Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3331: Deep resentment

"I'll go with you."

"Forget it, will I take care of you or them for a while?" Xia Jiu said.

Xia Lin was ashamed, so she had to shrink back, not to trouble her sister.

Xia Jiu first went to the hospital to inquire about Qin Dehou's information and where he lived, and then set off to where they lived.

When I arrived, I discovered that it was almost a slum in Jingyuan City. Those who were seriously ill and could not find a job were almost all living here. There were piles of **** on the road, and the people who came and went were all numb. Without a smile.

Xia Jiu frowned. It is said that Qin Dehou is also an old shareholder of the Xia family, would he fall to this point?

However, thinking that I was still the eldest lady of the Xia family, I had come to this point differently, and I felt understanding again.

She plans to buy something first, and then look for it, she can't go up empty-handed.

When she went to a tricycle where the fruit was sold, she walked over, a little disgusted that the fruit was not very good in color, but she couldn't find anything to buy here, so she said, "Give me some fruit."

The fruit seller raised his head and met Xia Jiu's eyes.

"Qin Zheng?" Xia Jiu barely recognized him. Qin Zheng, who used to be in a suit and ties in the company, is now wearing a simple suit and a straw hat, looking very desolate.

His usual fair skin is now bronze.

"It turns out to be the daughter of the Xia family." Qin Zheng said mockingly, "I'm closed, and I won't do business today."

"Qin Zheng, let's talk."

"An ordinary man like me, it seems that I have nothing to talk with a daughter like Miss Xia. Ms. Xia should please."

Xia Jiu knew that there was a misunderstanding. Qin Dehou used to come to Xia’s house often, and Qin Zheng came a lot. As a parent, his left arm and right arm can be regarded as a close friend. Qin Zheng has always been good to him, when will he meet? Speak like this?

"Qin Zheng..."

Xia Jiu hadn't finished speaking. He had already turned over and rode for three rounds and left. Xia Jiu vaguely saw that his left arm didn't look good.

When he looked at himself, the resentment in his eyes was so heavy, Xia Jiu felt a little flustered.

She did not go to Qin Dehou again, knowing that it would be of no avail to find it. They must have thought that they were driven away and their shares were taken by themselves.

The person from Xia Huangshan is not very good in business, but he is a good man to shirk responsibility and win over people's hearts.

Expelling so many old employees and shareholders who had made outstanding contributions to the Xia family in the past is definitely putting all the responsibility on Xia Jiu.

No wonder, Xia Huangshan still invites Xia Jiu back home and the company from time to time, but he did not completely take away the shares in Xia Jiu's hands. Otherwise, how could she shirk the responsibility?

And Xia Jiu has not dealt with affairs in Xia’s company for a long time, and others can’t find anyone looking for her. Naturally, he will feel that Xia Jiu has really done these things and drove out the people who have contributed to the company and reused herself. Confidant.

When Xia Jiu thought of this, his heart became flustered, and he only took care of dealing with Xia Ruomeng, but he took advantage of Xia Huangshan for nothing.

But it is not too late to wake up now.

She found Qin Zheng’s phone number she got from the hospital and directly sent him a text message: "Qin Zheng, now the company of the Xia family is not in my hands, and I am also a victim. If you think that evasion can solve the problem, it can let you The grievances that Uncle Qin got are washed away, so just don't see me.

If you can still remember the friendship between my parents and you a little bit, if you still have a little thought, want to cure Uncle Qin and get everything you have back, just meet and talk about it. What kind of man is a slack? Do you think I'm doing well? "

After sending it out, she went to the hospital again, too lazy to wait for Qin Zheng's response, and went straight back to the villa.

Qin Zheng didn't return, and Xia Jiu was not anxious. According to the look he looked at himself today, it would be strange that he could return immediately.

I haven't come to myself for so many days, it seems that the resentment is quite deep.

Xia Huangshan... Xia Jiu pinched his eyebrows, he had done so many sins, and sooner or later he would make him pay!

Sure enough, he didn't wait for Qin Zheng's reply for two or three days, as if that number was not his.

Xia Jiu didn't care either, she knew that Qin Zheng would have to come to her sooner or later.

When Qin Zheng received the news, it was not that he had never thought of asking her back.

He squeezed the phone fiercely with his fingers until the knuckles became bright white.

Just over a year ago, Xia Jiu's parents passed away in a car accident. After that, the Xia family began to suppress the old shareholders of the company.

It was precisely because he was too nostalgic for his old feelings, that he was also the most suppressed.

Later, he was also fired from the company. When he went to the company to find Xia Jiu with the last hope, he was beaten out by a group of bodyguards.

"Do you think Miss Xia is someone you can see? You die! Miss Xia said, how far and how far can you go!"

At that time, Qin Zheng hadn't thought about it, that it was another Miss Xia, not Xia Jiu.

But the bodyguard vowed: "It's Miss Xia Jiuxia! She said that you are not as good as a dog. What is the use of staying in the company?"

Qin Zheng recognized the bodyguards, and they were indeed the people around Xia Jiu, who used to follow Xia Jiu's side.

Of course he has his own arrogance. Since Xia Jiu said so, he couldn't find Xia Jiu again and left the company directly.

But he didn't expect that later Xia Jiu let these bodyguards come over and interrupted his left arm, until he was chased into a small alley, and when someone was dying to call the police, he would stop.

After that, he didn't pay attention to the affairs of the Xia family anymore, but he kept cruel in his heart. As long as he had a chance to stand up, he must make Xia Jiu and the Xia family pay the price.

The text message sent by Xia Jiu was obviously different from what he knew. His knuckles kept squeezing until the phone screen went dark, lit up again, and went dark again.

Xia Jiu has gone to get off work as usual in the past few days, and never went to the hospital.

But she was right. Sure enough, three days later, Qin Zheng finally answered her phone call, "Let’s meet, Xia Jiu."

Xia Jiu had an appointment with him near the hospital, and Qin Zheng agreed.

Xia Jiu found a coffee shop and arrived first. She ordered a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly, without the anxiety of waiting.

When Qin Zheng appeared, he stood in front of her with bad eyesight and a haggard face that could hardly conceal his handsomeness. Today, he chose a dress that can still go out, but it is also a big discount compared to before.

"Sit down," Xia Jiu said.

He hesitated a little, and Xia Jiu said lightly: "I don't know how to eat people. Besides, can you solve the problem by staring at me with such eyes?"

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