Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3305: I can only take second place

"Xia Jiu? Xia Jiu?" Fang Minghao knocked on the door.

There was just that kind of sound from inside, which was imaginative, but no one knocked on the door at all.

Mrs. Zheng was very worried about her son, and said, "Why don't you hit the door? Let the security guard open the door!"

Someone said: "This door is strong, how can it be opened? Besides, aren't they right at the door? What if you hurt someone?"

Madam Zheng is not happy to hear this, for fear of hurting her son.

Another suggested: "Then call the police! Let the police handle it!"

"No, you can't call the police!" Madam Zheng immediately refused. She has selfish intentions. It is hard to say why this time, but her own son is her son. If Xia Jiu really bites him back, he will be accused of rape. The son’s IQ is not high, so he will have to bear the legal responsibility at that time. How can he live for the rest of his life?

"But it can't go on like this," Fang Minghao said, "Let's let people go in from the window sill and open the door!"

Hearing Fang Minghao say this, someone immediately raised his hand to respond: "I'll go, I'll go!"

It's hard to say what selfishness these people have, and how much selfishness they have.

Mrs. Zheng said to Manager Zheng: "Why not do it, so that you don't have to hurt her son."

Xia Jiu stood aside and heard these words clearly. Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao wanted to die as ugly as possible.

As for Mrs. Zheng, she is also selfish. She doesn't care what ugliness the woman will lose, she only cares about her son.

But selfishness is human nature, Xia Jiu can understand.

On the contrary, Xia Ruomeng's vicious thoughts are disgusting!

It's just that there are two people in your room now, except for the boy with IQ problem, I don't know who the two are in your room?

Fang Minghao also said: "I'll go in too, this matter is related to me after all. Xia Jiu is Ruomeng's cousin, I can't just watch things."

Xia Ruomeng didn't want him to see Xia Jiu's body, and pulled him and said, "Minghao, don't go, my stomach hurts a little, please stay with me. I'm worried about the baby's problem."

Fang Minghao wanted to go there, but Xia Ruomeng spoke like this, and he had to stay with her.

Those few people went with the security guard to find a way to turn the window sill. Fortunately, this was a hotel inside the school, and the floors were not high.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone got up again and said, "What the **** is going on with Xia Jiu? How can you be with Mr. Zheng's son?"

"Could it be Mr. Zheng's son who was upset, so he did something like this to Xia Jiu, right?"

When Madam Zheng heard this, she said angrily: "My son is always well-behaved and sensible, and he has never been contaminated with these messy things! It can never be my son's initiative!"

"Yes, Mrs. Zheng is right. We usually watch Mr. Zheng, though... but he is polite and does not see any tendency in that respect."

"I see, maybe it is Xia Jiu who wants to cling to the Zheng family. Do you know what Xia Jiu has lost? Now that Xia Jiu has clarified the matter of the graduation project, he has missed the best. When looking for a job, she wanted to take a shortcut, and it was not impossible."

Xia Ruomeng said hurriedly: "Don't talk about Xia Jiu like that, she is not such a girl. There must be a misunderstanding about this time."

"Then how did they get into a room, and how did they do this kind of thing? Young Master Zheng has no idea about this kind of thing, right?"

"Anyway, Xia Jiu shouldn't be like this. Didn't you see Xia Jiu coming with Shao Ye today? This shows that Xia Jiu has a lot of choices, why would he do such a shameful thing?" Xia Ruomeng said.

When she said this, everyone said instead: "That is Shao Ye didn't like Xia Jiu, and Xia Jiu can only step back and find the next best thing."

Xia Ruomeng's skills in instigating divorce has indeed improved again.

And looking at Xia Jiu's desolation, it is indeed something that many people are happy about. Xia Jiu is so popular that many girls have no color in front of her, and the dissatisfaction caused can be imagined.

As he was talking, another voice came from inside, and it seemed that the security guard and the few people had entered the room.

The door opened in front of the crowd with a slap, and the lights turned on.

Zheng Gongzi and a woman are still entangled in a fascination. This fragrant scene made everyone wow, and they squeezed forward more and more, trying to feast their eyes.

The woman's hair and head were covered by clothes, and she couldn't see her face, but everyone subconsciously thought it was Xia Jiu.

Someone commented: "Xia Jiu's figure... looks pretty good at ordinary times, but now it seems that it's nothing more than that."

"The skin tone is not as pale as the face. It seems that I still use more foundation on my face."

"Tsk tusk tusk, Xia Jiu really knows how to wear clothes, but it's a pity that under this dress is not so good."

Fang Minghao can't help but frown, Xia Jiu's figure is indeed far worse than Xia Ruomeng, but so!

School Director Zheng and Mrs. Zheng looked ashen and separated the two, and School Director Zheng took the clothes to put on their son.

And that woman, still on the ground, is full of ugliness.

Xia Ruomeng couldn't help flashing a touch of pleasure, what graduation design, what designer, from now on, in school, the only thing left is this ugly state!

In the future, there will be no more fragrant Hua Xia Jiu. When everyone mentions Xia Jiu's name, they can only relate to the current situation!

Xia Ruomeng still didn't think it was enough. She stepped forward and helped "Xia Jiu", and said with a heartache, "Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

Seeing that everyone on the side took out their phones and was recording this scene, she cried and shouted: "Xia Jiu, don't have anything wrong with you, if something happens to you, how can I explain to the uncle and auntie's spirit in the sky!"

She cried, went to uncover the clothes on "Xia Jiu"'s head, and exposed her entire face to everyone's video!

However, when "Xia Jiu"'s face was exposed, everyone was shocked——

This is not Xia Jiu at all!

"Where is Xia Jiu! Isn't this Wang Qianqian?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, how could it be Wang Qianqian?"

"Oh my god, it's no wonder that I said that this figure is too inferior to Xia Jiu! It really isn't Xia Jiu! So it's Wang Qianqian!"

"You guys don't take pictures! Don't take pictures! It involves other people's privacy, don't take pictures! Please!" Xia Ruomeng hurriedly took clothes to cover Wang Qianqian's figure. When it was "Xia Jiu" just now, She has never been so kind!

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