Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 327: Ten of you are not enough for half of He Ning

"It's okay." Shen Jingyu raised her chin, "Does it hurt?"

"Of course it hurts. It's hurt and it's a drinker...I can't stand the iron beaten body." He Ning's voice softened with distress.

Shen Jingyu used her feelings for herself very much, gently rubbing her red and swollen parts, and said: "If it was before, it would be worth distressing... Without you, I can only go home and get cold water."

"There is nothing to be distressed now, I am willing to be allergic with you."

"It hurts your body!" He Ning gave him a light punch.

"I can't hurt..." His eyes darkened, and his body's eagerness to move is already clamoring again, "I am willing to die with you."

Outside, Shen Yaozong and Xie Yichen searched for a long time before finally inquiring that He Ning got into a car at the door.

They hurried over and saw that the car was still there.

"He Ning is in that car! She is really too much. It doesn't matter if you look down on me, but you even look down on you!" Xie Yichen added fuel and jealousy and let Shen Yaozong stand out for herself.

Shen Yaozong angrily brought a few bodyguards to follow behind him.

He even looked down on himself, he had to let her know that there was no one in Jingyuan City that could compare to his surname Shen!

I knocked on the car window angrily, and the rear window opened in front of Shen Yaozong.

In front of him appeared a small face of a shocking woman, her face flushed, her eyes wet and lustful, it made people look at her, almost astonishing.

Shen Yaozong's fist suddenly loosened, and the bones all over his body were soft.

Is this He Ning? He Ning who bullied Xie Yichen?

If this is He Ning, who is despised by her, he is willing to say nothing.

However, she was covered with a suit from the neck, so that he could not see more beautiful scenery, which was really annoying.

His mouth was dry: "You... are you He Ning?"

"Hurry up!" In the shadows, a cold and stern voice came faintly, but in his ears, it was as shocking as a thunder!

Immediately afterwards, He Ning's feminine piece was pressed into his arms.

Shen Jingyu was jealous when anyone else saw her beauty.

Just now, Shen Yaozong was too focused on He Ning, ignoring Shen Jingyu's handsome face with sword eyebrows in the dark.

Hearing Shen Jingyu's voice, he almost knelt down in fright: "San...San Ye..."

This is the man who holds the power of life and death in the Shen family and even the entire Jingyuan City. His "Shen" and Shen Yaozong's "Shen" are completely different in gold content.

I can't help myself, coveting his woman!

Shen Jingyu didn't pay attention to him at all, and the car window raised.

The car drove in front of Shen Yaozong, leaving only a trail of dust.

Shen Yaozong's feet were soft, and he knelt down with a thud.

"What's the matter? Why did you let the **** He Ning go?" Xie Yichen stepped forward and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Flap! Flap!" Shen Yaozong stood up, slapped her face with two backhands, "Do you know which master is with He Ning?"

This **** made herself offend the third master!

Shen Yaozong was so upset that he regretted it.

"Who is it?" Xie Yichen didn't understand what had happened, and asked with the pain.

"It's you and I can't afford to offend him! Ten of you are not enough for half of He Ning!"

Xie Yichen was stunned: "Could it be that He Ning, is he being raised by some old man?"

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