Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3287: Basically correct

Although Xia Ruomeng was angry, Xia Jiu's words did make sense, "Forget it, I don't think you have such strength. Shen Muhan is not a man you can afford."

"It must be Xia Jiu! Xia Jiu has Shen Muhan's phone number and lied to me!" Xia Fen stepped forward to tear Xia Jiu.

"Enough!" Xia Huangshan was angry and stopped Xia Fen. There were many relatives and friends around him who hadn't left. Today, he really couldn't be ashamed anymore.

What's more, he also believed in Xia Ruomeng's words even more. Xia Jiu didn't have the ability, so there was nothing to do with Shen Muhan.

"Dad, I have been harmed by Xia Jiu like this..." Xia Fen cried.

"Are you not ashamed enough?" Xia Huangshan shouted loudly.

Xia Ruomeng came over, pulled Xia Fen to a halt, and comforted softly.

Xia Jiu saw the ugliness of their family, a bit funny, but it didn't matter to him, and his tone was light, and said, "Since the wedding is over, then I won't bother and go ahead."

With a slight smile on her lips, she turned and left.

What was originally just a plain back, fell in the eyes of Xia Ruomeng and Xia Fen, but turned into a showy and ridicule!

Xia Fen pinched the edge of the wedding dress with both hands, biting her lips and bleeding. Today, she obviously wanted to see Xia Jiu embarrassed and made Xia Jiu envious of herself. However, in the end, it became this scene!

Xia Jiu walked out of the hotel in a relaxed mood. The people behind Xia's company, as well as relatives and others, were still discussing Xia Fen's embarrassment today.

With a small smile, she walked all the way to the corner of the street until she saw Shen Muhan's familiar and hateful figure appearing in the luxury car on the corner.

"I'll pick you up." There was no expression on his side face, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

Xia Jiu didn't refuse, so he got into the car directly. Anyway, he picked up as well, and the driver picked up as well.

After getting in the car, she looked out the window. At this moment, the lights were on, and the street was portrayed as a flourishing night scene by neon.

The light alternated between light and dark on her face, and her beautiful and lonely facial features were plated with brilliance.

As if aware of this line of sight, Xia Jiu turned around and asked, "You did what Xia Fen did?"

"Yes." Shen Muhan nodded.

"You are really deliberate, and you still have the things from so long ago. The human heart is really terrible." Xia Jiuyi felt a slight chill on his back when he thought of the ways he was in the world.

For anyone, he can do it like this.

"It's not specially reserved. It's only when I heard about Xia Fen's wedding today that I remembered this." Shen Muhan said unhurriedly.

Xia Jiu put a smile on her eyes, "It's fun to ruin a person's life, isn't it?"

"She asked for it." The voice was not warm at all.

"Young Master Han, is everyone's life insignificant in your eyes? Even life is the same?"

Shen Muhan thought for a while, and said, "Basically correct."

Xia Jiu: "..."

Okay, she has nothing to say.

"You don't want me to treat Xia Fen like this?" Shen Muhan asked.

"Is this Xia Fen's business?" Xia Jiu asked back, "What I discussed with you is not Xia Fen's problem at all!"

Shen Muhan was puzzled for a moment, and said, "I thought it was. You said Xia Fen from the beginning."

Xia Jiu: "..."

All right, she remained silent.

Shen Muhan thought for a moment: "Since you don't care about what she is trying to hurt you, and you still have love for her, then next time, I will not target her."

"Speaking of which, are you doing these things for me today?" Xia Jiu understood his subtext.

"If not, why should I manage a Xia Fen who has nothing to do with me?" He asked naturally.

Xia Jiu suddenly let out a burst of laughter.

She laughed so much that tears were about to come out, and then she looked at him with watery eyes: "Don't be like this, Young Master Han, I can't bear it."

He doesn't understand what is good for her at all!

She is not rare!

It turns out that what happened today really has something to do with me, which is really ridiculous.


In the ward, Xia Lin was inquiring about Xia Fen with great interest: "Sister, please tell me quickly. I heard what happened at that time, but it was superb."

"Where did you hear about this mess?"

"It's a mess. I think I can't go to the wedding. I don't want to add my cousin and cousin to their WeChat group. I want to watch Xia Fen's wedding. Who knows that they will explode when they look at it. What kind of shame Xia Fen was talking about, I just listened to it. Who hurt Xia Fen on earth?"

Xia Jiu stuffed an apple into her mouth: "No one hurt her. It was the kind of thing that she had unilaterally pursued by others in the past, which was exposed. In short, the girl should take care of herself when she is out."

"Thank you," Xia Lin said with a big tongue, biting the apple, "It looks like they are winning, so they take away their parents' family business."

Xia Jiu pursed her lips and stood up: "Okay, I'm leaving, I'll see you next time."

"Then next time I introduce a friend to you." Xia Lin said, suddenly lowered her head, her ears were a little red.

Xia Jiu instantly knew what kind of friend he was, and frowned suspiciously: "When did you meet a friend? Where did you meet? Was it a patient?"

"Not really, it's just the patient's family. It's just a friend, sister, why are you so scary."

Xia Jiu also felt that she was worrying too much. Xia Lin was hospitalized, and she usually didn't have much time to accompany her. She could have a friend, and more friendship would be good.

She whispered: "No matter what kind of friend you are, whether it is a boy or a girl, you must take care to protect yourself. Honesty is inevitable and should be, but in everything, you should also pay more attention."

"I know, I won't worry you, sister." Xia Lin said with a grin.

Xia Jiu turned and came out, knowing in his heart that he should be a boy.

At Xia Lin's age, she should be in school, making many friends, and possibly falling in love. These things are inevitable.

But in this place of the hospital, where is so innocent in school?

Xia Jiu's worries are not unreasonable.

She walked all the way out, a little lost, and almost ran into an old man who was sitting in a wheelchair.

She hurriedly helped her hold the wheelchair: "Grandma, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry girl, I almost ran into you." The old man was very kind and said with a smile, "The nurse who helped me forgot to get water for me. I went back to get it. I thought I would go outside to get some water. Taiyang, for a while, he was not familiar with this new fully automatic wheelchair, and he did not find a good rhythm. I am really sorry.

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