Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3253: Choking is best

"I also feel that the work I just arranged is not very organized and should be re-arranged." Chen Qi carefully closed the door and fastened it.

The two turned around together, walked out together, and looked at each other again-in fact, Miss Xia is not so cold on the surface, maybe it is mainly because young girls are prone to shyness, so duplicity, they don't want to say what others know.

When Xia Jiu heard these two people walking out, it was obvious that they were avoiding suspicion, and he wished to call them all back and tell them the truth!

However, the two of them left as soon as they left and closed the door easily. Xia Jiu was really gritted with anger.

"Anyway, it's been misunderstood, it's better to just..." Shen Muhan approached.

Before Xia Jiu could back up, he was kissed by him. He leaned in directly, sucking on her lips, and Xia Jiu could not breathe for a moment.

The palm of his hand also began to move restlessly, fitting her skin, the scorching breath seemed to ignite her.

Xia Jiu broke free.

The man did not give her a chance to escape, and forcefully confined her in his arms.

She could only accept it passively, leaning her head back weakly, and then being pulled back by him, continuing to bear it.

Then, her hand was pressed on his body.

Realizing what it was, Xia Jiu blushed too hard and tried to avoid it.

"You help me, I won't hurt the child." Shen Muhan's voice was abnormally hoarse, and his Adam's apple slipped fiercely.


When everything returned to Pingji, Xia Jiu was about to collapse.

My fingers were so weak that I wanted to curse in my heart, but I was so tired that I couldn't swear a word.

Shen Muhan wrapped her in his arms like a pillow.

This woman is really good everywhere, except for a sharp mouth, her whole body is so soft that she is better than anything to hold.

He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling that the accumulated cold and fever had finally faded at this moment, and he was about to get better.

He has never been a person who values ​​desires, and he was also devoted to his career before. Women are not as cute as the wolves he raised in the backyard.

But the longer you stay with Xia Jiu, some things will be addictive like poppies.

This kind of addiction is called medullary knowledge.

Make him unable to get rid of, unable to get rid of.

"Let me go." Xia Jiu's face was hot, annoyed in her heart.

It's more annoying to myself, it's really cheap, where it's not good to go, I just want to come to his room.

Didn't this come from me? Blame others?

"Unhappy?" Shen Muhan asked in a low voice.

She did not speak.

He continued: "Too tired?"

"You come and try." Xia Jiu didn't want to talk to him, he didn't know if he was tired?

"Then I can help you?"

Xia Jiuteng sat up, what nonsense is he talking about? Did she want him to help?

She suspected that his Chinese textbooks from elementary school were not the same as her own. Otherwise, she would not be able to hear the difference between the truth and the truth.

Xia Jiu quickly arranged his clothes this time, carefully avoided the water stains on the ground, and walked out of the door.

As soon as he opened the door and went out, the butler came over with steaming food, as if he was waiting for it, or two servings of food and two sets of chopsticks, as if he knew she was exhausting her energy.

"Miss Xia, this is a supper for you and Young Master."

"You take it in." Xia Jiu pursed his lips.

"Oh, my head suddenly hurts..." The butler looked pained, "Miss Xia, please help me out."

Xia Jiu took it, and silently watched the housekeeper step down the stairs, the figure disappeared.

How can someone with a personality like Shen Muhan have such a temperamental housekeeper and assistant?

Xia Jiu had no choice but to carry things and re-entered the door, stepping gently on the carpet at the door, Shen Muhan in the room was getting up, planning to put on clothes, the clothes were pinched in his hands, and his healthy muscles were printed. It was in Xia Jiu's sight, together with that indescribable.

She turned her eyes away, her face glowing with a soft blush under the light, and she put the food on the table: "The butler gave it to you."

"You won't eat with me?" Shen Muhan put on his clothes and walked towards her.

"Eat it yourself. Choking is best." Xia Jiu turned and left.

Shen Muhan looked at her thin figure and looked awkward with Tsundere, smiled on her lips, reached out and picked up the bowl.

Before Xia Jiu's upset lasted long, he received a call from Mrs. Gao.

"Xia Jiu, I decided to use your design. I have a banquet tomorrow night. You can come by then, okay? Bring your design draft and I will have a good chat with you."

"Okay, Mrs. Gao! It's my honor!"

Mrs. Gao laughed: "Remember, then."

"I will be there on time." Xia Jiu nodded.

Putting down the phone, she was extremely excited, not only was the design recognized, but it was also a good opportunity for her to defeat Xia Ruomeng.

For someone like Mrs. Gao, she will definitely know who is really passionate about design and who really understands design.

Xia Jiu flipped through Weibo for a while and saw a photo of Mrs. Gao's private banquet that night, which was posted on Weibo. Many people praised her for being young and decent. After flipping it for a while, many people praised her clothes.

It is the imitation cheongsam designed by Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu knew it, no wonder Mrs. Gao would invite herself to her dinner party.

In the evening of the next day, Xia Jiu dressed up, put on a pair of stiletto heels, and went out carrying a bag.

She only said something to the housekeeper, did not see Shen Muhan's figure, so she didn't bother to pay attention to him, and went out and got on the car.

At the place mentioned by Mrs. Gao, there are already people coming and going. Mrs. Gao has a very wide social circle, and the people who come and go are extraordinary, handsome men and beautiful women in dresses, going back and forth.

Xia Jiu is tall and tall, and today she is in a long dress that shows her figure. She wore stiletto heels and was exceptionally outstanding. Everyone's eyes fell on her beautiful white face, and they stared straight at her beautiful eyes. Look over.

Mrs. Gao greeted her. She was dressed in a black evening gown, with delicately drawn red lips, mature and beautiful, like a strong rose.

She walked up to Xia Jiu and said, "Xia Jiu, you are here. Go, I will take you to meet some friends."

She took Xia Jiu in and introduced some friends to Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu has never been stage fright, and her appearance and body are extremely outstanding. Standing next to the strong and beautiful Mrs. Gao, he has a different style of his own. Several of Mrs. Gao's friends all responded with kind smiles to her.

"Let's go to the study to have a chat." Mrs. Gao took her and walked towards the study.

Xia Jiu followed along, "Mrs. Gao, I brought the design draft, you can take a look."

Mrs. Gao took it and opened it seriously. When she saw the first picture, she was convinced, with a very comfortable and satisfying smile on her face, turning over and nodding at the same time.

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