Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 335: Envy to cry in the storm

Li Tianguang had served in the military in the past, and he was a distant relative of the president, and his wife had a good relationship with the president's wife.

It can be said that Shen Yaozong took a lot of thought to find such a big Buddha to ask Shen Jingyu for forgiveness.

Shen Jingyu wanted to refuse, but instead he thought about it and said, "Then tomorrow night."

Take this opportunity to let them know He Ning's identity, lest they think that He Ning is a good bully.

The next night, the Li family made preparations at home.

Because it was a banquet for Shen Jingyu, the scene was prepared very grandly, and many other people with good looks in Jingyuan City were invited to accompany him.

Shen Jingyu agreed, Li Tianguang's face was light.

"General Li, I'm tired of working hard tonight." Shen Shengren put on a flattering smile, "Children's affairs, please say a few words."

Li Tianguang is a civilian in the army and has already resigned, so the gold content of his "general" is completely different from the gold content of a general who holds the army like Shen Jingyu.

Approximately it's just a title.

He also has the heart to make more friends with Shen Jingyu.

"I don't know why your son is so confused and offended the third master."

Shen Shengren smiled awkwardly.

While we were talking, a guest came in from outside.

I only heard someone say: "Look, it's Xiao Lin! A well-known entertainment circle Xiaohua."

"It's beautiful! It looks better than in the movie!"

"Miss Xiao, looking forward to your next movie." Someone held a wine glass and bowed to Xiao Lin.

In the crowd, Xiao Lin's figure suddenly appeared.

Xiao Lin smiled bitterly, where does she have the next movie?

Yesterday, the company has quickly terminated the contract with her.

Offended Shen Jingyu, she didn't dare to sign another company.

Fortunately, she has a small reputation. At the party, she met a few people with decent status before she was invited and was able to appear here.

Tonight, she only hopes that by relying on this dinner, she can make more dignitaries and find a safe place for the rest of her life.

A few wealthy daughters with a little gossip were talking on the sidelines.

"I heard that she seems to have something to do with San Ye..."

"Really? Really?"

"I heard that San Ye visited her class. Not long ago."

"Envy that the storm is crying!"

Xiao Lin also heard this kind of discussion, and kept walking forward, keeping his arrogant head.

With such rumors, it is good to be able to raise one's worth.

She didn't know that this banquet tonight was held exclusively for Shen Jingyu, and she thought it was an exchange between ordinary powerful and powerful people, and hoped that everyone would talk more about her and San Ye.

After Li Tianguang and Shen Shengren heard this, they invited Xiao Lin over.

"Miss Xiao, are you acquainted with San Ye?" Shen Shengren's eyes lit up.

"I'm not familiar, it's because the outside world likes to spread gossip." Xiao Lin said very conservatively. Last time she was beaten in the face by Shen Jingyu, she was scared.

Shen Shengren smiled and said: "Knowing that Miss Xiao cherishes fame, but it is a real skill to be able to get women with the blue eyes of the third master."

Xiao Lin smiled slightly, but after all he couldn't bear the vanity, and half-truth responded, "That's showing love to me."

"Recently, I heard that the third master was passionate about women. We thought it was the daughter of a daughter, it turned out to be Miss Xiao."

Xiao Lin pressed his lips and smiled shyly.

Shen Shengren felt more and more hopeful, and said to Li Tianguang: "General Li, it is better to arrange..."

Li Tianguang heard what he meant and thought it was very feasible.

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