Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3170: It's better to stop here

Xia Jiu took the shower, and she in the mirror did not change from the fatigue of last night, instead, she had a whiter complexion and a smoother lips.

She has a headache, and she doesn't know what Shen Muhan thinks, isn't there Xia Fen? Why do you have to keep her?

When Xia Jiu finished washing and picked up her bag, a piece of paper underneath fell down.

She picked it up and took a look, suddenly the blood flowed up all over her body, and there were layers of ripples in her eyes.

It was a check for twenty million, which was the same as the price that she had called for the first time.

So he stayed with her for one night, or gave her 20 million as the number?

Does he really treat her as a commodity, let him ask for anything, and then just collect the money?

He was really clear! A child’s money is a child’s money, and a night’s money is a night’s money.

Although there is nothing wrong with clearly distinguishing, but in Xia Jiu's heart, the breath was vomiting there, like a big rock, and he would not dissipate for a long time.

This time the check stabbed Xia Jiu's eyes. She grabbed it and tore it fiercely until it was torn to pieces. It was enough to calm down.

Just like this, he tore off Shen Muhan himself, and tore off his disgusting but not handsome face.

Xia Jiu carried the bag and went out. Just as soon as he got in the car, Xia Fen called.

Xia Jiu was a little upset, not wanting to answer Xia Fen's call, and threw the phone aside.

But Xia Fen tirelessly called, as if Xia Jiu didn't answer, she wouldn't let it go.

Xia Jiu finally picked up the phone and slid down the answer button.

Xia Fen's voice was crying: "Where are you Xia Jiu?"

"Busy, what's the matter?" Xia Jiu's voice was lazy, she leaned on the back of the driver's seat.

A hair like seaweed, casually draped over his shoulders without careful care, is slightly messy, but it does not hide its beauty, and it has a different sense of laziness.

Xia Fen cried: "Shen Muhan is too much! I am so obsessed with him and admire him, but he treats me that way."

Xia Jiu's heart jumped, "How did he treat you?"

Was it also a check sent at random? Maybe, in a few days I will go to her to have a baby.

That man was extremely arrogant and unreasonable in his actions, which was really hateful.

However, if that was the case, Xia Jiu would have gotten what he wanted, and if another woman dragged him, he would have gotten away.

Xia Fen cried so much that she couldn't stop it for a long time.

Xia Jiu didn't know how to persuade her. She used Xia Fen in this matter, but Xia Fen was willing to do it. Even if she was humiliated by Shen Muhan with money, she believed Xia Fen would be better after a while.

Xia Fen finally stopped crying and said, "I not only booked my honeymoon suite, but also prepared my pajamas. Moreover, I was lying on the bed in my pajamas, but he threw me out of the room."

"What?" Xia Jiu didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"He not only threw me out, but also almost strangled me. My neck still hurts. Why is he doing this?"

"Didn't you stay with him for more than an hour last night? The room was also messed up, he didn't touch you?"

Xia Fen cried: "He lost his temper and said he was going to throw me to feed the wolf. How could he do this? What did you say to him, Xia Jiu? Why did he treat me like this?"

Xia Jiu's head was big, why didn't Shen Muhan touch Xia Fen? Is she disgusting Xia Fen?

However, although Xia Fen's appearance is not as good as her own, she is still beautiful and generous, plus well-dressed, enough to make a man tempted.

Shen Muhan usually has many women around him. Will she be Liu Xiahui last night?

Xia Fen asked Xia Jiu why, and Xia Jiu also wanted to know why.

"Xia Jiu, please give me the contact information of Young Master Han. I will find him again. I don't believe it anymore. I am young and beautiful, and he refuses to like me. Also, Xia Jiu, help me tell him about it. "Xia Fen is also silly, and at this moment, there is still a complaint about Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu thought for a while and said, "Xia Fen, why don't you forget? I don't know him well, and I don't have his contact information, let alone how to persuade him. This matter, it's better to stop here."

Shen Muhan was furious last night. Although Xia Jiu couldn't guess why, he probably didn't like Xia Fen's model.

If Xia Fen is allowed to approach him again, not only will Xia Fen suffer, but he will also suffer along with it, so we should avoid the limelight first.

Xia Fen was anxious: "Xia Jiu, why are you doing this? You said you would help me, but now you don’t help me halfway through, do you have any selfish intentions? You don’t like him anymore, right? ?"

Xia Jiu's heart jumped when she heard it. She liked Shen Muhan?

how can that be? She shook her head, how could she like such an arrogant, paranoid and shameless man?

What's more, he treats women as commodities and human lives as straws. Xia Jiu only likes him when he is crazy.

"Xia Fen, let this matter go, I really can't help you. That's it." Xia Jiu finished speaking and hung up the phone.

She sighed heavily. It turned out that she had planned the whole night last night, and in the end it was this ending. Shen Muhan didn't take Xia Fen's attention.

No wonder toss her like that.

Do I have to change to a more beautiful one next time?


During the day, Shen Muhan was still as cold as the deep sea in a cold pool and unfathomable, but Chen Qi knew that his mood was better than usual.

Shen Muhan lived with Xia Jiu last night, and Chen Qi certainly understood where Shen Muhan's good mood came from.

He followed Shen Muhan and said, "Master, Miss Xia did not collect the 20 million this time."

Shen Muhan's footsteps did not stop, and he still strode forward: "She is not satisfied with the price?"

"..." Chen Qi was helpless and speechless.

Chen Qi pondered his words, "Maybe Miss Xia wants money, isn't it."

"Then you can replace it with something at the same price, and send it to her." Shen Muhan said lightly, he has no habit of owing something.

The first time she said she was worth 20 million, since he agreed, naturally he would not be stingy with money.

She was mostly dissatisfied with the price last night, so next time, he will discuss the price with her first.

But why should I look forward to the next time? Shen Muhan thought about it for a moment, and then put aside the idea.

Chen Qi asked people to change things, but there are really too many things that can be changed for 20 million. If you want to change more easily, only jewelry and famous bags are relatively simple. After all, some diamonds are worth a small piece. The same price.

It was Saturday. Xia Jiu stayed in the apartment after seeing Charlene.

Chen Qi personally brought things to the door.

[A cheque after the fact, Young Master Han, are you sure you can get rid of the fate of a single dog? 】

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