Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3283: Full of show off

The female doctor is obviously inclined to help Xia Jiu, and said: "I will. You transfer the money to me, and I will help you buy medicine in my name. But girl, you can't choose a boyfriend in the trash can."

Xia Jiu smiled, is this what she wants to choose? Shen Muhan is not even a boyfriend.

If she wanted to have a choice, she would have kicked the trash can a long time ago.

After bringing home a large pack of contraceptive pills, she hid in a secret corner in the closet. That place was a closet for her own clothes. Shen Muhan would not usually move these things.

After hiding, she lightly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a boulder falling to the ground in her heart.

The phone suddenly rang, Xia Jiu's eyebrows jumped, and he quickly picked it up, seeing that it was Xia Fen calling.

Don't know what Xia Fen is calling for?

Xia Jiu picked it up, and Xia Fen's voice sounded: "Xia Jiu, are you free these few days?"

"whats the matter?"

"My wedding, please come to attend." Xia Fen's voice contained a trace of pride, which reversed the previous decadent posture.

Xia Jiu pinched her eyebrows, how long will she be getting married?

Didn't she just hurt two ribs last time? Is it all right so soon?

Xia Fen continued: "In the hospital that day, communication with you was not very smooth, I am here to apologize to you, this time I get married, you still come."

"I may not have time." Xia Jiu glanced at the desk calendar.

"Xia Jiu, we are also sisters anyhow, no matter what, you can't stop attending my wedding? Could it be that my parents are going to invite you personally?"

"You talk about time."

"The day after tomorrow, have time?" Xia Fen asked.

Xia Jiu took a look at his work, and there was really nothing that day, so he said, "Okay, I will be there."

"That's good, you are welcome." Xia Fen said, "Do you want me to borrow clothes for you?"

"No, I have suitable clothes." Xia Jiu put down the phone, and couldn't figure out what Xia Fen was so anxious about to invite himself to the wedding.

However, Xia Jiu couldn't give up about the Xia family. Since she invited herself, she should go there by herself.

After putting down the phone, Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng also called, talking about the wedding.

Xia Jiu responded one by one.

I can't figure out why they are so anxious, but since they are going to the scene, they must know the whole story.

When the time came, Xia Jiu put on suitable clothes, put on some light makeup, and came to the hotel booked by Xia's family.

Unlike Xia Jiu's imagination, the entire scene was laid out very extravagantly, even a little beyond the Xia family's ability to bear.

Xia Jiu **** her hair like seaweed today, only a strand of hair was picked out from the front of her forehead, which was a bit more mature.

A three-dimensional tailored dress, low-key and fit.

Xia Fen greeted him and greeted Xia Jiu with a smile: "Xia Jiu."

Xia Jiu didn't know what kind of medicine she sold in her gourd, and smiled and said, "Congratulations."

After all, I sent a red envelope up.

Xia Fen stretched out his hand and took it: "I'm very happy that you are able to reward you today. Those things between us before, are all wiped out. I will introduce my fiancé in a moment-no, we have already received the certificate, it should be my husband. Let you know."

Her smile was a bit shy, and Xia Jiu calmly said, "I should have seen your husband."

It was Li Han, a son of a senior in the Xia family, who had seen him the night of Xia Jiu's operation last time, because of that Li Han, he was a little unhappy.

Things haven't been so long at all, no matter how bad Xia Jiu's memory is, he won't remember it wrong.

"No, it's not Li Han at all." Xia Fen raised his head with a smile on his face, "My husband is someone else."

As he was talking, Xia Ruomeng also came over, with a smile on his face: "Xia Jiu is here?"

"Sister, I'm talking about Zetian with Xia Jiu." Xia Fen said.

"Really? Xia Jiu doesn't know yet. Xia Fen's husband is called Meng Zetian and belongs to the Meng family. Meng Zetian, the grandson of the famous real estate tycoon of Jingyuan, was in love with Xia Fen at first sight last time. I didn't think there was any scars on Xia Fen's face. Instead, I fell in love with Xia Fen for ten minutes and proposed to him in the hospital." Xia Ruomeng was full of ostentation.

Xia Jiu glanced at Xia Fen more. Except for the scars on his face, Xia Fen was indeed a little beauty. After all, the genes of the Xia family were pretty good.

Although it was far worse than Xia Jiu, it was not impossible to have someone's appetite right.

Besides, the scar on her face is still being removed by surgery, and it seems to be better than before.

Xia Jiu also understood why Xia Fen was anxious to invite herself over to the wedding. Last time Li Handuo took a look at herself, which aroused Xia Fen's dissatisfaction. Now Xia Fen not only did not want Li Han, but also found an identity status. A very tall man, it seems that he is holding her in his hand, so if he didn't witness it by himself, how could Xia Fen be willing to bury her hard-won glory?

Xia Jiu smiled and didn't care much: "So it's like this."

Seeing that she was not envious, Xia Ruomeng prolonged the tone and said: "In fact, when the Meng family came to propose a marriage last time, we should have invited you over. It's a pity that you didn't see such a grand occasion. The Meng family company I really like our Fenfen. At that time, Rolls-Royce alone drove more than a dozen cars, and the bride price was sent home without money. The scene was really a sensation.

In fact, parents have also said that marrying a daughter does not necessarily have to be a good marriage. The key is to let our sisters marry to a happy life. A good life is more important. Money, cars, and other things are not the main goal. .

But the family lineage of the Meng family is there, and Gongzi Meng has to give it away, and we can't refuse it, right? "

Xia Fen was said by Xia Ruomeng, and his smile couldn't stop him.

Xia Jiu played with her fingers. Humans, there really is something to show off. The sisters were really scared in the past, but now they will get a little bit, just like offering treasures and showing them to others.

Xia Ruomeng said with a smile: "To be honest, this time, I really admire Xia Fen. Fortunately, I didn't agree to the Li family's affairs before. For a man like that, his vision is just like that. Xia Fen has found it now. If you want something better, let him regret it."

These words were to belittle Li Han, but every word was to belittle Xia Jiu, and it was also specifically addressed to Xia Jiu.

"In fact, my brother-in-law is also very good. Desheng Law Firm is not only well-qualified, but also able to deal with most of the rich and powerful in Jingyuan City. My brother-in-law also has a promising future and will become a well-known lawyer in the future. We, the Meng family, also have to rely on Fang's help." Xia Fen said with a smile.

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