Jiu, thank you for helping me take care of Fang Minghao for several years. Without you, how can I set off my cuteness? generous?

However, this million is not given to you casually. Xia Jiu, if you say three times, "My Xia Jiu is a bitch", I will give you this million, how? "

She wanted to see Xia Jiu embarrassed and lost her ugliness for a long time.

Pulling this high-ranking daughter into the quagmire, and stepping on her feet, Xia Ruomeng was extremely happy.

Let the arrogant Xia Jiu say "I Xia Jiu is a slut", this million is worth it!

"Xia Ruomeng, you are a bitch. Fang Minghao picked up the **** I don't want, and enjoys the fruits of my parents with peace of mind. Only a **** like you can do it. Give you a million Buy your own medicine and eat it, bastard, human, Xia, Ruo, dream!" Xia Jiu has always been arrogant, and this kind of curse came out of her mouth, not only does not appear to be a cheap, on the contrary, it is a little more elegant in it.

She has never been agitated when she scolds people, this is the extravagance that the daughter-in-law has cultivated over time.

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