Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3356: I can help you make up

"Received!" The young woman called for the vehicle and returned to the cafe with them.

"My name is Fiona. Look at your appearance. I'm from the Dragon Empire, right? What is your name?"

Xia Jiu just noticed that she was not a complete Easterner, nor a pure Westerner. It seemed that she should be a mixed-race person. No wonder she spoke fluent Dragon Empire.

The other party's courtesy was very good, and Xia Jiu also put aside his prejudices and introduced himself.

Fiona is a very enthusiastic girl. After entering the cafe, she ordered coffee for Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai and left her business card. Then she said, "I will definitely be responsible for Jiang Bai's hand injury. I am in the hospital. The advance payment has already been made, and you can go and report your name directly. I'm really sorry this time."

A group of people hurriedly came from outside, came to Fiona, and murmured a few words in French.

"Then I'm sorry, I won't accompany you. I have a banquet tonight." Fiona stood up and was about to leave, exclaiming, "My skirt!"

She was wearing a princess dress for an evening gown. The extravagant design did not conceal her purity, but the position of the skirt had already been torn apart by a raw material, and she didn't know where it was torn just now.

She was about to cry immediately: "Oh my God, what should I do! Oh, what should I do!"

Jiang Bai suggested: "Change one. It's a fashion boutique outside. It should be too late."

"No, it's specially customized. I have said that I must wear this tonight, otherwise it would be rude!" Fiona twirled anxiously, "This is a very grand dinner! Blame me, it's okay to get a carriage. Ah, I cried! It's only half an hour, and it's too late to find someone to fix it!"

The person next to her was also anxious, obviously not knowing what to do.

Xia Jiu glanced at Fiona's skirt and saw it early in the morning. Her skirt, no matter the workmanship or the material, is very good. If it is to be repaired, it is indeed not an easy task.

With materials like this, I'm afraid the person who makes this skirt may not be able to make it up.

Fiona was so anxious to cry. Everyone who followed her bowed their heads. You could see that Fiona was a good identity. If there was a problem with her skirt, the people who followed her would be all too. There is no exemption.

Xia Jiu said shallowly: "Fiona, can you find the sewing box?"

"What's the use of finding it? I can’t find anyone to fix it at all? You know, what I’m going to attend tonight is a royal banquet. This dress was designed for me by the royal designer. I said that I would show it to everyone at the banquet. Now that I look like this will definitely offend the royal family. If I change my suit, it will be even harder to say..."

"You find the sewing box, I can help you make it up." Xia Jiu said.

"Really?" Fiona was overjoyed, and then she was disappointed. "Thank you, but I know how hard this is to make up. Last time I tried it on, I accidentally scratched it a little bit, the designer I didn’t make up for it, so I simply replaced the piece of fabric. Fortunately, the skirt itself was not finished at the time, so it could be replaced directly. Even if it’s changed now, it’s not easy to change it."

"Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. Give me a try."

Fiona heard Xia Jiu say this and said, "Okay, you can try it. I'll find out if I can make do with it. That's it for tonight."

Soon someone sent a sewing box, which was all available.

Xia Jiu took it and tried Fiona's fabric. The difficulty of this fabric was too ordinary compared to the difficulty of keeping a fairy skirt.

She immediately started sewing.

Jiang Bai was the one who had seen Xia Jiu's skills, and said with a smile: "Fiona, I don't think you have to worry about it. Xia Jiu's skills are definitely fine."

Fiona only thought they were comforting herself, and she smiled reluctantly: "Thank you, I know, you have done your best."

Jiang Bai didn't say much, but Fiona was browsing quickly on her mobile phone, hoping to find an alternative.

Soon, Xia Jiu said: "Okay."

"Huh?" Fiona looked down, "Huh? Where did you scratch a piece just now? Oh my god! It's really good! I can't even find where it was scratched! Oh my god, Xia Jiu , What magical magic are you using?"

"This is the magical magic of our Dragon Empire." Xia Jiu smiled slightly, putting the needle and thread in the box.

"This is amazing too! Are you an angel?" Fiona asked, holding her hand.

"Aren't you in a hurry, go ahead." Xia Jiu said.

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving now. But Xia Jiu, I will contact you later, you and Jiang Bai are waiting for me! I will be back soon!" Fiona lifted her skirt and ran behind her Follow a bunch of people, follow behind her.

Xia Jiu vaguely heard someone calling her a princess, and didn't mind that much. He turned to look at Jiang Bai: "You have no problem with your hands, right?"

"No, let's go." Jiang Bai didn't mind his hand injury at all.

In a blink of an eye, the preliminary round of the fashion design competition is about to be held.

On the day of the event, designers from all over the world gathered together, and the entire competition site was very lively.

Xia Ruomeng came to the scene accompanied by Fang Minghao and Xiao Yunhua.

Because of his own law firm, Fang Jia has represented many foreign companies in the legal business of the Long Empire branch, so they knew a lot of people at the scene.

This made Xia Ruomeng also quickly entered the sight of everyone.

People abroad, after all, don't understand the internal situation of the Dragon Empire. They heard that Xia Ruomeng is a very talented designer. Seeing that she is so outstanding at her young age, she can't help but admire her, and her words are extremely familiar and enthusiastic.

Many people surrounded Xia Ruomeng and praised again and again.

Xia Ruomeng specially dressed up today, a well-cut clothes that concealed her belly and outlined her body line.

In the crowd's onlookers, she raised her head, sometimes chin, sometimes smiling, and behaved gracefully.

Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai are very low-key. Xia Jiu wears clothes that usually commute, and a light gray lady's business suit, which makes her overly delicate face more capable and less coquettish.

Jiang Bai's hand has been injured, so there is no task at all today, just to have fun. Xia Jiu received the player's number plate, she didn't even ask for the player's number plate, which meant just giving up.

Xia Jiu just turned around and saw Ma Aiguo following by. It seemed that he was afraid that Xia Jiu would be poached by people from the International Fashion Association. He hadn't left at all in the past few days.

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