Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3388: What kind of a demon?

Xia Ruomeng felt that she had been abused by inviting Xia Jiu over to attend the wedding.

There is no need to call her here!

But if she doesn't come, and doesn't come to witness her happiness with her own eyes, Xia Ruomeng feels that all this is too meaningless.

The spoils must be divided up under the gaze of competitors to have the pleasure.

So Xia Jiu still has to come!

Xia Jiu walked in and saw everyone looking at herself. She seemed to think of something and said, "Sorry, I seem to have gone wrong."

When she said that, more people went to see her and talk about her.

Xia Fen angrily said: "What kind of demon are you doing? Attracting attention is not your method of attraction, right?"

Xia Jiu smiled: "You call it when I step on your tail?"

"You!" Xia Fen was so angry, didn't this call her a dog?

Chen Meiru didn't want to grow out of branches on this great day, and said in a rare and kind manner: "Xia Jiu, come in quickly. The wedding will begin soon."

"Sorry, I didn't come here." Xia Jiu looked down at the phone, confirmed the address sent by Shen Muhan, and found that he was missing an entrance.

She turned and walked towards the other entrance.

Someone said, "Don't go there, you will be driven out."

Xia Fen has the mentality of watching a good show: "She really has two or three points of beauty. She dares to go anywhere. See what she will look like when she is beaten out in a while!

Chen Meiru didn't listen to Xia Jiu's greetings so much, and she didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, it was not herself who was ashamed.

This Xia Jiu, deserved to suffer a little loss and learn a little longer.

Xia Ruomeng thought the same way, she raised her eyes and found that Fang Minghao was looking in Xia Jiu's direction, and she was very unhappy in her heart.

But at this time, she didn't need to breathe, and said, "Minghao, Xia Jiu doesn't know where to go. If she gets kicked out, her pride will definitely be overwhelming. Why don't you go see her?"

"Then I will pass." Fang Minghao immediately released her hand and followed Xia Jiu's figure.

Xia Ruomeng bit her teeth fiercely. She thought that Fang Minghao would find someone to watch Xia Jiu. After all, this was their wedding!

But Fang Minghao really went by himself!

How does this make her deal with herself!

Chen Meiru and Xia Fen are also stagnant, but Xia Ruomeng said the words themselves, what else can they do?

Xia Ruomeng could only maintain his dignity and generous, and deal with it indifferently.

Xia Jiu passed quickly, and everyone was waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

Who knew that after she went in, she didn't come out.

Fang Minghao chased him a few steps, and Xia Jiu entered the elevator without even giving him a corner of his eye.

"Xia Jiu!" Fang Minghao strode forward.

Several security guards stretched out their hands to stop him: "Sir, this is private territory, please do not enter!"

"Who is here and who wants to see Xia Jiu?" Fang Minghao asked eagerly, his voice trembling.

"Privacy!" The security guard asked Fang Minghao out, "Please leave."

"I just want to say a few words to Xia Jiu..."

Seeing that he was about to break through, the security guard pushed him out.

Everyone was waiting for Xia Jiu to be pushed out, who knows that they didn't wait, only Fang Minghao was pushed out in embarrassment, and the bow ties were all loosened.

Everyone was surprised.

"Minghao, are you okay?" Xia Ruomeng walked over quickly, helping him, "Where is Xia Jiu?"

"Maybe I went to meet some friends."

"Where did she come from such a friend?" Xia Ruomeng didn't believe it, nor did she want to believe it.

Fang Minghao said: "She won the Paris Design Competition. It is not surprising to have such a friend."

Xia Ruomeng closed her mouth immediately, not wanting to mention this matter.

That was the glory of Xia Jiu, and it was also his own shame.

Wish no one would know.

Everyone didn't know the clues, so they had to discuss and walk away.

The wedding was about to begin, and Xia Ruomeng's good mood had already lost half.


Xia Jiu was not very willing to go to Shen Muhan's appointment. Recently, she discovered that Shen Muhan was different, and she felt very dangerous in her heart.

But instead of going to the wedding, she would rather come to Shen Muhan's side, at least she doesn't need to make false claims or face the faces of Xia's mother and daughter.

"Miss Xia, this is it."

The waiter welcomed her in politely.

Xia Jiu stretched out his hand to lift the bead curtain in front of him, and what caught his eye was the flowers dotted in the huge room.

There was the sound of piano flowing in my ears, and the light from the crystal chandelier shone on the ground, complementing the light above the head.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Shen Muhan, in a slightly casual suit, outlined his figure perfectly.


The night at seven o'clock was already extremely heavy, and the darkness and the light in the room fell on Shen Muhan's face at the same time, cutting his angular face into two alternating light and dark parts, making his eyebrows deeper.

The emotions in the eyes became more and more unpredictable.

When he felt her reach out and lift the bead curtain, his whole body was soft.

He tilted his head to look at Xia Jiu, his eyes soft and steady.

Xia Jiu put down his coat, a little wondering why he was so grand tonight.

Shen Muhan walked over slowly and opened the chair for her.

The waiter filed in, pushing the silver tableware, coming forward to share the meal and pouring the good wine that had been awake.

Just by smelling the taste, Xia Jiu knew that this red wine was very valuable.

The two had a brief conversation, and Xia Jiu was attracted by the food and concentrated on eating.

Tonight's foie gras was roasted well, it was already plump, fried and roasted properly, and the aroma was overflowing. Xia Jiu ate his brows and quickly settled the two pieces of foie gras on the dinner plate.

Just put down the knife, Shen Muhan handed the foie gras from his dinner plate to her plate.

"I can't eat anymore." Xia Jiu was indeed full, but looking at this piece, she was a little bit ready to move.

"Then I took it back?" Shen Muhan made a gesture to take it back.

"Forget it, I won't die if I eat one more piece." She compromised with the food.

Shen Muhan used a fork and delivered it to her mouth.

When he got used to feeding, Xia Jiu was not polite, and ate with his mouth open.

Shen Muhan showed a rare smile. Xia Jiu thought he was laughing at his gluttony, and reached out his hand to cover his mouth: "You let me eat."

"I asked you to do something else and you are not so obedient." Shen Muhan exposed her calmly.

Xia Jiu: "..."

Certain things cannot be so obedient.

The atmosphere between the rare two people is good, and Xia Jiu thinks that he is really in love.

It was just that the string in my heart tightened from time to time to let her know that it was not true.

When she was in a trance, Shen Muhan pushed something over.


"Open it yourself and take a look."

Xia Jiu reached out and took it and opened the brocade box.

On the red velvet, a pair of dazzling and bright earrings are quietly placed on it. The design of the four-leaf clover is very playful.

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