Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 318: Destined to be cannon fodder

Lan Xi persuaded: "He wants to rest, and it's normal not to pick up. I think, let's not disturb him."

He Peishan narrowed his mouth aggrievedly and did not speak.

My mother is always like this, gentle and generous, but always considers this and that, but refuses to truly stand out for herself.

"Mom will help you get some fruit and come back soon." Lan Xi stood up and walked out.

He Birong sat down and said, "Shanshan, stop crying. After Jingyu recovers, he will return to report to the Presidential Palace. Are you still worried, can't you see him?"

"Really?" He Peishan was infinitely happy.

"When did Aunt lie to you?"

"Aunt is the best." He Peishan hugged He Birong.

He Birong gently touched her long hair: "You will get better, and what you want will definitely be able to achieve what you want."

After Lan Xi came in, He Birong left.

She called the housekeeper of the He family and said, "Lao Luo, how did you find out about the news I asked you to find out?"

Steward Luo bowed and said: "He Ning's physical condition is indeed not very good, but I heard that Gu Yunchen has confirmed that her condition is not serious. But it is difficult to have a child."

"Even if Shanshan is fine, it will not be easy to have a child for a while," He Birong said deliberately.

Butler Luo waited for her instructions.

"I want to find a reliable woman to conceive Shen Jingyu's child in secret. Then she will bring him to Shanshan to raise her." He Birong said after thinking for a long time.

She has been thinking about this for a long time.

With a child as a bondage, Shen Jingyu and He Peishan have a heavy bond.

In any case, she wants to help He Peishan keep Shen Jingyu by her side, and she will not hesitate to use any means.

Shanshan must get what she didn't get.

"This..." Steward Luo hesitated, "I don't know San Ye, can you agree?"

"He doesn't agree, why is it important?" He Birong asked rhetorically.

She said: "Isn’t there a precedent like this in Jingyuan City before? The wife of the former mayor was in such a high position? I was pregnant with a child and worked as a non-staff for more than ten years. In the end, I still rely on His own son successfully assumed the position and became the mayor's wife."

There are precedents, which means that the certainty that things will work is greater.

"When he comes back, you find a chance. Just do it. It must be successful and no failure is allowed!"

He Birong stood up with a firm expression.

If He Peishan is healthy and has more possibilities in life, she will also persuade her to give up Shen Jingyu and experience more life styles.

But He Peishan had nothing, only Shen Jingyu.

She needs Shen Jingyu more than anyone.

He is her world, her only.

He Ning is destined to only become cannon fodder!

"Yes, Missy."

Steward Luo solemnly agreed.

The He family is so gracious to him, why the family is doing things so hard that he can't help but not hesitate.

"That's right," He Birong said lightly, "It's fine for you and I to know about this matter."


He Birong didn't want to be aware of it, and it was hard for her to recuperate.

I don't even want Lan Xi and He Yiming to know.

Lan Xi is too gentle and He Yiming is too upright to agree with this kind of thing.

He Peishan looked out in the glass room and saw Steward Luo hurriedly leaving.

She asked the nurse just now. Butler Luo came over to see her aunt.

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