Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3229: Have experience in caring for pregnant women

Xia Jiu sighed faintly, but the smile on his face was extremely bright and bright, and his true feelings had been mostly diluted by the smile.

Aunt Zhang had only recently held her grandson, so she was happy to share with others, so she taught her experience. Once the chat box was opened, she couldn't hold her back.

Xia Jiu listened attentively, pinching the rattle with her fingers, shaking it gently, and making a slight drum beat, thinking that children would play with this in the future, the smile in her eyes became more intense.

When Shen Muhan entered the villa, Chen Qizheng followed him and reported on his work: "The ore in Africa is being mined, and the current market value is rising steadily. As long as the international price is stable, on the whole..."

When Shen Muhan walked in, he stopped.

Chen Qi's footsteps followed. Fortunately, he finished in a timely manner, otherwise he would bump into Shen Muhan's back.

Will he be angry when he hit Shen Muhan, but whether Chen Qi can bear it is still a question. This master has always been a figure like a copper wall and iron wall, and hitting him is no better than hitting a boulder.

After Chen Qi stopped his steps, following Shen Muhan's gaze, he saw Xia Jiuzheng sitting casually on the sofa, with her thin white ankles protruding from the wide-leg pants, casually placed on the white carpet in front of him.

With a faint smile on her face, she was playing with a rattle in her hand, and her other hand was supporting her chin. Her movements were casual and elegant, and a simple movement was alluring and charming.

The housekeeper and Aunt Zhang were talking and laughing in front of her.

The entire Shen's villa used to be empty and cold, let alone such a scene, even when the housekeeper and Aunt Zhang stepped into the living room, they would subconsciously relax their steps.

With Xia Jiu, everything is different.

Chen Qi looked at Shen Muhan subconsciously, the coldness on his face seemed to fade away a bit, there were signs of melting of the iceberg, it seemed that he had taken off his heavy armor.

Perceiving the sight from the door of the living room, Xia Jiu casually glanced over, with a smile in her eyes, unsuspecting, when she touched Shen Muhan's figure, the things in her eyes quickly moved away. , Regained the arrogance and coldness, and even laughed is the usual politeness.

"Housekeeper, Aunt Zhang, I'm a little tired, please help me put the rest away and send it to the room."

"Okay, Miss Xia."

The housekeeper and Aunt Zhang put the things away, and Aunt Zhang hugged the things and quickly went to Xia Jiu's room.

The housekeeper stepped forward to Shen Muhan's side, and respectfully reached out to take the coat he handed over.

Shen Muhan narrowed his eyes, put away the imperceptible disappointment, and seemed to ask casually: "What were you talking about just now?"

"Miss Xia prepared some clothes and toys for the young master. We are all complimenting Miss Xia's good vision." The butler wanted to bring the two people closer together and said, "Ms. Xia doesn't know how longing she is before she is born. Little Master."

Shen Muhan's voice was a bit less chilly, and said, "Then you can let someone buy some."

"Yes, young master."

Xia Jiu moved his gaze away, her eyebrows frowned slightly, no one reminded him, and he couldn't expect to prepare, is he really looking forward to this child?

"Let's have dinner when it's almost done." Shen Muhan glanced at Xia Jiu.

He checked it today, and he heard that pregnant women’s tastes change, and they tend to be hungry. Xia Jiu is a little more squeamish.

Xia Jiu went to wash his hands, and then came over to eat.

Probably it was in a better mood. I was smiling again just now. Today's appetite is better. She ate some vegetables and half a bowl of rice.

In order not to give Shen Muhan a feeling that she is not eating well, she eats extraordinarily slowly. She waited until he put down the chopsticks before she put down the chopsticks.

Shen Muhan looked very busy, and went to the study after dinner, and Chen Qi followed.

Xia Jiu went back to the room, picked up the toys and clothes he bought just now, and fell into a trance as soon as he sat down. I had never thought about having children at such a young age, and I never thought that this is the case with children. .

There is no baby room, so I don't dare to look forward to it, and I don't even know where I will be in the future.

In the study.

Chen Qi continued to report on what happened just now.

Africa, Europe, and even the Middle East have a lot of affairs. Shen Muhan listened to his report and read the documents. When he was finished, the night outside became more and more heavier.

"Then I'll go out first." Seeing that he had nothing else to do, Chen Qi planned to leave.

"Let Aunt Zhang come here." Shen Muhan said suddenly, and then his eyes dropped again and landed on the file, as if he was just saying it casually, and he didn't intend to see it.

Chen Qi is slightly stunned, Aunt Zhang?

However, he did not refute, and immediately responded and went out to call Aunt Zhang.

"Young Master wants to see me?" Aunt Zhang was suddenly scared. She helped in the kitchen. She rarely saw the Young Master, let alone meet him in person.

Everyone knows that Shen Muhan is very cold and has a bad temper. However, he has always only had direct contact with the housekeeper. Everyone is afraid to return to fear. After a long time, he will get used to it.

But this named person wants to meet? It's really worrying.

Aunt Zhang tremblingly said: "Master Chen Qi, did I do something wrong? You work with the young master, so you must know something. If I really have negligence in my work, please give me some advice. Ah. I still have a son in my family who has been sick and hasn't worked, and my daughter-in-law also gave birth to a child and stays at home. There are places where money is needed. I can't lose my job."

"It should not be that serious." Chen Qi thought for a while, "Just deal with it properly."

"Oh." Aunt Zhang went into Shen Muhan's study nervously.

It was the first time she came here, and as soon as she entered, she felt a bit cold and oozing, and she lowered her head and dared not look at the young master.

"Young Master Han, people are here."

Shen Muhan dropped the file and said, "Xia Jiu, what style of clothes and toys do you like for children?"

Chen Qi: "..."

Sure enough, for this matter, my lord, can't you ask Miss Xia in person?

Chen Qi looked anxious while watching.

Aunt Zhang: "..."

What is the problem? She also chatted with Xia Jiu casually today, and only heard her speak for a while.

Aunt Zhang racked his brains to think about what Xia Jiu said today, and answered a few things that she should like. Shen Muhan turned his head to look at Chen Qi, with the words "Did you write it down?" in his eyes.

Chen Qi immediately stood up straight, but luckily there was no distraction just now.

"Since Xia Jiu is willing to talk to you, I heard that you also have experience in taking care of pregnant women. You will take care of Xia Jiu in the future."

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