Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3209: The woman who dares to move him!

He made such a big mistake and sent Xia Jiu privately, which almost caused a catastrophe. He didn't know what kind of punishment would be waiting for him.

Xia Jiu also woke up, opened her beautiful eyes, just to see the driver waiting tremblingly.

The butler bowed and said, "Master, the driver has been waiting here for all afternoon."

Shen Muhan glanced at him faintly, and the driver's legs were frightened and he sat down on the ground.

Xia Jiu knew about this, no wonder the driver, if she hadn't cheated him to leave, he wouldn't have made a mistake.

Rarely, she softened her temper and said, "Young Master Han, what happened today has nothing to do with him. It's me."

"Punish him to bring in Xia Jiu's luggage. Let the servant follow you to clean up." Shen Muhan took a serious look at Xia Jiu and said.

The driver immediately received an amnesty, and the ashes on his face turned into hope. He stood up and said loudly, "Thank you, master, thank you, grandma, thank you!"

He was quick to speak, and called Xia Jiu a young grandmother. Xia Jiu's face was slightly dark, "You don't have your young grandmother here."

Shen Muhan said indifferently: "You are thinking about Xia Jiu's body, it's not a bad thing. It's just a bit stupid, you don't even see that the blood is the raw material. So you take Xia Jiu out, I won't punish you, the punishment is to punish you for not being smart enough. . Go and do things."

The matter was solved so lightly, the driver was happier than anyone else, turned around and ran out.

The housekeeper's face suddenly became clear, Shen Muhan was usually very cold, let alone pointing the servant, sometimes he was too lazy to speak, and he needed to understand it on his own.

He actually pointed to the driver just now. Obviously, it was because the driver called Grandma Xia Jiu.

The housekeeper also knew it, and it seemed that the young master treated this Miss Xia as a young grandmother.

Originally, there has never been a girl in this family before. Since the young master was willing to take home the girl, he naturally put his heart and emotion in it, and treated her as a future young grandmother. It is absolutely wrong. No more.

"Master, grandma, do you have dinner now?" The butler also changed his name.

Xia Jiu shook his head, "Butler, why do you follow the driver indiscriminately? You can't just scream in this name."

What kind of grandmother is she, she is just having a child to stay here.

With Shen Muhan's conceited appearance, it would never be how happy he felt that the child was hers. Most of it was because he didn't want his own blood to flow out.

The butler bowed: "Okay, Miss Xia."

The title is not important, the fact is the most important.

"The meal will start in fifteen minutes. Xia Jiu, I will take you to see something first." Shen Muhan's tall and straight figure stood in front of Xia Jiu.

"What are you looking at?" Xia Jiu asked casually.

Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, "Don't you want to see how Boss Wang was punished?"

The woman who dares to move him! Really tired of living!

This boss Wang will naturally be severely punished.

Those wild wolves in the back yard with grinning teeth and desperate desire for fresh flesh and blood have been prepared for Boss Wang.

Fortunately, Xia Jiu was fine. If Xia Jiu had an accident, a hundred boss Wang would come to bury him, and Shen Muhan felt that it was not enough.

See boss Wang be punished? Xia Jiu shook his head, this is really not a very interesting thing.

Chen Qi stepped over and said in a low voice, "Master, the wolf is ready, and he can punish Boss Wang at any time."

"Wolf?" Xia Jiu exclaimed in shock. The situation of Xia Fen's punishment that night was still vivid, and her heart was disturbed, and she did not sleep well for several nights.

Shen Muhan is going to punish Boss Wang in the same way?

"I don't want to see it. Don't show it to me." Xia Jiu was sitting on the sofa, his body worked as if fixed on the sofa.

Shen Muhan lowered his eyes and asked, "Why, are you not interested?"

"Shen Muhan, I'm so hungry. I didn't eat lunch for lunch. You have to go to see those things before eating dinner. You didn't want me to eat, right? After watching those, I will be full without eating for three days. Yes." Xia Jiu resisted all over his body.

"You are too courageous," Shen Muhan said quietly.

Xia Jiu looked at his calm and unwavering eyes, and said, "I am normal, right? Yours is totally unusual. Isn't it scary?"

Shen Muhan retracted his gaze, and said to the housekeeper: "It's going to be a meal."

After dinner, Xia Jiu returned to the room, planning to organize her luggage.

When she opened the closet, she saw that her luggage had been completely sorted out.

Shen Muhan's dressing room is very large, and all her clothes are hung side by side with his.

His clothes are mainly dark, and there are rare white ones, but there are no other colors anymore. The overall color is mainly black, white and gray.

In comparison, Xia Jiu's clothes are colorful, in all colors.

In this way, there is a wonderful sense of harmony.

Xia Jiu took out her nightdress and planned to take a bath. Only then did she discover that all her clothes were here.

Even the heavy winter clothes were brought here!

She checked in amazement, and he brought in almost everything she could use.

Where is this to pack a few changes and wash clothes, this is completely moving, okay!

No wonder she vaguely saw him using several suitcases.

Xia Jiu really lost his temper with Shen Muhan.

Her hands were almost healed, and she simply took a shower and came out.

Shen Muhan didn't come back to the room, and Xia Jiu didn't bother to wait for him, so he lay down and fell asleep.

I just thought of him saying that Boss Wang was still being punished. It was not because of Boss Wang. She had forgotten what he looked like, and she had no sympathy for him.

But thinking of the way of punishment is full of blood and gore, so that **** pictures always appear in her mind, and she can't sleep well after tossing over and over again.

Xia Jiu simply got up and went to Shen Muhan's study.

After knocking on the door, there was no response.

Chen Qi came over from next door and asked softly: "Miss Xia hasn't rested yet?"

"Where is your young master?"

"Young Master has gone to the company to deal with some urgent matters." Chen Qi said hurriedly, "After taking care of boss Wang's affairs, I will follow along."

Xia Jiu nodded, knowing that Shen Muhan had always been busy.

She asked: "What happened to the boss?"

"It has been sent out. As for whether to send a doctor, how to send a doctor, that is their family's business." Chen Qi smiled simply, and it is natural to get used to such things.

Seeing that Xia Jiu didn't speak, Chen Qi said, "Miss Xia will never see him again. At present, the entire Wang family has gone bankrupt, and the entire Jingyuan City will have no place for them in the future."

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