Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3377: Feeling of buying and selling

And this time Xia Ruomeng lost such a big face in the foreign competition, many companies have the idea of ​​breaking their cooperation, so after a period of time, the order of BIR has soared, and this factor is also in it.

In addition, Qin Zheng's good fabrics are now supplied to Xia Jiu, and the business of the Xia family will be greatly affected.

And these orders will be transferred to BIR.

It's just that Xia Ruomeng's plagiarism and shame have been blocked in the country. Even President Jian and others are not sure what the specific incident is, so they can't predict this situation.

Xia Jiu will specifically remind.

The consequences of Xia Ruomeng's defeat this time are absolutely domino-like effects, endless.

It was not as easy as she thought, it was as simple as blocking the news.

She reminded me that Mr. Jian would definitely strengthen cooperation with foreign orders, and the other Xia Jiu didn't need to worry too much.


Shen Muhan made an appointment with Jiang Bai to meet.

Jiang Bai hesitated when he thought of Xia Jiu's words, but Shen Muhan's tone was so determined, how could she refuse?

What's more, Shen Muhan asked her to buy presents for Xia Jiu himself. Even though Jiang Bai was a little worried, he still bite the bullet.

After meeting, Jiang Bai greeted stiffly: "Young Master Han."

"Yeah." Shen Muhan added a whole night's shift last night to deal with an urgent matter on the coastal wharf. He just rushed back at the moment, all in a dusty body, not in a very good state.

"So, are we going to have a look at the mall?" she asked.

"What does Xia Jiu like?"

Jiang Bai didn't know why, but when he asked this, her mood relaxed. It was probably because of the state in which he said this. When Xia Jiu's name was mentioned, the whole person's tone was softened.

Her tone also relaxed a lot: "She, she likes beautiful things, shiny, beautiful, and design things. She likes it when I go shopping with her."

"Are you talking about carbon, calcium carbonate-containing mineral beads produced by the endocrine action of shellfish, etc.?" Shen Muhan asked.

"Wh, what?" Jiang Bai felt that he hadn't kept up with his rhythm.

Shen Muhan thought for a while and said, "Diamonds, jewelry."

Jiang Bai felt that he understood the problems between him and Xia Jiu a little bit. As a senior love expert who chased various idol dramas and romance novels every day, Shen Muhan's wrong demonstration was simply a textbook-like negative teaching material.

"So Young Master Han, do you rarely give Xia Jiu gifts?"

"No, often."

Jiang Bai gave a light cough, which didn't look like it.

A man who often gives gifts would call pearls "calcium carbonate-containing mineral beads produced by the endocrine function of shellfish"?

Will diamond be called "carbon element"?

Wouldn't he call rose flowers "plants|reproduction|organism|official"?

Jiang Bai coughed lightly again: "So what does Young Master Han usually give?"

"Check." Shen Muhan's expression was light, but he was really listening intently to Jiang Bai's words.

After the incident this time, the dim thought in his heart became clear day by day, that is, to keep Xia Jiu and let her be by his side forever.

Maybe there was such a thought in the subconscious before.

Make her pregnant and let her stay.

Pregnancy is not an end at all, it is just a means.

Because in his straight line of thinking, a woman will stay with a man only after she is pregnant and has a child.

Jiang Bai's chin was almost astonished: "Check?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong." Jiang Bai felt that he was having difficulty breathing. No wonder Xia Jiu wanted to say that Shen Muhan was not a good person. Sending a check, what kind of straight man operation was this?

Although women do look forward to having money to spend, spending casually, but the check is too simple and rude, right?

Moreover, looking at Shen Muhan's posture, there is a high probability that he will send cheques on birthdays and cheques on holidays, using cheques as a panacea.

Shen Muhan looked at Jiang Bai's face and confirmed again: "Sending a check...Is there anything wrong?"

"Actually, that can’t be said wrong, but if you just send a check instead of carefully choosing some gifts, it will give people a feeling of buying and selling. But you also know that love matters, if it is contaminated with buying and selling. Words, that's just...a bit hurtful." Jiang Bai said after considering his words.

Sure enough, it was the overbearing president who sent the check directly! It's even more explosive than the novels she has read!

But reading a novel is one thing. I really want to meet it in real life, but it's really a bit overwhelming.

Hearing her words, Shen Muhan's expression suddenly frightened, and his Adam's apple slid heavily.

"Miss Jiang, get out of the car first, and I will ask the assistant to take you home." Shen Muhan told Jiang Bai to leave directly.

Jiang Bai got out of the car quickly and watched Shen Muhan's car lift up and leave.

She couldn't help but feel Xia Jiu's feeling deeply. Was it considered to be thrown away when it was used up?

He kept saying that he wanted to ask for advice, and his attitude was very polite. Now he feels he has the essence, so he just throws himself out?

Sure enough, a straight man is a straight man. Do you really think that learning this time will be useful for the rest of your life?

Jiang Bai silently placed a wax on Shen Muhan in his heart.

Shen Muhan drove away. The car broke through the cold of the winter night at a very fast speed and headed towards the villa.

Checks give people a sense of buying and selling...

Emotions are contaminated with business...

Some hurt...

Some hurt...

Shen Muhan hasn't said that he will give a check every time afterwards.

He remembered that when he was with her for the first time, she was looking for someone to drink in the bar and offered to exchange money for Charlene's medical expenses.

So that time, he gave a check.

After that, the check is given every time there is no change.

So, it's no wonder that every time she is in a bad mood, when she receives a check, there will be such a look in those extremely beautiful eyes, some are hooked, and some are far away.

Before, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with giving the check. He took what he needed. Of course, it was best not to owe each other.

However, he admitted that he has feelings for her...then the check-

It is really a weapon to hurt people.

Xia Jiu took a shower and was sitting on the bedside reading a book, a new professional book on clothing design. She had read it once, and felt that some of the content was quite useful. She was picking the essence of her notes and reading it a second time. .

It was already quite cold, and soon after the window was closed, a layer of moisture was cast on it.

The light in the room was bright, and there was more warmth invisibly. She lowered her head slightly, enjoying the comfort of the room, and her mood improved inexplicably.

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