Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3350: To attend a wedding is to eat dog food

"Yes." Huang Shasha confessed without embarrassment, without mentioning Qin Zheng, "what do you think?"

Xia Ruomeng touched it carefully: "This fabric is very good. If it is used to make clothes, it should be very good. If possible, the Huang family will supply it to us."

"Ruomeng, didn't we all cooperate in the past? We provide fabrics, you provide designs, and then produce together and make money together." Huang Shasha said, "I have tried this fabric with someone and made it. The clothes are absolutely top-notch, they don’t wrinkle easily, and they are stylish. It’s hard to find such fabrics on the market."

Xia Ruomeng secretly scolded Huang Sasha for having too much appetite, saying that it would be produced together, but the production line was owned by the Xia family, and the Huang family provided only some fabrics.

However, reason also knows that it is really not easy to find such cloth.

She said: "This is all easy to say, as long as there is money to be made, will the relationship between the two of us still be divided between you and me?"

Huang Shasha said happily: "Then it's settled. The Huang family will arrange for the corresponding skilled workers to come over and provide fabrics."

It only provides fabrics, not formulas.

However, Xia Ruomeng had to agree, and the two people looked good and divorced, but they smiled brightly at each other.

Huang Shasha said: "By the way, if you have joined the Fashion Association, you have to go to the competition right away. Take this opportunity to quickly use my fabric to produce clothes. At that time, once you win the prize, all the clothes will be produced immediately. Going on sale, you think about this profit..."

Xia Ruomeng had already been thinking about this matter. Huang Shasha said that, facing the fabric in front of her, she became more confident and said, "Yes, it will start now, to seize the opportunity."


Strictly speaking, Xia Ruomeng's wedding was just a pavilion ceremony, and it was organized by Chen Meiru who did not want her daughter to be gossiped about with her big belly.

After Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao receive the certificate, they will be held.

The real wedding still has to be held by Fang's family after she finishes participating in the competition.

But even if it is not a real wedding, it is very lively and grand.

Now Xia Ruomeng is pregnant with Fang's son, and has entered the Fashion Design Association. Mrs. Fang has a bright face and prepares eagerly. She must give Xia Ruomeng's pavilion gift to be successful.

On that day, in a seven-star hotel in Jingyuan City, Xia’s family had already booked a restaurant, and the scene was a bit more grand than when Xia Fen married.

Xia Ruomeng had a big belly and had long been wearing a special wedding dress designed to cover her belly. If she didn't look carefully, she wouldn't be able to see her pregnant belly. It was truly beautiful.

Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Fang also have a bright face and greet the guests enthusiastically.

"Congratulations, congratulations, this is really three happy visits! Ruomeng is pregnant with her son, and has joined the clothing association, and now she is married to the Fang family, and the strong alliance is enviable." A guest smiled and congratulated.

"It's really an award." Mrs. Fang responded with infinite joy.

"If Ruomeng can get a big prize this time, then he will really be a winner in life, invincible!"

Mrs. Fang added more joy, looking at Xia Ruomeng, it was even more pleasing to the eye.

Facts have proved that his son has a unique vision and did not choose the wrong person at all.

If Xia Jiu is chosen, everything will not go so smoothly...

Thinking of Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu came over.

When Mrs. Fang saw her, her face became darker. Xia Jiu came over today without dressing up. She was wearing a plain T-shirt, a pair of denim, white shoes, and her hair was tied into a ball head casually.

This dress is indeed very pure and beautiful, and this dress can also highlight her proud and good figure.

But for coming to the wedding, this is a bit too casual.

"Xia Jiu." Mrs. Fang held back her temper and said nothing, "Welcome, please come in."

Xia Jiu nodded, said nothing, and walked in.

A guest on the side said, "Isn't this Xia Jiu? How come you can wear it so easily?"

"After all, Xia Jiu also likes today's bridegroom. She may be uncomfortable in her heart. Otherwise, she will definitely get dressed up."

"But speaking of it, Xia Jiu's dressing up like this makes people unable to remove their eyes. If they really dress up well, I'm afraid they will compare people..."

The person who said this glanced at Mrs. Fang and did not continue.

Mrs. Fang felt that these people were right. Xia Jiu's appearance was too charming and enchanting, and his eyes were sultry, so it would be nice to wear it in this way, so as not to cause trouble.

She smiled and said: "If you marry a wife and marry a virtuous person, what does it matter if Meng is talented and has his own career, and doesn't rely on her face to eat? Moreover, if Meng does not look bad, there is nothing better than others? "

Everyone smiled and said, "Of course."

Soon after Xia Jiu entered, the wedding began.

Fang Minghao wears a decent suit with a beaded flower for the bridegroom. His hair has been specially groomed and his makeup has been modified. He is very handsome.

Xia Ruomeng is also exceptionally beautiful today.

As if intentionally or unintentionally, Fang Minghao randomly glanced in Xia Jiu's direction. Seeing her eyes were empty and blank, she couldn't help but subconsciously jump in her heart.

Is she sad? Still thinking about something?

"Minghao, come on stage!" Ji Ji urged.

Xia Ruomeng felt a little uncomfortable seeing this scene, but after today, everything is his own, and there is nothing to worry about.

Especially after giving birth to a son, everything will be more stable in the future, and there is no need to compare with Xia Jiuduo.

After a series of lengthy processes are completed, it is time for the bride and groom to exchange rings.

"Please exchange the rings for the bride and groom!" the emcee said loudly.

Fang Minghao took the microphone and said, "Now it is indeed time for us to exchange rings, but please wait for a while."

"Why? Isn't it a good auspicious time? What are you waiting for?" someone in the audience asked.

Fang Minghao smiled: "Because Ruomeng likes a ring by the well-known designer Alex, I found a friend and asked Alex to buy that ring for Ruomeng. Unfortunately, Alex’s designs are all orphans. , It’s rarely available in batches, so it’s not possible to buy it directly. But fortunately, Alex introduced his apprentice and personally designed a ring for Ruomeng. It’s already on the way to deliver it. Wait a minute."

The audience admired: "Wow, the design of the apprentice introduced by Alex himself! I really envy Xia Ruomeng!"

"Young Master Fang is also interested. He took so much thought for a wedding ring."

"Sure enough to go to the wedding is to eat dog food! This bite filled me!"

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