Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3274: Isolated everyone

That baby room is so careful and beautiful, Miss Xia will definitely like it very much.

And maybe, the relationship between them will heat up, and there will be no gaps before, and they truly look forward to the arrival of the child together.

"No? What do you mean by no? You say it again!" Shen Muhan grabbed the doctor's collar, his height completely crushed the doctor, and the doctor's face was flushed.

The other doctors looked at each other, and Chen Qi hurriedly persuaded: "Master, you can't tell the doctor like this. Why don't you let him down."

Shen Muhan threw him down, and the doctor coughed repeatedly. Then a doctor next to him said with trepidation, “Young Master Han, the child in Miss Xia’s stomach should have been removed by surgery. The reason for her heavy bleeding should be after the operation. I haven’t recuperated yet, and I’m a little frightened because of my weakness, it’s really not our business.

"Did it be removed by surgery?" Shen Muhan raised his eyes, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, gritted his teeth and asked word by word.

"Yes, yes. We read her progesterone data report. She should have just had the operation. It's not that we didn't try our best, we really did our best. Although the child is gone, Miss Xia is no problem now. After waking up, take more rest." The doctor said.

Shen Muhan stood there blankly, without saying a word, the indifference on his body isolated him from everyone.

Chen Qi waved his hand secretly, making these doctors feel to leave.

The doctor also knew that there was nothing he had done here, and one by one quickly slipped away.

Chen Qi is also playing drums in his heart, what is going on? How could Miss Xia take away the baby? Could it be said that after so long, she still does not want to give birth to this child?

"Why would a doctor dare to perform an operation on her! Chen Qi, what did I tell you before?"

Shen Muhan's voice suddenly sounded. Chen Qi was shocked and awakened, and said, "Master, I have arranged almost all hospitals that cannot accept Miss Xia's abortion operations. But there are several well-known doctors and major hospitals. It’s under our control, so..."

"So, I gave her a chance." Shen Muhan said with a smile, but his laughter, desolate and indifferent, could not hear a trace of smile, but it made people panic.

Chen Qi was a little overwhelmed with fright, and watched him walking towards Xia Jiu's ward, wanting to persuade but not daring to persuade him, while he hesitated, Shen Muhan had already entered the ward, and the door banged in front of Chen Qi It's closed.

He clutched his sore nose, very worried.

At the moment Xia Jiu was thrown away by Xia Fen just now, his physical strength and energy had been overdrawn to the limit. Before falling down, he had lost consciousness. In a daze, he only heard noisy voices by his ears. Often the sound of footsteps, the sound of the instrument, and the familiar sound is called one's own name.

She was so tired that she fell into a coma again before she was awake.

Gu Yannan was right. She needed too much rest before, and she also needed to stay in the hospital for observation. Her body is too weak and it is really prone to problems.

She was in a half-dream and half-awake sleep. Suddenly severe pain came from her neck, her breath was suddenly held back and she couldn't breathe, and an abnormal blush appeared on her pale face.

She struggled to wake up, and the magnified handsome face of the man in front of her eyes was extremely distorted, her eyes flushed, and her palms were pinched on her neck.

His appearance made Xia Jiu suddenly think of the pack of wolves raised in the backyard of the villa!

It's terrifying, and terrifying!

There was a pain in her throat, the air was thin on the tip of her nose, and she stretched out her slender fingers, subconsciously pulling his palm on her neck.

However, his palm confined her like iron claws, making her unable to open it at all. She struggled desperately, trying to make a sound in her throat, but she couldn't make it at all.

The air became thinner and she couldn't breathe at all. The feeling of dying made her extremely painful. All of the Xia family and the seriously ill Xia Lin appeared in front of her. She still had a lot of things to do and couldn't die like this...

However, the suffocation caused by the deprivation of air caused her physical strength to be lost little by little, and the soul seemed to be escaping from the body little by little with her physical strength... Death, close at hand.

Just when Xia Jiu thought that she was bound to die, the palms that clamped her suddenly loosened, and her whole body was thrown back onto the bed with a bang.

Regardless of speaking, she clutched her neck, panting compensatively, and sending fresh air into her lungs.

She raised her eyes, unable to speak, and stared at the man in front of her with cold and ferocious eyes. Is he crazy?

What responded to her was a man's face that couldn't see emotions at all, and a pair of eyes that could frostbite people.

He leaned down, his voice also indifferent: "Xia Jiu, have I told you not to take the child away?"

Xia Jiu was agitated, and her body shuddered. It turned out that he knew that the child had disappeared. She had already typed up the tentacles ten thousand times. When he came back, she calmly told him about it. Try to make him accept it.

Unfortunately, he still knew about this when she was not ready yet.

Xia Jiu's throat lost his voice for a while, and the man's voice was still cold and merciless: "Do you think you can leave my side by taking the child away?"

Xia Jiu looked at him tremblingly, is it possible that the child is gone, he still has to imprison her?

But obviously the child, she didn't deliberately lost it.

Shen Muhan was irritated by the look in her eyes. What kind of look was she, really thinking that if the child is gone, she can leave as if there is nothing wrong with it. Did nothing happen?

He stretched out his hand again, this time, towards her fair and beautiful face, Xia Jiu was so frightened that she backed away, her hands tightly covering her neck.

She opened her lips and was finally able to utter a voice: "Shen Muhan, you are such a lunatic!"

"Yes, you are right, I am a lunatic! I don't need reason or logic to do what I want!" Shen Muhan approached her, and Xia Jiu stepped back in fright every time he approached her.

His eyes were exactly the same as those hungry wolves in the wolfhouse, as if she was a lamb to be slaughtered, the delicious food in his eyes.

Xia Jiu originally wanted to explain, but she knew that it was futile to say anything, and hoped that he could accept all this calmly, it was never just a delusion of her own.

She was forced by his gaze, and the scar on her neck was still aching.

"What do you want me to do?" Xia Jiu's voice has become hoarse because of the injury of his vocal cords, which sounds a bit harsh and unpleasant.

"Be pregnant again!"

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