Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3218: Don’t you like to punish people?

If both Xia Fen and Boss Wang are self-inflicted, then Dewey is completely innocent. He has not mixed into their affairs at all, but has to accept this innocent disaster!

The two of them stood in a stalemate, and the bell in the living room clicked. The sound was usually very soft, but now it was as heavy as footsteps. When she stepped on Xia Jiu's heart, she suddenly sounded. Chen Qi had been out for a while.

She didn't know where Dewey lived, but Chen Qi didn't take much time to catch Dewey.

Thinking of this, she jumped up from the sofa and stared at Shen Muhan with clear eyes: "Do you really want to bring Dewey back?"

Shen Muhan raised his gaze and looked at her. In his eyes, it was clearly written "Do you think I am joking"?

"What are you going to do to him?" Xia Jiu asked word by word.

"You are like this, someone must be responsible. Since you can't take responsibility, then find someone who can." When Shen Muhan said these words, there was no expression.

How does he always know to make her obedient.

However, Xia Jiu really had enough of listening to him. Sometimes, his little warmth would make people mistakenly think that he is a normal person.

But at this time, she knew that she should never hold any hope for him, and shouldn't feel that in this relationship, she can extravagantly ask for his understanding and warmth.

"What are you going to do to let Dewey go?!"

"Have you forgotten what I said? It's too late! Xia Jiu, don't try to challenge my patience! Now, it's the consequences you can't afford!"

"If I die, is it meaningless to punish others?" Xia Jiu's eyes stared at him, aiming at his dark eyes that were about to explode at this moment without fear.

Xia Jiu no longer hesitated, stepped barefoot on the carpet, grabbed her palms, and ran towards the backyard.

Shen Muhan frowned slightly between his cold eyebrows and stood up: "Xia Jiu!"

Xia Jiu walked through the huge living room, around the long walkway, and ran towards the wolf house in the backyard.

"Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan's brows wrinkled more and more serious and deep, Xia Jiu was barefoot as if he couldn't hear his voice at all, with his snow-white soles on the cold road, completely ignoring the pain and coldness. .

Shen Muhan opened his slender legs, but didn't catch up with her. He seemed to realize what she wanted to do and speeded up his pace. Xia Jiu's figure was already around the wolf house.

On the side of the wolfhouse, a breath of cold as winter, I felt the sound of human footsteps, and the wolves inside became alert. The voices of countless wolves were mixed together, and they became an indescribable restlessness, listening in my ears. It's unbearable.

Xia Jiu reached out and grabbed the railing of the wolf house, biting her lips, the wolf pack had already stretched out its paws towards her, and through the railing, she was eager to try.

However, it was probably because she was afraid that she had the aura of Shen Muhan, these wolves just maintained an attacking posture, and did not really attack her.

"Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan sternly scolded behind him.

There was a huge wave in his eyes, and he saw what she was going to do.

Just because of a Dewey, does she even want to go in and feed the wolves by herself?

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to grab her, and at the same time, Xia Jiu had already grabbed the railing fiercely, and his body became unstable and rolled into the wolf house.

Those wolves that are about to move are fed with fresh flesh and blood, and they are extremely aggressive, and are extremely hostile to any creatures that intrude.

Just now, they were still a little worried about the smell of Xia Jiu's body, but at the moment she fell into the wolf house. Those scents had been covered up by the smell of the wolf house itself. The wolves rushed up and extended their sharp claws to her. Sharp teeth.

However, those wolves were fast, and Shen Muhan's movements were a step faster than them, blocking Xia Jiu's body.

Those protruding sharp claws and sharp teeth, when they felt the breath of Shen Muhan himself, as if they had been enchanted, they were retracted one after another. The original grinning grin was caught by the wild hungry wolf. He lost his tail, whimpered and whimpered, rushed towards the corner, buried his head between the front legs, and turned into pet dogs in the family one after another.

A wolf was unable to stop, and his paw slashed down Xia Jiu's legs. With a burst of red blood coming out, Shen Muhan pinched its neck with his backhand, with a click, the sound of a broken neck bone, in the darkness Sounded.

The wolf was too late to struggle and yell, his body limp on the ground.

The other wolves were even more motionless, and for the demon in front of him, there was only surrender from biological instincts.

Shen Muhan lowered his eyes, his eyes were blood red, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you like to punish people? You don't need to punish unrelated people, don't you need someone to be responsible for your emotions? I will be responsible." Xia Jiu's long, messy chestnut hair was scattered on his face at this moment. The light suddenly came up, making her face especially pale, "Why look for irrelevant people, why should those people bear for my mistakes?"

Seeing the wolves retreat, she propped up his chest with both hands, "Shen Muhan, get out of your way! If you want to punish me, punish me! What is the ability to anger others? Isn't it just to make you unhappy? Now like this, you are Isn't it happy to see it happen?"

She watched the wolves retreat, her eyes filled with clarity: "Hey, you hungry wolves, don't you want to bite people? Here! Here!"

She raised her thin white arm and stretched it towards the nearest wolf.

The wolf kept backing away in fright, holding its tail and making a wailing sound.

Wolf is the most fearless thing in the world, but in front of Shen Muhan, they dare not take it lightly, because their wolf nature has been domesticated in Shen Muhan's place. The fierceness in front of others, in front of him, All no longer exist.

Xia Jiu pushed Shen Muhan away and shouted at the wolves: "Why didn't you come to bite me? Why?"

The shocking wound on her leg gave off a fresh smell of blood. The eyes of the hungry wolves were glistening with green oil, but the smell of Shen Muhan came from the tip of their noses, and they only dared to retreat, not to move forward.

Shen Muhan's sight condensed on Xia Jiu's body, and his voice was cold: "What are you making?"

"What am I doing?" Xia Jiu was angry, "I was the one who was arguing from the beginning! Isn't it just a bite of food? Don’t I even have the right to eat less? Okay. It’s that you involve other people, not what I’m doing! Shen Muhan, if you want to watch innocent people hurt and suffer because of me, I would rather die first! Anyway, if there is no free life, I will die. almost!"

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