Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3285: Give her a big gift

Xia Ruomeng was quite satisfied when she finally saw the envy that appeared in Xia Jiu's eyes. This high-ranking eldest daughter had never envied anyone. It was harder to let her express such emotions than to reach the sky.

Xia Fen came out wearing a haute couture wedding dress, wearing a noble crown on top of her head, with a whole row of diamonds inlaid on it, everything on her body is extremely extravagant, so that everyone present can not help but sigh and envy. Xia Fen's good fortune.

Some people also lamented the extraordinary family background of the Meng family and their luxuries.

Xia Fen looked at the love in Meng Zetian's eyes. She was dizzy with happiness and walked towards Meng Zetian step by step, putting her hand in his hand.

There was a round of enthusiastic applause from the audience, and Xia Fen's vanity was the greatest satisfaction, she subconsciously went to see Xia Jiu, and even saw the envy in Xia Jiu's eyes.

This marriage really wasn't in vain, and she also knew how right it was to invite Xia Jiu to this marriage in front of Xia Jiu.

If it is said that getting the envy of others can only satisfy her 80% of her vanity, then getting Xia Jiu's envy and making Xia Jiu uncomfortable will be able to get her 300% vanity!

Especially, Meng Zetian had met Xia Jiu before, and had no interest in Xia Jiu at all!

The fragile heart that had been hit by both Li Han and Shen Muhan, Xia Fen was finally completely restored here in Meng Zetian.

"Then we are here today, bless the two newlyweds..." The emcee on the stage said a lot of blessings. The wedding was long and complicated, and Xia Jiu gradually lost interest and lost interest. A piece of fruit, I plan to moisturize my throat a little, and then I almost leave the table.

Today there are many guests, and the goals Xia Ruomeng and Xia Fen wanted have been achieved. It is not important to leave at this moment.

Just thinking about it, Xia Jiu found it ridiculous. They were happy, but they had to witness it by themselves, as if their happiness would be greatly reduced if they didn't come.

I don't know, they thought they liked them.

In Shen Muhan's study, when Chen Qi sent in materials, he asked casually, "Where is Xia Jiu?"

Chen Qi already knew about Xia Jiu's whereabouts. As soon as Shen Muhan asked, he replied, "I went to Xia Fen's wedding, and I'm currently on the scene."

Chen Qi didn't mention it, Shen Muhan almost forgot that there was a figure like Xia Fen.

While reading the documents, he asked: "Why did Xia Fen trouble Xia Jiu the last time I was in the hospital?"

Chen Qi has already investigated the matter clearly. Shen Muhan never asked before, nor did he find a chance to say it. Now he said the matter again: "Xia Fen is jealous of Miss Xia's beauty, because Li Handuo glanced at Miss Xia. , Xia Fen was not satisfied with Miss Xia, so she went to trouble Miss Xia."

"Then since Xia Fen's wedding today, let her give her a big gift." Shen Muhan's voice was extremely deserted, without any emotion.

Chen Qi's heart was stunned, but he already knew what this gift would be.

Xia Jiu, who was at the wedding, stood up lazily after eating the fruit, planning to leave.

Xia Ruomeng seemed to have determined that she was leaving the field early. When Xia Jiu was about to leave, she appeared out of nowhere: "Xia Jiu, are you leaving now?"

"The wedding has come to an end, the next step is to start. I am not very hungry, so I will leave first."

Xia Ruomeng is so proud today. It is really rare to see Xia Jiu being so deflated, Xia Jiu can be forced to leave immediately, it must be stimulated by this grand and extravagant wedding.

But how could she let Xia Jiu leave like this?

"We are going to take a family portrait in a while. You stay and take the photo together?" Xia Ruomeng said, "I have already said to my parents, Xia Lin will not be able to come, if you don't stay, we really are Ashamed of the uncle and auntie's spirit in the sky."

A simple smile appeared on the corners of Xia Jiu's lips: "What you are doing now is very worthy of it."

Xia Ruomeng smiled stiffly: "Where is it, I also want to see you hello, our family is better, is the best."

In fact, she didn’t want Xia Jiu to stay. After all, it was enough to stimulate Xia Jiu. She didn’t want Xia Jiu to come into contact with the social circle of the Meng family. Xia Jiu’s beauty would bring her a great deal. Threat.

But everyone knows that Xia Jiu belongs to the Xia family. When the family portrait was taken for a while, Xia Jiu was not there, and the Meng family didn't say anything on the surface. It is hard to guarantee that the Xia family was improper and the wedding scene was uneven.

So Xia Ruomeng, who didn't want to lose his courtesy, had to succumb to Xia Jiu again.

"It's okay for you, I will avoid it. I have to hurry up and lose company." Xia Jiu came casually, and naturally didn't want to be restrained when he left.

She was going to leave, Xia Ruomeng reached out to stop her: "Xia Jiu..."

At this moment, on the stage of the wedding, on the large led screen that was playing the beautiful video of Meng Zetian and Xia Fen, the style of painting changed, and other things were shown.

In the video, Xia Fen’s voice came: "Young Master Han, I’m Xia Fen, I’m sorry to bother you. But I have admired Young Master Han for a long time. If Young Master Han is free, can I buy you a drink? Where's the tea?"

This voice has a sweet tone, flattering to please, it is almost obvious, where is what a girl from a normal family would say, it is simply rushing to flatter.

There was an uproar in the audience, what is the situation?

Xia Fen's mind was also suddenly confused. Isn't this the phone number she called to Shen Muhan before? How could it be released at this time?

"Turn it off, turn it off quickly!" she shouted.

She doesn't have a deep relationship with Meng Zetian, she is afraid that something will happen because of this incident.

In a short period of time, she has become accustomed to Meng Zetian's kindness to herself and everything that the Meng family can bring to her, all of which cannot be lost.

Xia Huangshan and Chen Meiru hurriedly sent people forward to shut them down, but unfortunately they couldn't shut down.

Then there was Shen Mu's cold and indifferent voice, which seemed to be perfunctory, but Xia Fen's voice could not conceal the triumph and longing, "I will definitely come, Han Shao, wait for me."

These things make the guests can't help but talk.

The elders of the Meng family had extremely ugly faces, and they barely held back because of their face.

Naturally, Meng Zetian didn't expect that there would be such a thing, and his face changed, but since the bride was chosen by himself, he really likes it. Under such an occasion, he naturally wants to protect it.

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