Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3244: Out of sight out of mind

Xia Ruomeng walked out staggeringly, and everyone outside seemed to know about it. Looking at her gaze, some sympathy, some ridicule, each was different.

During this period of time, Xia Ruomeng is the most concerned employee in the entire BIR, and the most popular one. Everyone knows this talented designer from all over the company.

Now that the designer is leaving his job, it naturally aroused a lot of impulse.

When Xia Jiu heard the news, she was also stunned. Seeing Mr. Jian's meaning yesterday, she didn't plan to do anything to Xia Ruomeng, right? Why did you dismiss her so suddenly?

Xia Ruomeng passed by Xia Jiu's seat, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

"I am not satisfied with anything. BIR is not mine. If you go or not, I will not be affected in the slightest."

"No one can say anything good. But Xia Jiu, do you think this will prevent me from turning over? You really think too much. Ming Hao told me last night that if I have any problems with BIR, he will invest Xia’s company, I’m in Xia’s family, the same can be a designer, the same can produce products. And you, you can only stay in this assistant position and continue to do it." Xia Ruo dreamed of Fang Minghao’s As promised, there was a flash of pleasure on his face, and he also tried to find envy and jealousy on Xia Jiu's face.

However, Xia Jiu's expression didn't even change. He just looked at her with a very sad look and said, "Put all hope on a man, and you will have to cry in the future. Oh, I forgot. You still have a son. Then, make good use of your things."

Xia Ruomeng packed up her things and didn't take anything, so she gave it to Xiao Yunhua, carrying the bag by herself, and turned away.

Xiao Yunhua's face was a little rosy for a while, and he didn't know what expression to make.

Jiang Ai was very happy, "Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu, Xia Ruomeng was really fired?"

"Didn't you see them all?"

"I'll just say, even if it's relying on the child, it's impossible for everyone to make way for her. Haha, I'm so happy now."

Xiao Yunhua glared at them, obviously he had a lot of opinions on this matter.

However, Xia Ruomeng had left, and no matter how much she had an opinion, she didn't dare to speak at will, she still persuaded a lot.

Xia Jiu didn't think too much about this matter. Since the leaders above made this decision, they naturally had their considerations.

After get off work, she returned to the Shen family villa leisurely.

In the study, there was a faint quarrel.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jiu asked casually, lazily raising his eyebrows and taking a look at the study room. He could hear the sound from this position, and the noise was violent enough.

"Miss Shi is in the young master's study," the butler said.

"Oh." Xia Jiu lost interest at once, neither did she like Shi Youxuan, nor did she like her coming here.

However, this house is not his own, and Xia Jiu has no right to take care of it. "Butler, you don't need to ask me to eat at night. I ate it and came back."

She wasn't hungry at first, but she was fuller looking at Shi Youxuan, but she didn't want to have dinner with them.

She put on slippers and went back to her room, out of sight and out of mind.

In the study.

Shi Youxuan was really very angry. At the beginning, she suppressed the quarreling sound. Now she can't help it. "I am very optimistic about Xia Ruomeng's design. Moreover, I invest in a special line to produce clothing, which is not stable. Lost things. It's fine now, you drove her away all at once, what do you do with my investment?"

Shen Muhan slapped the pen on the table: "Is it over?"

After all, Shi Youxuan was afraid of Shen Muhan. Seeing that he was really angry, her voice softened a little: "But brother, why are you doing this? You bought BIR before, and I still think that our eyes are all in the same place. , I will make money together in the future. But now you are fired by BIR’s best designer. Xia Ruomeng is gone, your loss is really great."

Shen Muhan did not speak, but he had nothing to explain to Shi Youxuan.

"Are you for Xia Jiu? I heard that Xia Ruomeng has conflicts with Xia Jiu. You did this for Xia Jiu? Big brother, you should be a little more sober, OK? Who is Xia Jiu and how is it worthy of you."

Shen Muhan stood up suddenly, opened the door of the room, a gesture of chasing guests, it was self-evident.

Shi Youxuan narrowed her mouth and was really dissatisfied with this matter.

But the eldest brother really didn't think about her feelings at all, she had said all good things and bad things, and he was indifferent.

The eldest brother of other people's family loves his sister, her...

After all, Shi Youxuan didn't dare to be really angry, picked up her bag, and said, "Then since you are expelling Xia Ruomeng for a moment, then you can't control me if I invest in Xia Ruomeng in the future."

"Do whatever you want." Shen Mu coldly threw down a sentence.

Seeing his impersonal appearance, Shi Youxuan didn't seem to have any good attitude towards him, so she could only shake her bag and walk away.

The housekeeper walked over, and Shen Mu said in a cold voice, "In the future, Shi Youxuan is not allowed to come in without my permission."

"Yes, young master. Young master, are you eating now?" the butler asked.

"Has she come back?"

The butler knew exactly who she was referring to, and said hurriedly: "Miss Xia has gone home, but she said she has eaten dinner, so it's fine for the young master to eat it alone."

Shen Muhan's temper became irritable for no reason. What does it mean that she has already eaten?

It doesn't matter if you avoid him at night, even if you have a meal?

"Let her come down and eat with me."


Steward: "Okay, young master."

Xia Jiu had a headache when she heard what the butler said, so she had to walk downstairs in slippers.

Unexpectedly, I didn't see Shi Youxuan's figure, probably because they had almost quarreled, Shi Youxuan was angry and left.

It seems that it is not only himself who can be caught by Shen Mu's coldness.

After eating this dinner absently, she evasively returned to the room, not seeing at all, Shen Muhan's expression tended to become more and more ugly.

He is ugly, and Xia Jiu still feels disgusting. Shen Muhan has always had a lot of women, and there are so many ambiguous objects. They still want to talk to himself... Forget it, Xia Jiu doesn't want to think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

When she woke up the next morning, she went to the restaurant for breakfast. Shen Muhan was not there. She was not surprised, and she was too lazy to ask, the kind of busy people who are either busy with work or dealing with women's affairs, where do you need greetings.

As she ate, she saw Chen Qi walking upstairs and downstairs in a hurry.

Xia Jiu continued to chew slowly, moving gracefully and calmly, constricting her eyes to look at the food in front of her.

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