Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 320: Dress up as He Ning to meet him

Outsiders know nothing about Shen Jingyu's inability to drink, except for those close to them.

Even the president does not know about this.

During the banquet, to accompany the foreign guests, Shen Jingyu drank a little calmly to make the guests and the host happy.

After retiring, he went straight to the bathroom, sobered up with cold water on his face.

He was about to see He Ning, and he let his body's allergies unfold at will.

However, always stay reasonably awake so as not to be too eager and hurt He Ning.

After washing and looking up in the mirror, a woman appeared in front of Shen Jingyu, twisted her waist seductively, and grabbed his tie.

"Jingyu~" The woman hooked his tie and called his name.

Shen Jingyu suddenly tilted his head, and the woman in front of him seemed to have known each other, with familiar eyebrows and lips dangling in front of him...

The person in front of you, if you don't take a closer look, is just a He Ning!

But Shen Jingyu's eyes immediately narrowed dangerously.

His He Ning is not like this!

He Ning is also charming but not vulgar when seductive, unlike the woman in front of him, who is intolerable!

This is the woman the housekeeper Luo found.

Since it is necessary to conceive a woman, Shen Jingyu must be willing to do so.

Ordinary means, if it works in front of him, then I don't know how many women have climbed onto his bed.

Steward Luo made a careful selection. Only among the actresses, he chose a woman who was somewhat similar to He Ning in body and appearance, and specially selected He Ning's clothes for her makeup.

Even the sweet smell on her body is almost the same as that of He Ning.

At first glance, I am afraid that few people can tell the difference between her and the real He Ning.

Shen Jingyu drank alcohol now and was allergic again. I was afraid that she was too hungry and thirsty, so she would immediately put her to sleep as He Ning.

Steward Luo had already settled his wishful thinking.

Taking advantage of Shen Jingyu's drinking opportunity, arranged for this woman to hug him as soon as she came in as instructed.

Shen Jingyu is allergic to alcohol. This is the most serious time, and his body is as hard as iron.

The woman felt the change in his body, thinking that her charm had taken effect.

"Jingyu, people admire you very much..."

Seeing his slender waist and swollen abdominal muscles, I don't know how it feels to be pressed under him...

I'm afraid that the desire to die, the desire to stop.

Originally, she had only come by order, but now she couldn't help but move her true feelings.

She licked her tongue, reached out her hand seductively to climb his neck, and said in a coquettish voice: "Jingyu, do people want you..."

Shen Jingyu pushed her away suddenly.

The woman fell to the ground all of a sudden, making it hurt.

"Jingyu, don't do this, it hurts..." She stood up on the wall, and was sure to win the man in front of her.

She coquettishly drilled into Shen Jingyu's arms.

I thought that the task I took over this time was very troublesome, but I didn't expect that he was such a superb man, and I heard that he was still a famous man in the army...

She tore open the skirt, exposing her fullness to Shen Jingyu...

Soon, there was a fiery sound in the bathroom.

The woman's groaning and groaning continued.

Steward Luo ordered people to stay outside, and no one was allowed to put it in.

When he heard the voice inside, his face was full of joy. I'm afraid it's done!

This woman took ovulation-promoting drugs specifically, and her body was well regulated.

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