Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3202: No benefit to the fetus

Xia Jiu took the driver's car arranged by Shen Muhan and went to the company.

As soon as he arrived at the company, Chen Qi's phone came after him.

"Miss Xia, the young master has a bad temper, Miss Xia, you can help me." Chen Qi pleaded.

He has been with Shen Muhan for so many years, and he understands his temper somewhat.

But today, no matter what, Shen Mu Han's anger can't be suppressed.

The only person he could think of was Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu sat on the office chair and said lightly: "I can't save. I can't even save myself, so how can I save others?"

"Miss Xia..."

"Chen Qi, I'm really sorry. As far as your master is concerned, I am not even a person. Where is the qualification to go there? Think of another way."

If it was before last night, she might still think that she could say a word or two in front of Shen Muhan, with some weight.

Now it seems that it is just my own wishful thinking.

She calmly turned on the computer and began to work.

Jiang Ai, Xiao Yunhua and others were chatting gossip. When Xia Fen was mentioned, Xia Jiu couldn't help but pay more attention.

"Do you know why Ruomeng didn't come today?" Xiao Yunhua said mysteriously.

"I just heard that something happened at home, but I haven't heard of anything." Jiang Ai shook his head.

Xiao Yunhua said: "Ruomeng's younger sister was injured. It seems that she entered some villa by mistake. I heard that she was bitten by a dog raised by someone else, and she was bitten a bit hard. She is in the hospital."

"Is it serious?"

"Although it is not life-threatening, it is said that the bite is not light, and one arm was almost lost."

When Xia Jiu heard this, he sighed lightly.

At that time last night, she was really worried that Xia Fen would be killed directly.

The scene of blood splattering made her breath still in her heart even now.

Xia Fen was not dead, and her tone slowly faded.

Just thinking of Shen Muhan, a feeling of chills arose.

She has been thinking, if she was more stubborn last night, would Shen Muhan throw her into the backyard to feed the wolves?

Xia Ruomeng did not come to work that day.

Xia Jiu got off work, got into the driver's car, and said lightly, "Go to the hospital."

"Miss Xia, Master said, you must go home after get off work."

"I went to the hospital to see what happened to my sister?" Xia Jiu's volume was a little higher, "Is there no personal freedom if I live in Shen's house?"

The driver hurriedly kept silent.

"Forget it, you send me there, I will report to your young master."

The driver took her to the hospital.

In the hospital, Xia Jiu met the maid of the Xia family who was pushing Xia Fen to take medicine. Xia Ruomeng walked beside them and said, "Xia Fen, you must tell me about this in the future. Shen Muhan is like Man, you must never touch it again. Stay away from him in the future! Otherwise, you won't know how you died!"

Not to mention Xia Fen, Xia Ruomeng himself was also shocked by this incident.

Originally thought that Shen Muhan was willing to eat with him that day, it was a good start anyway, but now I know that he is more terrifying than the rumors.

Although Xia Fen had only his arm bitten the heaviest, he was also scratched by sharp spikes in other places, and his whole body was bandaged.

Especially on the face, there is still a small wound, and I don't know if it will leave a scar.

Listening to Xia Ruomeng's words, she was so wronged, she was obviously invited by Shen Muhan himself, but she fell to such a fate without even seeing him, how could she be convinced in her heart?

But she called the phone number again, and now she couldn't get through, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Xia Jiu met them head-on, and Xia Ruomeng reluctantly greeted her with a smile.

Xia Jiu nodded lightly and strode forward.

She suddenly understood why Xia Fen could contact Shen Muhan.

The business card Shen Muhan gave to himself has not been thrown away, and he casually put it with his wallet.

After Xia Jiu threw the bag out yesterday, she didn't check it carefully. The business card should have been thrown out along with the bag. Xia Fen found the bag and the business card, so she found Shen Muhan according to the contact information on the card.

Shen Muhan said that that number was only given to himself.

No wonder he was so angry.

But he is angry, isn't Xia Jiu angry? There was one thing that could be explained, but he didn't give her a chance.

Xia Jiu accompanied Xia Lin, and after a few words, the phone rang.

She picked it up, and Chen Qi's voice came across from the other side, "Miss Xia, Master heard that you are visiting in the hospital."


"He said, you only have fifteen minutes. When the time is up, leave immediately."

"I have my own arrangement. I have already reported it, haven't I?" Xia Jiu asked back, because Xia Lin was here, her tone was not too intense.

Chen Qi was also embarrassed: "The young master said you can stay as you like, but the consequence is... you can't go out at will in the future."

Xia Jiu was so angry that she hung up the phone and threw the phone into her bag.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? Who made you angry?" Xia Lin asked gently and hurriedly.

"No, I was asked to go back to work overtime after work. I'm just a little unhappy." Xia Jiu stood up, "But work is always done, I'll go."

Xia Lin nodded hurriedly: "No matter how busy you are then, don't forget to rest."

Xia Jiu soon returned to Shen Muhan's villa.

He himself did not come back.

The maid prepared dinner and invited Xia Jiu over to eat.

"Wait for Shen Muhan?" Xia Jiu asked lightly.

"No, Miss Xia, you have dinner first."

Xia Jiu looked at a table full of dishes, but had no appetite.

He forced her to go home as soon as possible, but he avoided seeing her, so why couldn't she stay in the hospital for a while?

Xia Jiu ate two mouthfuls at random. The maid's dishes were all exquisitely cooked, but she didn't know the taste, so she put down her chopsticks.

Back upstairs, she was playing with her mobile phone boringly, and the time was getting late, but she was pregnant with her body already very heavy and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

After Shen Muhan came back, the butler stepped forward to take his coat and asked softly: "Master, do you need to prepare dinner?"

"No. Has she eaten yet?" Shen Muhan glanced upstairs and pinched the area between his eyebrows tiredly.

"Ms. Xia only took two bites and didn't eat it. She didn't go downstairs all night. She didn't seem to be in good spirits. Master, Miss Xia eats less, which is not good for the fetus.

"Make a bowl of instant noodles."

"..." The butler was puzzled and still responded, "Yes."

Shen Muhan strode upstairs, and the butler brought the soaked instant noodles in a moment.

Shen Muhan rolled up his sleeves unhurriedly and walked to the bed.

Xia Jiu was already asleep and didn't change her clothes. She just wore the clothes she used to go to work during the day, and it looked like she didn't wash herself.

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