Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3363: Generally not like this

"Oh, who asked her to participate in the competition with her baby?" Xia Jiu said casually, "I need to count my own body."

"Xia Jiu, you have to pay attention. I always feel that what happened last time has nothing to do with Xia Ruomeng. This time I am afraid she will play tricks again." Jiang Bai reminded.

Xia Jiu laughed and had to admit that even Jiang Bai could understand Xia Ruomeng's tricks, but Fang Minghao could not understand it alone.

Maybe this is how love makes people blind.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of Shen Muhan in the phone.

In the past few days, he will send over WeChat from time to time, very simple content, Xia Jiu sometimes responds, sometimes too lazy to respond.

When she gets busy, she rarely thinks of him.

However, I am afraid it will become less and less in the future.

Xia Jiu's biggest energy and problem now lies in the finals.

Xia Ruomeng is currently in poor health. She must be in no mood or time to make clothes, but she will definitely not be reconciled to give up.

Therefore, in the end, Xia Ruomeng's idea will still hit her in the head...

Xia Jiu will not take it lightly.

Xia Ruomeng's clothes are really not in the mood to make, until now, she has only halfway through it. What's more, even if she goes all out to make it, it is impossible to make it better than Xia Jiu.

Fang Minghao came to visit her, but she maintained the self-confidence on her face: "No problem, I'm almost done, there is no problem with the time to catch up to the final."

"It's just hard work for you. Do you want me to find more people to help?" Fang Minghao said distressedly, looking at her face is particularly bad these days, knowing that she is too exhausted in the game, "Look for someone to help, let you relax a little."

"No, I can." Xia Ruomeng could only rely on Xia Jiu in the end. Naturally, the fewer people around him, the better, so as not to expose them.

Fang Minghao couldn't bear to see that she was tired out of dark circles recently, but she had to insist, so she had to let her go.

While Xia Jiu was seriously preparing the clothes, Xia Ruomeng was carefully preparing, taking the clothes from Xia Jiu's side as his own credit.

All this is not that simple, so she needs to plan carefully...

Xia Jiu packed her things and went to the hotel restaurant for coffee.

Chen Qi walked to her and said, "Miss Xia."

This is the first time Chen Qi has appeared in front of her publicly in a few days.

"Anything?" Xia Jiu asked.

"Xia Ruomeng, this woman, really has a deep heart. The bird’s dress in the phoenix dress caused an uproar. She was deliberately hacking you. The young master meant that she was handed over to me to arrange. I was wondering whether or not to send her directly Forget it?"

In fact, Chen Qi could do this in private, especially in this foreign country, he could completely deal with Xia Ruomeng without knowing it.

However, he felt that the matter was of great importance, so it was better to have a good breath with Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu spouted a sip of coffee and hurriedly wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"What does Miss Xia mean?" Chen Qi asked hurriedly.

Xia Jiu slowly wiped the corners of her twitching mouth, and said, "Do you usually do things like this?"

"It's usually not like that." Chen Qi said honestly, "It's usually bloodier and more direct."

Xia Jiu: "..."

She knew that she shouldn't ask.

A person like Shen Muhan can even kill himself, so what else is it that he can't do it?

"Then I will do it?" Chen Qi asked when Xia Jiu was silent.

"No, I will solve my own affairs by myself. And, have you ever told your young master that this is illegal?" Xia Jiu asked, she really wanted to ask, is it okay for Shen Muhan to do that? ?

Chen Qi thought for a while: "It's okay, the young master has been very restrained in the past six months, and seldom kills people directly."

"Okay, okay. You don't need to take care of Xia Ruomeng's affairs. I will handle it myself. You can always listen to my arrangements." Xia Jiu said, speechless in his heart.

Is there only one way for Shen Muhan to do things?

Still rarely kill people directly? He said that he was doing charity. Does Shen Muhan know what he is doing?

Chen Qi retreated quickly.

Xia Jiu couldn't drink the coffee anymore. He got up and went back upstairs. After thinking about it, he sent a WeChat message to Shen Muhan: "I will take care of Xia Ruomeng's affairs. If you ask Chen Qi not to move, I will kill him."

"Do you think it's great to raise a tiger?" The person on the other side didn't even sleep. It should be early in the morning over there, right?

"Then you think indiscriminate killing is great, don't you? Besides, is someone like Xia Ruomeng a tiger? I have my own plan, don't care about it." Xia Jiu typed a row.

"Whatever you want." Three words came over there.

Xia Jiu left him alone, threw away the phone, and didn't bother to care about him anymore.

However, he knew in his heart that he should not be taken lightly, and Xia Ruomeng's plan would definitely begin soon.

The day of the final.

As an international clothing capital, this competition caused a great sensation in Paris, with an endless stream of reporters coming to report.

Major clothing companies will also come to tap talents at this grand event as the company's reserve force.

However, before the end of the final, in order to protect the players, the organizing committee will not allow these clothing companies to contact each player.

But it does not mean that these companies will wait calmly.

Xia Jiu has received several calls.

Before the final, she turned off her mobile phone, and prepared her clothes. What Xia Ruomeng did to herself...

She deliberately distracted Jiang Bai and told Chen Qi and his people not to act rashly.

Sure enough, before the final, Xia Ruomeng came over and knocked on Xia Jiu's door: "Xia Jiu, Xia Jiu, come and help."

"What's the matter?" Xia Jiu opened the door and asked.

"Ming Hao doesn't know why, but suddenly his body is in some condition. I am a pregnant woman and cannot move him.

"Don't make an emergency call? I'm not a doctor." Xia Jiu's lips provoked a hint of sarcasm, but it just happened to reveal a trace of unconcealed concern.

Xia Ruomeng caught the concern in her eyes, knowing that her purpose was hopeful, and said: "I played, but the language is different, which is inconvenient. Besides, the ambulance doesn't know when it will come. Can you help me? , The order of your entry into the finals is just behind me. If anything happens to Minghao..."

"Okay, I'll help you." Xia Jiu said.

"That's great, I knew you would help. Xia Jiu, let's go." Xia Ruomeng took Xia Jiu and hurriedly entered her and Fang Minghao's room.

With a click, Xia Ruomeng locked the room after Xia Jiu entered.

"Xia Ruomeng, what are you doing?" Xia Jiu said angrily.

"I'm going to see a doctor, please help me." After Xia Ruomeng finished speaking, the sound of footsteps was gone.

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