Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3220: If something happens to the child, you really don’t want to live

Shen Muhan's fingers were stiff.

Seeing such a scene, the doctor next to him mustered his courage and said, "Shao Han, if the patient really resists, the needle tube is really easy to break into the blood vessel. In that case, it will be very dangerous, not only injuring the adult, but also the fetus. It's even harder to guarantee."

He seemed to be groaning, his steps slowed down. It was not that he hadn't seen Xia Jiu's determination, but the more determined she was, the more he aroused his desire to conquer.

He raised his eyes, and Xia Jiu crashed into his sight. The girl who gave him clothes with a smile only yesterday, is now pale and bloodless, her eyes lost, like a lifeless doll.

His fingers tightened slightly, "Then how do you want to fight?"

His patience has reached its peak, and he barely endures it, and it hasn't happened.

The butler stood aside, really sweating for Xia Jiu. For so many years, he had never seen anyone dare to challenge the young master’s bottom line again and again, but Miss Xia kept repeating...

But speaking of it, the butler did not see who Shen Muhan would tolerate. It was just the temperament of this young master that no one could figure out and guess, and the butler did not dare to say anything.

There was a gleam of light in Xia Jiu's eyes: "Don't bother to find any irrelevant people, whether Dewey or the doctor, they just do their own things and have nothing to do with ours."

The doctors loosened their tense nerves and glanced at Xia Jiu gratefully.

"If you agree to me, I will get an injection, and I promise to stop making trouble. If you don't agree, I know you don’t care about me, but you can’t leave the child alone? He’s in my stomach, I always There is a way to hurt him. At that time, you will even kill me and give me a relief."

Her words were not hurriedly or slowly, and the butler was so frightened that she winked wildly, and the doctor immediately lowered her head and dared not respond.

These words are indeed challenging Shen Muhan's final bottom line, Xia Jiu can see that his eyes are constantly changing, like a mountain and rain before a storm.

Finally, his gaze fell on her leg. The wound there had not been able to stop the bleeding. The blood snaked down and fell down her ankle, like a bunch of brilliant blood-colored flowers in full bloom.

Just when she thought that it was impossible for Shen Muhan to agree, his voice finally sounded in a low voice: "Okay."

In the whole room, with his good word, the atmosphere loosened.

However, he immediately said: "If something happens to the child, you really don't live anymore."

Xia Jiu's hand holding the bed sheet loosened, and her heart relaxed, but she could not ignore the trace of loss she carried. She knew early on that everything he did was for the child, so she could use the child. To threaten him.

But when she could only use the child to threaten him, the uncomfortable feeling in her heart lingered.

"Give her medicine." Shen Muhan waved.

The doctor finally dared to step forward, tremblingly took out the medicine, and gave Xia Jiu an injection.

"Shao Han, there will be three injections later, which must be injected at a fixed time. When we arrive, we will come by this time." The doctor reported, "As for the scratches on the legs, they need soap and water to wash, and we will accompany you. Miss Xia is going to clean it."

"No need." Shen Muhan glanced at the wound, close to his thigh, naturally without the doctors.

"Then let's go first. This is a hemostatic medicine. After washing, it can be used to stop bleeding. Scratched wounds cannot be bandaged. Please pay attention." The doctor lowered his head and said.

Seeing that Shen Muhan was silent, the housekeeper waved his hand to greet the doctor to go out.

The housekeeper and the doctor left, and the room was clean.

Shen Muhan still maintained the posture just now, his eyes were unpredictable and deep.

Xia Jiu bit her lip in pain, stood up on the edge of the bed, and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

She stepped on the ground with her bare feet, only to realize the burning pain in the soles of her feet, and the slippers fell in the living room. She ran from the living room to the wolfhouse with bare feet just now, and there were many stones and weeds in the middle. After stepping on the ground, I felt uncomfortable.

She endured, at least, Shen Muhan finally agreed not to trouble Dewey anymore. Although she was desperate and bruised herself all over, it also...really resolved a big trouble.

In front of Shen Muhan, except for such a method, she really had no other way.

The soles of her feet touched the ground, painful, but she still didn't stop, and walked towards the bathroom step by step.

When she was halfway through, she held the desk to rest, moved quickly around a figure, and hugged her up by her waist. She immediately flew into the air, looking for support with both hands nervously, and finally stabilized her figure when she hooked something. .

She opened her eyes, and Shen Muhan's cold face appeared in her sight, staring at her steadily. She turned her eyes away and looked to the other side uncomfortably.

Shen Muhan silently hugged her into the bathroom, reached out for soap, turned on the cold water, and brutally applied the soap to her wound.

Xia Jiu screamed in pain, her small face wrinkled, she was too painful to go to him to argue, and closed her eyes.

Shen Muhan glanced at her, and now he knew it was painful. For a while, he was fearless and dared to mess around under the claws of a wolf.

"Hiss..." Xia Jiu made a sound of pain again. Soap pours into the wound. Her heart is painful. She clenched her hands and curled up her toes. Her small face was hidden in her long hair, her voice trembled, "Myself. bring it on."

"No." Shen Muhan refused directly. She was afraid of pain and couldn't clean the wound at all. But if the wound was not cleaned, it would be impossible. Those wolves fed fresh raw meat for a long time and bacteria were all over it. If it is not cleaned well, it must be There will be problems.

Instead of him, he would directly rinse with white wine, and would never use something as gentle as soapy water. It would not be clean after washing for a long time. On the contrary, it was annoying.

"Hmm." Xia Jiu's voice changed in pain, and he didn't dare to look at the wound, "Ah... lightly..."

Shen Muhan's fingers froze slightly. Her voice was delicate and painful, as if he was under him in the night, making him tense, and the body had a tendency to raise his head, and his fingers almost didn't dare to do it again. Touching her skin, I'm afraid I can't control myself in the next second.

Xia Jiu hadn't waited for him to move again for a long time, opened a pair of large misty eyes, and frowned slightly when he saw that he was in a trance.

Shen Muhan was looked at by her gaze, recovered, and once again struck her wound, Xia Jiu arched her body in pain, her red lips were bitten tightly, and her forehead was also full of sweat.

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