Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3191: The possibility of getting together

"Um..." Xia Jiu was kissed severely by Shen Muhan.

Then, Shen Muhan let go of her, turned and strode away.

Xia Jiu felt that the air in her chest was drained, and the tall and handsome figure of the man had disappeared from her sight. She looked a little dull at the empty corridor after he left.

What, leave without winning the quarrel, or are you not a man anymore?

The doctor just walked in and said in the voice of a person who came by: "Miss Xia, your hands are recovering pretty well. Just come and change the medicine on time. I didn't expect that Young Master Han would hurt his girlfriend a lot."

"I'm not his girlfriend, and I never thought of being his girlfriend. Also, didn't he love me. Didn't you see that he was here to irritate people?" Xia Jiu said helplessly.

The doctor smiled enviously and said, "Young man, it's nice to be young. Go back and have a good rest."

Xia Jiu didn't feel any good at all, but although the gauze was still wrapped around her hands, she did feel a lot easier. It seemed that the wound healed quickly.

When he arrived at the company, Xia Ruomeng carefully observed Xia Jiu and found that she was still calling for a car, still carrying an ordinary bag, and she did not look like Shen Muhan at all.

Xia Ruomeng relaxed a little, too, she knew about Xia Jiu's arrogant temper. She was full of arrogant daughters. She was always reluctant to subdue her, at best she would ignore people, but she would never come to please people.

Shen Muhan is also a high-tempered young master, and the possibility that the two will get together is really too low.

At the team meeting that day, Mr. Du emphatically praised Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, "Ruomeng’s design is very good, and the customers praised it. Xia Jiu is very spiritual, and it is said that yesterday he also drew a good design illustration with his left hand. And the concept map. You guys keep it well. Xia Jiu, you have turned into a regular in advance, go through the formalities."

"Thank you Mr. Du." Xia Jiu thanked him.

Xia Ruomeng was unhappy, but she couldn't help it. Xia Jiu was indeed a big show yesterday, and she couldn't keep it from hiding even if she wanted to hide it.

Speaking of which, she created this opportunity for Xia Jiu, and she couldn't help it even if she was unhappy.

Xia Jiu came out after completing the formalities, and Xia Ruomeng smiled softly: "Xia Jiu, congratulations."

"Thank you for giving me such a good opportunity." Xia Jiu raised her red lips and smiled.

Xia Ruomeng said softly: "Our sisters, I should help you too."

Xia Jiu didn't say anything. After seeing through Xia Ruomeng's scheming, she had already built a defense in her heart.

When she got home in the evening, she pressed the password, thinking that Shen Muhan also knew her own password, so she changed one easily.

Humph, didn't you call her a bitch? The **** just didn't understand the truth, and shut him out to see how he scolded him.

After changing the password, Xia Jiu's mood was refreshed, and the air that had been blocked by Shen Muhan these days had almost dissipated.

Shen Muhan was not coming, and her dinner was not settled. Just as she was about to take out her mobile phone to order takeaway, a rustling sound came from outside the door. Xia Jiu hurriedly stood up and ran to the cat's eye to take a look.

Shen Muhan really came, entered the password for the first time, but it was not right, his eyebrows were deeply gathered.

Xia Jiu couldn't help laughing. The password door in this apartment will enter the alarm system as long as it is entered incorrectly three times. The security will be alerted first, and the police will even be alarmed in serious cases.

Shen Muhan had already made a mistake once, and Xia Jiu was waiting for him to make a mistake a second time.

The expression on his face was a bit cold, and he lowered his head and pressed the number again, which was naturally wrong the second time.

Soon, he will make a mistake for the third time.

Xia Jiu smiled on the corners of his eyebrows, waiting for him to make a mistake for the third time.

Standing at the door, Shen Muhan did not enter for the third time. He seemed to be thinking about something, but he did not continue to enter.

Xia Jiu also frowned. Wouldn't he just retreat when he saw the difficulties?

The password she set this time was very difficult, just because he was afraid he would guess it. Even if he was smart, it would take a long time to guess it.

Xia Jiu stood on tiptoe and looked in the cat's eyes. Shen Muhan glanced at the door lock with disgust, then turned and left.

"Hey, Shen Muhan..." Xia Jiu opened the door in one stroke. This man can't stand the test too much, right?

Shen Muhan stood still and looked at her sideways, "You are here."

A sure tone, with a slight playfulness.

Xia Jiu suddenly understood that this black-bellied man knew that she was there and that she was hiding behind the door to look at him, so he deliberately wanted to leave and forced her to open the door by herself.

Even her frustration is considered accurate.

"Of course I am at my home, what's so strange about this." Xia Jiu had to let him in.

Shen Muhan carried his things in. He was usually aloof. Even Chen Qi followed behind him to help take the documents. He didn't seem to be someone who could do things on his own.

But at this moment, carrying things, showing no signs of disobedience, put down the things, took off the shoes, and walked in naturally.

Xia Jiu asked curiously, "What have you bought?"

"Dog food."

"I don't have a dog..." Xia Jiu said, only to realize that he was scolding herself, and she snorted twice, "It's like you don't eat these dog food for a while. I am a dog, you are not a dog yet. ?"

She sat down and said lazily: "I'm hungry and can't wait for you to cook and give me something to eat."

Shen Muhan didn't pay any attention to her at all, rolled up his sleeves lightly, put on his apron in time, and went to the kitchen.

"Shen Muhan, I said I am hungry and want to eat." Xia Jiu shouted.

"Thirty minutes." Shen Muhan was not used to her bad temper at all.

"I'm going to starve to death... I'm a pregnant woman, and I'm hungry faster than ordinary people, not to mention it's getting late now." Xia Jiu quite means that the young master is willing to do things. thing.

Shen Muhan kept moving his hands and said, “Based on the human body’s consumption of food calories, it takes at least 72 hours to starve to death on a hunger strike. If you ate breakfast and did not eat lunch, in theory, You can also endure for another sixty hours. Besides, if you don’t cut off the water, in theory, you can endure even longer."

"..." Xia Jiu felt that instead of arguing with Shen Muhan, he might as well starve to death.

Shen Muhan was busy in the kitchen, and Xia Jiu was so bored that he had to look at his back.

When he doesn't talk and is irritating, he is really virtuous, he does things very simply and neatly, and he uses the time method very well.

For example, when making soup, other dishes are arranged first, and when one dish is stewed, the next dish is prepared first, which saves time.

Every time he finishes a thing, he washes the plate smoothly.

He cooked several dishes, but the kitchen was clean and everything was neatly arranged, as if he had never been passive.

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