Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3300: God gave her beauty

And Xia Jiu wants to fight with herself?

Still a long way to go!

"I'll come over there." Wang Qianqian walked away with the wine glass.

The other classmates walked over together and toasted to Xia Ruomeng. Xia Ruomeng replaced them with drinks.

"Ruomeng, we have a lot of professional things to ask you." said a male student.

"I can't talk about it, let's learn from each other." Xia Ruomeng said modestly.

"In addition, I would also like to invite you to talk about the writing and main points of the graduation design for this year's graduates at that time, hoping to give them some inspiration in terms of graduation and employment." Teacher, I have brought Xia Ruomeng, and now Xia Ruomeng is his most proud student.

Xia Ruomeng smiled and said, "Ms. Xu really passed the award! I will definitely accept Mr. Xu's invitation. I will definitely give what I have learned to my younger brothers and sisters! Thank you Mr. Xu for teaching me at the beginning! "

Teacher Xu was more satisfied with her and laughed: "A good student is a good student. Whether it is academic work or receiving people and things, it is a model. I really should let my students learn from you in all aspects. what."

The crowd also gathered around, admiring and admiring Xia Ruomeng.

"Teacher Xu, from the school, I suggest that you don't invite Xia Ruomeng over." The vice principal walked in.

Everyone looked at the vice-principal in surprise, wondering why he said this.

Xia Ruomeng also smiled and said hello: "Vice principal."

She fixed her eyes, and the vice principal was still behind Teacher Wang, Tang Zheng, and Xia Jiu, and a cool breeze instantly rose behind her, and she felt extremely cold in the lively and busy occasions.

Teacher Xu smiled and said, "Vice principal, if Meng is one of my most proud students, who else can I invite if she doesn't invite her?"

Someone else smiled and shouted: "If you don't invite Xia Ruomeng, should you invite Xia Jiu? This is not a professional makeup school!"

Everyone laughed loudly. In fact, Xia Jiu's makeup was not heavy, even light.

But she is too beautiful by nature. Even if she has no makeup, she seems to have her own makeup effect. The ends of her eyes are not hooked and her lips are moisturized. It will naturally make some people feel jealous that she is too good at makeup. heart.

The vice-principal said: "Everyone, I am here, I want to disturb everyone for a while and announce a business. Just in this year's graduation thesis defense, there was a case of favoritism. The tutor and the students cheated and plagiarized, which seriously hurt the thesis. The fairness and impartiality of the defense also seriously harmed the interests of the students who were plagiarized, and hurt the reputation of the school! In order to face up to the hearing and correct academics, we are here now to make a public explanation of the whole matter. "

As soon as she said this, Xia Ruomeng's footsteps became vain, a little unstable, and Fang Minghao, who was next to her, gave her a hand, and she barely stood still.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly.

"I...maybe the baby is a bit noisy, I just couldn't stand firm." Xia Ruomeng forced a smile.

Fang Minghao had a premonition and said, "There should be nothing for you, don't worry."

"I'm not worried. Things that I haven't done before are not worth worrying about. I'm worried about Xia Jiu, afraid that something will happen to her."

Fang Minghao said softly: "No."

Others looked at each other: "What the **** is going on?"

"Who? Who cheated and copied?"

"Is it about talking about Xia Jiu? I think Xia Jiu is with the vice principal."

"Tsk tusk tusk, it doesn't help to rely on beauty, the scandal is about to be brought out again."

Wang Youde stood on the stage in the eyes of everyone, his shoulders hunched, as if he was several years old at once, losing his former style.

He spoke with a hoarse voice: "In this year's thesis defense, Xia Jiu sent me his graduation design. I think her things are really good, so Xia Ruomeng used some of her graduation design things, causing When Xia Jiu was replying, he encountered a problem and failed. Here, I sincerely apologize to Xia Jiu!"

There was an uproar in the audience!

"What? I heard that right? Teacher Wang used Xia Jiu's things to give Xia Ruomeng?"

"Xia Ruomeng's graduation project is Xia Jiu's?"

"What the **** is this? How is this possible?"

"There will be such a thing! Tangtang Jingyuan University, there is such a problem of fraud in the thesis defense!"

"It really shattered my three views! Xia Ruomeng relied on this graduation project to go to a big company and became a designer! If she really uses Xia Jiu's, then the person with real talent and real learning is Xia Ruomeng. Nine, instead of Xia Ruomeng?"

"My God, then Xia Jiu's graduation project was made by herself? God gave her beauty and returned her talent?"

"But when Xia Jiu was studying, his grades were mediocre. What happened this time?"

Wang Youde's remarks were true to avoid the seriousness, and to describe the mistakes of him and Xia Ruomeng very lightly. Therefore, many people did not believe that Xia Ruomeng did such a thing.

However, when she cast her eyes on Xia Ruomeng, she saw that she was forced to be calm, but there were already fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

Her face was very ugly, and from the side, it seemed that she had already proved something.

Fang Minghao's brows were also frowned, obviously he didn't expect that things would be like this.

"Ruomeng, what's the matter with what Teacher Wang said?" Fang Minghao asked.

"I really don't know. I don't know what Teacher Wang is talking about." Xia Ruomeng shook her head and tried her best to deny, "Minghao, I haven't done it..."

Xia Jiu saw that Wang Youde didn't see the coffin without tears, avoiding the weight and doing his best to blur the facts. A few steps forward, he put all the things he had just photographed with his mobile phone on the projection screen on the stage.

Immediately, Wang Youde rushed to Professor Tang's ward at night, trying to delete the original evidence, and put it all in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked: "Ms. Wang, who is a good teacher, went to Professor Tang to delete the evidence? My three views are broken into scum again!"

"Mom, such a person deserves to be a teacher too!"

"It turns out we really misunderstood Xia Jiu! That stunning graduation project was really made by Xia Jiu!"

"My focus is off track, I think Tang Zheng is so handsome! Moreover, what Tang Zheng is currently studying is state secret information?"

"Oh my God, everyone owes Xia Jiu an apology!"

"Xia Ruomeng is the plagiarism! It really deceived us too miserably! I took back what I praised her just now, bah bah bah!"

Suddenly, the audience scolded.

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