Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3397: Which are real and which are fake

"There is no father-son relationship? Xia Ruomeng's child is not Fang Minghao's?"

"Oh my god, what is going on?"

"Oh, just now Xia Jiu said that Xia Ruomeng was also dating other men during her relationship with Fang Minghao, so..."

"So this child is not from the Fang family at all."

"So Xia Ruomeng is worried, afraid, and afraid to give birth. She wants to have a miscarriage, but she wants to blame Xia Jiu!"

"It's really vicious to take away my own child! I can do it very well! Too ruthless!"

"It's a vicious thought to be able to push everything to others if you start it yourself! It's really unimaginable!"

I have to say that in front of the evidence, everyone will soon be the truth!

The gossip crowd who love to eat melons, you weave out all the truth of the matter in a word.

Mrs. Fang's face suddenly changed, and she didn't expect such a result at all!

She stared at Xia Jiu fiercely, "Xia Jiu, do you dare to take this kind of thing to the public and pour dirty water on Xia Ruomeng!"

Her tone was very vicious, but in fact she believed Xia Jiu's words in her heart.

This sentence is just the end of the last force, for the sake of the last face.

Xia Jiu’s voice was a little cold: "The first person who splashed dirty water seems to be Xia Ruomeng herself? Everyone knows that, even the person who has been on the social news, is it not her? Don’t forget, I Just before putting the evidence, I asked her one last time, what is the truth of the matter! All the people who put things on the table and make troubles are always her, not me! Before you question me, please ask carefully. Your good daughter-in-law!"

Xia Jiu's words are sharp and her expression is open, making people afraid to look directly at her.

Because she came up with evidence earlier, Shen Muhan didn't have time to give anything, she just threw it out, and slapped everyone in the face severely.

Therefore, Shen Muhan didn't step forward for a while, just watched her quietly from the side.

Chen Qi thought to himself: "The young master said that he wouldn't give the information, but haven't he given it quietly now? Tsk tusk, the sour smell of love."

Facing Xia Jiu, Mrs. Fang didn't know what to say for a while.

As for the police, they didn't have the information Xia Jiu said before, so they didn't follow these things to investigate.

All they checked were personal evidence and material evidence, which was very unfavorable to Xia Jiu before.

But now that we see such a situation, we know that the matter is completely reversed.

As long as the authenticity of Xia Jiu's things can be verified, this matter can basically be done. It is Xia Ruomeng's self-directed and self-acted drama, just to blame Xia Jiu and pick out his own ugly things.

When the police looked at Mrs. Fang, their eyes were very meaningful.

Xia Ruomeng was in the ward and did not hear outside sounds.

But she knew that Mrs. Fang brought the police over to ask for justice for herself.

"Mom, let me go out for a while." Xia Ruomeng said.

"What are you going out for? It's better to take good care of your body!" Chen Meiru was really distressed.

"Mom, Xia Jiu is my sister after all. I still can't see her being abused by thousands of people. I took a look, and no matter what happens afterwards, she will take the responsibility and it has nothing to do with me." Xia Ruo Said the dream.

Chen Meiru thinks about it, and establishes a good reputation for her daughter, which will help her to gain a better foothold in Fang's family in the future.

She helped Xia Ruomeng go out.

People outside were saying "Vicious" and "I didn't think she was such a person."

Xia Ruomeng was used to these words in the past few days, thinking it was Xia Jiu, she said palely: "Thank you for your attention to this matter. Although Xia Jiu made a mistake, the police will definitely take her back and accept her. The punishment is due, so please stop insulting Xia Jiu, and let her follow the police to wake up and reflect."

After she finished speaking, she found that everyone was quietly silent, just looking at her quietly with a very strange look.

Xia Ruomeng thought that everyone was admiring her kindness. She bit her lip and said, "Without the child, I am very painful, but Xia Jiu is my cousin after all, and I still have feelings for her. The police's punishment is only Enough, as long as she apologizes, I will choose to forgive her."

Everyone's face is even more exciting.

Xia Ruomeng saw Fang Minghao standing in the corner at a glance.

Fang Minghao was here just now. He was afraid that the police's attitude towards Xia Jiu was too strong, so he came out to take a look.

Unexpectedly, all the evidence that Xia Jiu brought out just now would slap him in the face severely.

He stood in the crowd with an unusual expression, with his hands on his trouser legs, clenched his fists, and squeezed the joints creaking.

He and Xia Ruomeng are together, on the one hand, it is naturally because Xia Jiu is too arrogant, he often asks himself for being boring in front of Xia Jiu, but on the other hand, it is also because Xia Ruomeng keeps appearing in front of him, with a gentle intention. , Gave him a lot of things Xia Jiu couldn't give.

After so long, although he has been swaying from time to time, he still married firmly.

Because he firmly believes that there must be nothing wrong with choosing someone who loves him more when he gets married.

However, when the evidence hit his face, he realized that everything was so painful.

Whether to love or not, in Xia Ruomeng's mouth, it is a lie!

She said she only had him as a man, and she said she was innocent and innocent, he believed it without reservation!

But the fact is that when she is with herself, there are countless other men!

The fact is, she doesn't even have a child of her own!

The most ironic thing is that now she doesn't want this child anymore, she gets rid of it herself, and she has to blame Xia Jiu on her!

How ridiculous, what a mockery!

And I was kept in the dark, believing that I married the woman who loved me the most!

Now that Xia Jiu has come up with so much evidence, she can still say some high-sounding words to forgive Xia Jiu in front of everyone!

So, how many lies did she tell after such a long time?

Before what she said about Xia Jiu, which ones are true and which are false?

She pretended to be gentle and generous, and which ones are true and which are fake?

When he was in France, she personally gave him medicine and pushed him to Xia Jiu. Was it just a momentary mistake by her, or was it a calculation that had already been planned?

Fang Minghao trembled all over at the moment, and his face was even uglier than Xia Ruomeng after a miscarriage.

Xia Ruomeng also discovered this, and she said nervously, "Minghao, are you okay? Do you want to rest?"

Fang Minghao turned a deaf ear, and the others pointed and pointed, full of mockery.

Xia Ruomeng finally felt their gaze, looking at the projection screen behind him.

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