Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3223: He feeds the fear of dominance

The housekeeper lowered his head and stopped talking. Shen Muhan twisted his knuckles and knocked on the table a few times: "Since she knows that her taste has changed, why don't you let the kitchen prepare something she loves?"

"Master, I will go now." The butler smiled and went downstairs contentedly.

After going to the bathroom, Xia Jiu went back to bed and called Dewey.

Pray in his heart, he must not do anything.

After the bell rang a few times, Dewey picked it up, with a smile in his voice: "Xia Jiu? Isn't he sick? I've already asked for a leave, and I want to ask him again?"

"asked for leave?"

"Your boyfriend called and said you have some cold. How is it, is it better?"

"It's much better, thank you Manager Du. By the way, Manager Du, how were you yesterday? Didn't you encounter anything that night?"

"Why, are you worried about Mr. Jane talking about me over there? I sit upright, and I have neither favoritism to let you into the company nor have any personal affair with you. I am not afraid of them talking. But you don't let me. Disappointed, the test results will be available today, do you have confidence in yourself?"

Xia Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Shen Muhan did what he said last night and didn't do anything to Dewey.

"I'm quite confident. I'm just worried about you, knowing that you went out to accompany a client last night, and I'm afraid you might encounter any problems, so I just ask casually."

"Last night? I really almost had a car accident last night, but fortunately, I avoided it." Dewey's voice was a little lingering.

Xia Jiu hurriedly asked nervously, "What time? What's the situation?"

"Seeing you are nervous, it's about eight o'clock, I just almost met, otherwise I can talk to you here?"

At eight o'clock, that was almost the time when Chen Muhan arranged for Chen Qi to pass. He was injured, but he hadn't asked him yet.

But at that time, he had already let go of Dewey...

Is it because you saw that you were hurt, so you moved your compassion?

Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan have been together for so long, knowing that Dewey had a car accident last night, it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence, and unless he ordered it, Dewey would never avoid it.

But he first pleaded for a step, then withdrew the order...

Xia Jiu couldn't figure it out, and Dewey was almost finished talking, and he comforted her a few more words to let her not worry about work, and then hung up the phone.

After Xia Jiu hung up the phone, he glanced at the group that I didn’t know who built it yesterday. It was because the people in that group posted pictures of clothes that seemed to be ambiguous between himself and Dewey, which led to such a big show last night. thing.

She clicked in and glanced, there was still a voice of dissatisfaction inside.

"Xia Jiu took time off today? Is this because I am afraid to see that my grades are not as good as I expected, so I dare not come?"

"Isn't she quite confident in herself? Why did she make it like that?"

"I'm telling you, just relying on this ambiguous relationship, it is impossible to stay in BIR forever, and BIR is not a person like Xia Jiu who can stay for a long time."

"Yes, after all, BIR relies on ability to stay at the top of the industry. It is impossible for men to stay here!"

Xia Jiu was already upset with these cynicisms last night, and now seeing this again early in the morning, he typed a bunch of words and wanted to go back.

However, before she could send it out, the group was disbanded!

Disbanded? !

Xia Jiu's breath was held in her heart, extremely annoyed, many colleagues, she did not add their number, seeing the group has been dissolved, does she have to send those silly words one by one?

The company group is quiet, and it is impossible for her to take this matter to the company group like a clown.

She doesn't care about her own face, and she has to take care of Dewey's face.

It's so simple!

This breath made the muscles all over the body more sore. She checked it, and it took about three days for this feeling of muscle soreness to disappear, and it was almost time for a second injection after it was eliminated.

And there were still three or four shots that were not hit.

Xia Jiu was desperate for a while, this is still endless!

Feeling the door being pushed open, someone walked in.

She didn't open her eyes, her arms covered her eyes, thinking it was the housekeeper and the maid coming.

She didn't know that Shen Muhan was here until she felt that the breath around her was getting more and more breathless.

As if she didn't know, she turned her back to him, and a soreness caused her to gnash her teeth for a long time before turning over, acting awkwardly like a slow tortoise.

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corners of Shen Muhan's lips.

He sat down and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Xia Jiu pretended to sleep, she really didn't want to face this man.

What to eat Just because I didn't eat anything last night, there was such a big battle, and I endured so much pain.

When it comes to the topic of what to eat, she instinctively feels scared.

"What about you, Xia Jiu." Shen Muhan lowered her head to look at her. She pressed her red lips slightly, which was probably already filled with water. The red lips looked squiggly and moving, attracting people to approach.

He leaned closer, "Ask you what to eat."

Last night, he was wrong to blame her, and he made things out of control, thinking that she was thinking about Dewey's affairs and refused to eat.

So at this moment, there was a little softness in his tone.

Xia Jiu still didn't answer, and Shen Muhan was not polite, biting her lips directly, with a biting motion, but after going up, it became soft again, and all her lips were included.

But for him, the very light movements were also rough and rough that Xia Jiu couldn't bear.

She took away her arms covering her eyes, put her hands on his chest, and protested: "It hurts."

You can't pretend to sleep at all.

"Well, it's fine if you wake up." Shen Muhan touched the corners of her lips still, her lips had become red and swollen and became more attractive, but she could also see the squeamishness of a woman, such a movement, it became red like that." What do you want to eat?"

"I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry." Xia Jiu was full of anger, and indeed she couldn't eat anything. When she went to the bathroom just now, a simple toothpaste foam made her nauseous for a long time.

"If you don't take the initiative to choose, I'll feed it hard."

Xia Jiu flinched, remembering the fear of being fed by him, "Don't you! Let me eat an apple."

Shen Muhan nodded and sent an apple and a fruit knife to come in.

His movement with the fruit knife, how Xia Jiu thinks it is the movement of holding a dagger, as if he is going to kill in the next second.

She swallowed her saliva and saw that he picked up the apple, his fingers with well-knotted joints. When he moved, it was very quick and sensitive, and the peel slipped smoothly and fluently from between his fingers.

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