Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3399: Why don't you give it to me?

He scorned for a while, and Xia Jiu said, "I'm still very busy. If there is nothing else to say, then don't say it, it will waste time."

She has always been so arrogant and temperamental, Fang Minghao was choked by her.

Xia Jiu saw that he had nothing to say, so he walked out.

After going out, Gu Yannan was standing outside, and when he saw Xia Jiu coming over, he smiled and stepped forward: "Xia Jiu, is the evidence okay?"

"No problem, thank you, Doctor Gu." Xia Jiu smiled.

Chen Qi looked bewildered on the side. Didn't these evidences have been given to the young master by looking for someone to do it?

Miss Xia didn't thank the young master, why did she go to thank others for it?

However, these people may be Miss Xia's friends. It is normal for her to invite others to dinner.

Chen Qisui stopped thinking about it.

"It's getting late, I invite you all to have a meal?" Xia Jiu troubled Gu Yannan and Qin Zheng a lot, so naturally he was embarrassed to let the family go for nothing.

"Okay." Gu Yannan readily agreed.

Qin Zheng didn't have any comments either.

Xia Jiu glanced at Shen Muhan, and felt a stunned heart. He almost forgot that he was here and invited others to dinner by himself. I wonder if he would be unhappy?

She glanced at him subconsciously, and saw that his face was not bad, not the way he used to throw people into the wolfhouse at every turn.

Since Xia Jiu had already asked for it, it was inconvenient because Shen Muhan was here to put other people's pigeons.

He also came here anyway, and invited others to dinner by himself, but he couldn't justify it without inviting him.

Xia Jiu opened the mouth and said, "Young Master Han, too?"

Shen Muhan nodded.

Gu Yannan and Qin Zheng both knew Shen Muhan, and they didn't expect that he would also appear in the hospital, but Xia Jiu's current identity, knowing Shen Muhan is not difficult to understand.

Everyone had no objections, so they went to the restaurant together.

The atmosphere is a little dull.

Everyone is not very familiar, so naturally there is nothing to say.

Xia Jiuyi went into the restaurant and regretted it. It really was a bad decision to invite dinner together.

If I knew it, I would invite it alone.

Putting unfamiliar people together, everyone seems not very relaxed.

In fact, Qin Zheng and Gu Yannan themselves were very relaxed, but Shen Muhan's depression was a bit heavy, so heavy that they thought they had offended him.

So the two people don't speak much.

Xia Jiu poured wine and toasted them, and Qin Zheng and Gu Yan stood up in the south.

Shen Muhan drank the wine in his glass and reached out to take Xia Jiu's.

Xia Jiu was taken aback, he said lightly: "I'll drink it for you."

This must make clear the meaning of sovereignty, which is especially clear.

Qin Zheng and Gu Yannan are both men. At this time, they still don't understand what this means, and they have been in vain for so many years.

No wonder Shen Muhan's air pressure is so low.

But having said that, Xia Jiu had such a big incident, why didn't Shen Muhan come forward to solve it?

A meal is finally finished.

Xia Jiu politely sent Qin Zheng and Gu Yannan into the car, and then they got into Shen Muhan's car.

The police called and asked her to go over and make a transcript.

"Then I will take a taxi by myself." Xia Jiu said hurriedly, thinking that Shen Muhan has something to do.

"Chen Qi, go to the police station." Shen Muhan said.

Xia Jiu then sat down steadily.

At the police station, Shen Muhan was answering the phone.

Xia Jiu went in by himself.

Seeing her coming, the police, who had been very polite, were now even more polite.

They understood what had happened before, and then seriously asked Xia Jiu for the information she had in her hands, and recorded them all with a polite manner.

"We all know this, and we may trouble you in the future."

Xia Jiu calmly said, "It doesn't matter, I will cooperate at any time."

"As for Xia Ruomeng, if she slander you like this, she will definitely have an explanation for you at that time."

"Thank you." Xia Jiu said politely.

A policewoman sent her out and said goodbye to her politely.

After she came out, she felt that the air in her breath was sweet, the matter was resolved, and she was in a particularly good mood.

She walked to the side of Shen Muhan's car, he was leaning outside the car door, talking to the phone, his legs were slightly bent, his figure was still long, very conspicuous.

She opened the car door and sat in. Chen Qi smiled and said, "Miss Xia."

Xia Jiu smiled: "What a coincidence, are you also going to the hospital today?"

"Unfortunately, the young master has collected a lot of evidence for you in the past two days." Chen Qi said, "The evidence of Xia Ruomeng's relationship with other men, and the evidence that her own child is not Fang Minghao. And even the abortion pill that she bought in which hospital, Master let me find out."

Xia Jiu was startled: "So you found it?"

"Yes, didn't the evidence you released was made by the young master. The young master didn't want to work in the past two days, so I did it for you." Of course, Chen Qi wanted to take credit for the young master as much as possible. So knowing everything is endless.

What's more, the evidence today is basically the same as what Chen Qi found. Of course he thought it was him.

He laughed a little thiefly: "Although the young master asked me not to give you the evidence on the surface, he still secretly gave it to you. It's a duplicity."

Xia Jiu glanced at the man standing outside, so why didn't he give the evidence to himself?

After Shen Muhan got on the phone and got into the car, he met her gaze: "Is the transcript finished?"

"Well, it's done." Xia Jiu nodded, and suddenly remembered that the attitude of the police officers today was exceptionally good.

Although they didn't embarrass themselves last time, they were all business affairs.

But this time, it was like being a guest by himself, not a transcript, and the treatment was super good.

So, did Shen Muhan say hello in advance?

To give Chen Qi a bit of face, Xia Jiu didn't ask Shen Muhan about the evidence when he was in the car.

When she returned to the villa, she asked, "I heard that Shao Han went to investigate Xia Ruomeng and prepared a lot of evidence. Why don't you give it to me?"

Shen Muhan: "..."

Chen Qi's big mouth!

He coughed slightly.

"Why, Young Master Han?" Xia Jiu was really curious.

Judging from his appearance, he is not such a stingy person, not to mention that he has come to the hospital, and it must not be hidden.

But it's been two days, and I haven't heard him mention it. Is he really going to give it to him when he is besieged?

Shen Muhan coughed lightly again: "It's nothing why, don't you have the evidence? It's late, go upstairs and rest."

"Then what if I have no evidence?"

"Don't you have it?" Shen Muhan asked back.

Xia Jiu changed his statement: "Didn't you find so much evidence? Seeing that I am worried about this matter, I refuse to tell me."

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