Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3371: Nonsense

Things like the costume competition itself are not something that attracts much attention in China. In addition, the time is contrary to the domestic one. As long as you don't deliberately report it, you will not know what happened in this final.

Fang Minghao managed to do this again, even if some media released the manuscript, they only released the manuscript that Xia Jiu won the championship, but did not publish the manuscript that Xia Ruomeng was slapped and plagiarized.

In this way, Xia Ruomeng's reputation in the country was preserved.


Jiang Bai saw the domestic reports and went to Xia Jiu: "Xia Jiu, if you read these reports, you are absolutely absolutely nothing. He didn't mention anything about Xia Ruomeng. It was obviously to protect her and refused to mention it. I was slapped in public, and the people in the country were still kept in the dark."

Xia Jiu had anticipated this result a long time ago. Fang Minghao was born in a family of law and had a good reputation in Jingyuan, and Xia Jiu is just an ordinary designer. Others give Fang family face, that is certain and affirmative.

"It's so mad."

"Don't be angry, you won't be punished even if you are angry." Xia Jiu smiled.

"You can see it well. I'll just change for me..."

"How about you?"

As soon as Jiang Bai thought about changing himself, it seemed that he couldn't solve it, and the words came to an end for a while.

She suddenly thought of something and said: "Then you join the National Garment Association, you join, they will definitely have an overwhelming propaganda, when the time comes, Ma Hui will come forward and give you a fairness, and the media will naturally report Xia Ruomeng’s bad Acting!"

This is indeed a way.

But Xia Jiu knew that once he took the Xia family back, he would leave Shen Muhan and stay far away. Therefore, joining the Clothing Association was not the best choice.

"I haven't thought about joining for the time being, wait until I have a chance in the future."


Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng had just returned to the hotel when the police followed suit.

"What are you?" Xia Ruomeng was shocked.

"We received a call to the police. A Miss Xia Jiu claimed to have been injured, so I hope you two will come and cooperate."

Xia Ruomeng shook his head: "We did nothing..."

Fang Minghao knew that if Xia Jiu did not do this thing, Xia Jiu must have reason to call the police.

What's more, the police are here, so how could the matter end because of Xia Ruomeng's two grievances?

However, entering the police station in a foreign country is really uncomfortable.

Entering the police station, Xia Jiu also left and was taking notes.

"Xia Jiu, why are you doing this?" Xia Ruomeng stepped forward and accused.

"Why am I? I was shut in the room nicely, with a man with drugs, and almost had a problem. Are you asking why I want to call the police or why do you want to sue you? What do you think?" Xia Jiu picks Raised a delicate and perfect eyebrow, asked lightly.

Xia Ruomeng had nothing to say.

In fact, Fang Minghao thought about this matter before and after. In the drug matter, he felt that Xia Ruomeng was actually very self-contradictory. It was just that he had been comforting himself. Xia Ruomeng was unintentional and did not always follow this matter. Xia Ruomeng is connected.

And he did secretly hope in his heart that Xia Jiu really still has ideas for himself...

But now Xia Jiu directly called the police, and one can imagine that she is indeed completely innocent.

Fang Minghao was in a very complicated mood. Xia Ruomeng shook his head and cried: "Minghao, you believe me, how could I give you medicine? What benefit can I do besides pushing you out? Minghao, Think about it."

Fang Minghao glanced at Xia Jiu deeply.

Xia Jiu responded lazily to them with a lazy look: "Isn't it? It's fine to follow the police's investigation, right?"

Xia Ruomeng shivered.

Xia Jiu left immediately after finishing the transcript.

She still has a lot to do.

Xia Jiu won the championship, and major clothing companies have also thrown out olive branches one after another, hoping that she can join.

Xia Jiu did not make a choice, but secretly left a lot of contact information.

After that, I attended several celebration banquets, and the time was always tight.

As for Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng, they were also unable to leave for the time being because they had to be investigated.

But a few days later, the police still let Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng leave.

Fang Minghao asked someone to clear up some relationships, and he also had his own affairs, and he couldn't stay in Paris forever.

On Xia Ruomeng's side, he was irritated, and her stomach aches from time to time. Fang Minghao was afraid of accidents, but the police were also afraid of accidents.

After all, in this incident, the person involved, Xia Jiu, did not suffer any substantial harm, and if Xia Ruomeng's child had a problem, it would be extremely terrifying.

France is the most humanitarian country. It agreed to Fang Minghao's and Xia Ruomeng's proposal to go to the hospital for recuperation, and also agreed to their proposal to return to China.

It's just that I agree, everyone knows it, and it won't be revisited in the future.

After Jiang Bai knew, he complained again.

"I was not actually hurt, and this result is reasonable. What's more, it is indeed a last resort to be able to receive preferential treatment with the children in my stomach." Xia Jiu said, "Anyway, I To call the police, all you need is an alarm record."

Jiang Bai nodded: "Oh, it's good to have one in this belly. It can't be touched or beaten or scolded, but I don't want her Xia Ruomeng to be able to do anything wrong with the child in her belly!"

Xia Jiu was packing her suitcase, the phone rang, she picked it up, and Fiona's voice came from the other side: "Xia Jiu, congratulations, I just saw the news report, you have to design the champion of the competition! No wonder you last time. The dress I made up is seamless. It turns out that there is such a skill! Before you return to China, I will celebrate for you! Also, I haven't thanked you for the things that day!"

Xia Jiu thought for a while and said, "That's great. Where can I meet?"

"At that time, I will have someone come to pick you up. I will introduce a few friends to you."

"Well, good." Xia Jiu agreed.

"Then I also called Jiang Bai. I hurt her hand that day and I still apologize in my heart."

Jiang Bai quickly received Fiona's call, because Xia Jiu had already agreed to go, so Jiang Bai also agreed.

And Jiang Bai is relatively familiar with France, and she also plans to accompany Xia Jiu.

Fiona got the answer from two people and hung up the phone very happy.


At the agreed time, a super luxurious car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Xia Jiu and Jiang Bai guessed that Fiona's identity was good, but they didn't expect to be more powerful than they thought.

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