Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3346: Like a joke

However, in the next second, Shen Muhan still held up his card: "195 million."

Obviously let Shen Ye do it.

Shen Ye: "Two hundred million!"

Two hundred million! There was an uproar in the audience, watching the struggle between the two brothers.

We all know that Shen Muhan and the Shen family are at odds, but this way of discord, burning money to such a degree, is really amazing.

Xia Jiu also stroked the forehead. She didn't listen to the two of them anyway, they were both rich and self-willed, whatever.

As soon as Shen Ye finished bidding for the price, his cell phone entered the call. When he saw that his father was calling, he was a little confused: "Dad, I know, I will follow up on the company's projects. Nothing, I am Is that kind of person? No, no! I'm dead!"

Shen Muhan took a deep look at Shen Ye, then raised a sign and said, "Two hundred million!"

Shen Ye almost exploded, he added 100,000, so who is he looking down on?

Shen Muhan tilted his head and looked at Shen Ye, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and he looked straight down at Shen Ye.

Others don't know his own situation, can Shen Ye still be unclear? He has never had much interest in his career. He is used to being loose and free. If he is caught by his father and pressed into the company, he will not cry to death.

He prefers coincidences, but now my father called, fearing that he had already heard some wind.

In addition, if he knows that Xia Lin is still under eighteen, Shen Ye will suddenly feel chills on his back. He points to Shen Muhan: "You yin to me, ask me to file a complaint with my dad?"

Shen Muhan's tone was light: "Do you still raise your placard?"

Shen Ye heard that the auctioneer was already counting: "Two hundred million two times, two hundred million..."

He moved his eyebrows, and finally gave up.

"Two hundred and one million three times!" The auctioneer gave a final word, "Shen Mu Hanhan won the auction for this skirt! Congratulations Han!"

Everyone looked at Shen Muhan.

At this moment, all the items have been auctioned off, the lights are on, and everyone's eyes are undisguised.

I'm all guessing, what exactly will Shen Muhan do with this skirt?

Should it be sent to a museum, or should it be used as a gift?

Shen Ye was still sitting upset, and Shen Muhan lifted his chin to him: "Go get your skirt."

"What?" Shen Ye didn't react.

"I gave the skirt to Xia Lin." Shen Muhan said in a flat tone, before Shen Ye was about to blow up her hair, "to tell her for me, it was her brother-in-law who gave her something."

Xia Jiu: "..."

Did she hear it right? Shen Muhan wants to give Xia Lin something?

Shen Ye: "..."

So in fact, everyone's purpose is the same, to give things to Xia Jiu in the end? No wonder Shen Muhan wants to prevent him from adding money again. What's the point of hitting him?

Shen Ye went to pick up things with joy.

Xia Jiu couldn't help but looked at Shen Muhan a few times, and said, "Young Master Han is too expensive, right?"

"It's just a gift, it's rare to meet someone you like, of course you can't miss it.

"It's too expensive, have you ever thought about how to deal with the person you receive?"

Shen Muhan raised his eyebrows slightly: "That is the freedom of the person who receives the gift."

The waiters filed in, carrying the contract, and asking the person who auctioned the item to sign, and the item can be delivered to the auctioneer later.

It stands to reason that an auction will almost end at this moment.

Not far away, Fang Minghao stood up and gave the design drawing of Ms. Gong Enci that had just been photographed in his hand to Xia Ruomeng with both hands: "Ruomeng, this is a gift for you, please accept it! I wish you In the National Fashion Design Association, there can be more long-term development, and I wish you good results in the Paris Fashion Design Conference in the future!"

This scene immediately attracted a lot of attention, and reporters pressed the shutter one after another.

Presumably this scene will also become the focus of attention tonight along with the clothing show and auction tonight.

Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng spent so much money to achieve this effect.

Xia Ruomeng was specially dressed up and attracted the attention of the audience at this moment, becoming the absolute focus of the whole audience.

"Thank you, thank you very much, Ming Hao! For my cause, I have given so much! I will definitely not live up to your expectations, nor will I live up to the expectations of the Clothing Association!" Xia Ruomeng burst into tears with excitement.

The audience was full of applause.

Everyone can't help but look at Xia Jiu. Someone said before that Xia Jiu and Xia Ruomeng fought for Fang Minghao. However, it seems that Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng have long been in love with each other and are determined Unchanging, how could this relationship be broken up by Xia Jiu?

Under the affection of others, Xia Jiu is like a joke.

Vice President Luo also took the opportunity to stand up and said, "Ruomeng, you are welcome to join our association and contribute to our association! With the participation of talented designers like you, our association will certainly develop in the long run and make great progress. !"

"Thank you, President Luo." Xia Ruomeng said gratefully, omitting even the adverb, making Vice President Luo smile.

Before, there were people who questioned Xia Ruomeng because of Mrs. Gao’s clothing. Now, seeing that Vice President Luo value Xia Ruomeng so much, everyone knows that Xia Jiu is the one who has been questioned. Xia Ruomeng has real talents and learns.

Vice President Luo said to Xia Ruomeng earnestly: "Ruomeng, people who enter our association, besides talents, are more importantly character. This is why I chose you. I hope you don’t do it for the mess of the outside world. , It affects your mood, you must keep your upward heart!

"I will, President Luo! Thank you so much!"

A reporter asked: "Vice President Luo, what you mean by this refers to Mrs. Gao's previous incident. Did Xia Jiu use the means to occupy the dress Xia Ruomeng designed for Mrs. Gao?"

"Are you alluding to Xia Jiu's plagiarism?"

Vice President Luo smiled and said: "I don’t make any comments about what happened at that time, but the clearer is clear. I believe in Ruomeng’s strength and her character! If you are interested, you can go and see Ruomeng’s. Design, her talent, no doubt! I believe everyone can tell! Even our President Ma said that Ruomeng’s design is good, right, President Ma?"

President Ma’s name is Ma Aiguo, he is a mixed-race. His father is from the Dragon Empire, so he is named Ma Aiguo. He is bold and not good at twists and turns. Vice President Luo’s gesture of attracting people’s hearts is too much. stand up.

The reporter pointed at him and said: "Xia Ruomeng's design is not concealed. It is indeed an outstanding one and can be qualified to enter the association."

Although it is also an appreciation, but the flaws do not cover up the four words, it still shows that Xia Ruomeng's design is flawed, and Ma Aiguo focuses on this.

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