Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 322: Isn't she just a plastic surgery girl who raises a cowherd!

The person next to Xie Yichen is He Lu.

Since the last time He Manni had a fake pregnancy, the relationship between the Xie family and the He family has become weaker.

However, He Lu has a sweet mouth and knows how to please Xie Yichen.

Xie Yichen needed such a follower to set off herself, so he took her with him without disdain.

He Lu always flattered and said: "Sister Yichen, I really envy you. After you became pregnant, only your **** became fat, and other places were still slim. It's no wonder that Young Master Shen treats you so much that he loves you, whatever is good. Buy it for you."

"That is. He always loves me. If it weren't for me to be pregnant, I wouldn't want to get married." Xie Yichen looked at the ring on his hand to the light, "Are there any bigger diamonds?"

She could actually feel that Shen Yaozong was not very caring about herself.

The more so, she will rely on this child to buy all the good things that she bought, and make more money, yes.

Of course, she still cherishes the title of the young grandmother of the Shen family.

"Yes, we will get it for you."

"Take the biggest one. It is worthy of the identity of our sister Yichen." He Lu said.

Shopping guides naturally don't sell more things and send precious things to them.

Xie Yichen pointed to the counter: "You also pick a tail ring, when I give it to you."

"Thank you Sister Yichen, Sister Yichen is really the most generous. It's the young grandmother of the Shen family who has such an arrangement." He Lu was overjoyed and said hurriedly.

She picked a tail ring, put it on her finger, and gestured triumphantly: "Sister Yichen, this matches the earrings you gave me!"

The earrings on her ears were also given by Xie Yichen.

But she didn't know that the earring Xie Yichen gave to herself was the one from He Ning that Xie Yihao picked up last time.

Xie Yihao didn't want it. Xie Yichen saw that these earrings were expensive, but only one could not be taken out, so he bought an imitation one, made a pair, and gave it to He Lu as a favor.

He Lu complimented, the clerk waited, and Xie Yichen held a shelf, comparable to the Queen Mother.

He Lu got a tail ring, and there are more pleasant words: "To be honest, in the Portuguese market, no one can compare to Yichen sister you. Even He Ning is only worthy of you to carry shoes. "

"Pick up shoes? I'm afraid that my feet will be dirty." When Xie Yichen thought of He Ning, an irritation rose on his face.

That stinky woman even disliked her brother, what a thing!

"Yes, she doesn't deserve to carry shoes! She thinks who she is, she doesn't like Brother Yihao, and she thinks the Shen family is so good to bully too? With her broken TV station, she really considers herself a daughter!"

"Isn't she just a cosmetic girl who raises a cowboy!"

The two people talked more and more vigorously. Suddenly, all the shopping guides stood up together, even the manager.

He Lu and Xie Yichen thought that something big had come.

They looked at the door curiously and saw He Ning Qingli's beautiful figure appearing at the door.

The reason why all the shopping guides stood up was that the entourage who accompanied He Ning said hello in advance, so that He Ning could go shopping comfortably.

The manager's shopping guide was about to bow and salute, and He Ning hurriedly made a booing motion.

This store is owned by the Shen family. She just wanders around and doesn't want to affect other people's normal business.

The manager and the others only knew that she was precious and extraordinary, but they watched her face to face and didn't know who she was.

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