Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3382: Planning to kill someone

Jiang Bai is her friend, she really categorically doesn't want to see such a situation happen.

She has been in a quagmire once, and she doesn't want to see her friends do the same.

She stood at the entrance of the restaurant for a long time before walking in mechanically.

Every time when Shen Muhan and Jiang Bai met, they went straight to the subject and solved the problem in a few words.

Usually, Shen Muhan asks Jiang Bai to come out and meet him anywhere.

It was only later that he realized that he had received so much favor from others that he should invite someone to eat and thank him.

Before Mrs. Shen asked him to deal with his feelings, it would be like a business cooperation. The two sides have exchanges and respect each other for a long time.

But he has always been like a fish in the market, and he has always been asked to cooperate with him. He is less than when he is looking for others, so even this saying that respects each other and can only last for a long time is only now learned.

It was the first time that Jiang Bai was invited to dinner.

When eating, Jiang Bai was also talking, and Shen Muhan just listened casually, as if he didn't care much.

Jiang Bai couldn't help but laugh. In fact, she was really afraid of Shen Muhan before, so afraid that she would not be complete in speaking in front of him.

But whenever Xia Jiu was mentioned, his expression would soften, giving Jiang Bai confidence and daring to say anything in his heart.

He was sure that he regarded himself as Xia Jiu's friend, and would not attack him.

"What a duplicity man." Jiang Bai sighed in his heart.

He looked like he didn't care about anything, but if it really didn't matter, how could he ask himself to discuss Xia Jiu's affairs again and again?

When Shen Muhan heard about it, the phone rang.

He whispered: "I'll answer the phone."

He stood up and walked to the balcony.

Not long after he left, Jiang Bai's cell phone rang.

She saw Xia Jiu and picked it up hurriedly.

"Jiang Bai, are you in the private room on the third floor?" Xia Jiu asked.

"Yes, the one in the middle of the east. What are you doing?" Jiang Bai was unsure.

Xia Jiu gritted his teeth, and Jiang Bai heard the sound of Xia Jiu's footsteps in the phone, and it seemed that there was a tendency to get closer and closer.

With a sudden sound, the door of the private room was opened.

Jiang Bai looked at Xia Jiu incredulously.

Xia Jiu was relieved to see that Jiang Bai was the only person in the room, not knowing why.

"Shen Muhan is gone, right?" Xia Jiu asked.

Jiang Bai didn't know how to respond to her for a while.

Xia Jiu opened the pantry and toilet in the private room and took a look. She was sure that there was no one, so she threw the bag on the chair and sat down.

"Xia Jiu, you are like this, isn't it... planning to arrest me and Young Master Han?" Jiang Bai couldn't figure out her true intentions for a while.

The cocktail cocktail wine was ordered on the table, and other beverages were readily available. It was not Shen Muhan's special order, but the etiquette of hospitality.

Xia Jiu picked up the wine glass, and after drinking half a cup, he slowly said, "I don't know what Shen Muhan meant to find you, but I would advise you to stay away from him."

"No, no, Xia Jiu..." Jiang Bai wanted to explain.

Suddenly receiving the cold gaze from the balcony, she couldn't say anything.

Xia Jiu picked up the glass again and drank all the remaining wine. Then he paused the glass and said, "Jiang Bai, you are my friend. I treat you as a friend, so I don't want you to be harmed."

"But neither do I..."

Xia Jiu interrupted her: "Then do you want to listen to my story?"

Jiang Bai stared at her blankly.

Xia Jiu drank two sips of wine and became drunk before she could speak, "Do you know why I am by Shen Muhan?"

"I don't know." Jiang Bai said honestly.

"Then do you know why I didn't leave?"

When Xia Jiu said this, Shen Muhan's fingers on the balcony held the phone, and he stagnated severely.

"I don't know." Jiang Bai was surprised, "but why are you leaving? In fact, Young Master Han is nice, he is really nice to you..."

This sentence is really not just saying this with fear of Shen Muhan's eyes, Jiang Bai is sincere.

She had guessed that there were many misunderstandings between the two, but what she saw was also the change that Shen Muhan was working on.

What did Xia Jiu misunderstand?

Xia Jiu grabbed her shoulders and whispered: "The first time he saw me, he asked me if he could buy me two million for one night."

Jiang Bai: "..."

Isn't it? Shen Muhan's straight male has cancer like this?

Xia Jiu smiled drunkly: "For him, he must be accustomed to things like this. If he sees a woman, he will just make a price, take it home, and do whatever he wants."

Jiang Bai peeked at Shen Muhan.

Shen Muhan's face was as cold as the weather outside the window, with rain and snow in the cold wind.

"But then, I went to look for him because I couldn't make up for my sister's medical expenses. I couldn't help it. I thought, anyway, I have to find someone to get the money. It's better to be him. After all, he is handsome and seductive. No loss at all. And others are so romantic, this time it’s me, next time it’s someone else, after one time it’s a good deal, how good would it be to have nothing to do with it?"

For Xia Jiu, these words are all unbearable past events, so he must drink this glass of wine to be able to tell his friends frankly.

She smiled bitterly: "After that time, I forgot to take the contraceptive pill and got pregnant soon. Then, he took me back to where he lived. In fact, at that time, I had hoped to be nice to him. Together."

When he heard these words, Shen Muhan's hand holding the phone was slightly loosened, his figure heavier.

"You know, he is so good-looking, and when he treats you well, it's really easy to be overwhelmed..." Xia Jiu was drunk and his eyes blurred, "He can cook delicious meals and wash people's hair, although It hurts to wash, my hair is about to fall out, and I will quarrel with me seriously, which is kind of naive..."

Jiang Bai looked at Shen Muhan on the balcony and found that the man's expression was much softer at the moment.

Xia Jiu lay on the table, suddenly raised his head, drunk, and became a little drunk: "But you know? He will put people in his wolves at every turn, and offend his people, who has nothing to do with him. Anyone who has something to do with him is going to kill others just by eating vinegar..."

Her hand made Jiang Bai's wrist aching, and the softness of Shen Muhan's body began to dissipate with her words.

"He would still..." Xia Jiu's eyes reddened, "I was pregnant at the time, it was an ectopic pregnancy, and had to abort. He thought I deliberately removed the child and reached out and pinched my neck... I know, at that moment, he was I really want to die, all the air is drained, so the hope... is gone... Jiang Bai, do you know how it feels to be near death?"

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