Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3404: Very useful

BIR really wants to deduct her money, so let's deduct it from the remaining salary, anyway, she won't pay a penny if there are too many!

Seeing the resignation report printed by Xiao Yunhua, Xiaomei was a little dumbfounded: "This...what are you doing?"

She didn't force anyone to resign!

She doesn't have that ability either!

Xia Jiu didn't even look at Xiao Yunhua, her eyes were indifferent, and she had no plans to force people to resign. If Xiao Yunhua were to leave, what would it have to do with her?

"Grandma Auntie, I won't be with you!" Xiao Yunhua threw off his resignation report and left happily.

"Yunhua, are you really leaving?" a colleague who had a good relationship with her asked worriedly.

"Manager Du won't necessarily make you compensate. It's a shame that you leave like this! If you can pass this assessment, you can be promoted to designer!"

"That's right, Yunhua, don't you want to leave because of such a small matter?"

Everyone has been a colleague for a long time, and it is not enough to see Xiao Yunhua leave.

Xiao Yunhua laughed: "Do you think I really have to be BIR? The Xia family has already invited me to join the job. The position is a designer. The salary is much higher than here. I was leaving!"

Last time, when she went to visit Xia Ruomeng, Xia Ruomeng had already promised her verbally.

Because the Xia family was about to sign a big order, it was the occasion of hiring people, so Xia Ruomeng was really refreshed. This time, Xiao Yunhua was ordered to help her.

This is Xiao Yunhua's confidence.

Everyone suddenly realized that Xiao Yunhua had already found a good Xia family.

"Then bless you Yunhua." Everyone didn't stay anymore.

Xiao Mei was really furious, Xiao Yunhua was about to quit her job, and left such a big mess for herself, leaving the reporter behind.

"It's okay, Manager Du, I will talk about it." Xia Jiu said, "You only need to show the evidence. Manager Du is not an unreasonable person."

As for how to find Xiao Yunhua for compensation, it is a matter of the company.

Xiao Yunhua packed his things and went to find Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng did not reject her as expected: "Then you come to join the job tomorrow. The salary and position will be given to you as I said before."

"Thank you Miss Xia. I will do my best." Xiao Yunhua was extremely excited.

The future of the Xia family is even better than that of BIR. Why should she not do it well?


Xia Ruomeng personally boiled chicken soup and brought Fang Minghao into the study.

Because of the Xia family's big deal, Mrs. Fang did not object to her returning to Fang's house, and acquiesced. The equation was also based on the opinions of his wife and son. They had no opinion, and he naturally had no opinion.

"Minghao, have some soup." Xia Ruomeng walked in and put the soup down.

Fang Minghao glanced: "Don't you know I hate this smell?"

Xia Ruomeng's face turned pale, and said, "Then I will bring you another one."

Fang Minghao promised her to come back, but he still couldn't pass the psychological barrier.

Whenever he thinks of her and other men turning upside down, the long-awaited child is also someone else's, he can't accept her smoothly.

There are so many pointers outside, all pointing at the green hat on his head, making him unable to lift his head.

Xia Ruomeng knew this too, so she could only swallow her anger first.

We can only wait for the completion of this large order, and the situation should get better.

At that time, she can make a lot of profits for the Xia family and the Fang family, blocking everyone's mouth.

And time will also wipe away the pain of the past, let everything return to peace and return to the past.

She brought another bowl of soup, but Fang Minghao said, "I have no appetite, you can drink it yourself."

"You have a drink first. In the evening, I will discuss business with clients from Eastern Europe, and you will also be present. At that time, it is impossible to drink some wine. If you don't put it on, it will hurt your stomach."

All of them were gentle and generous words, but now Fang Minghao listened, always feeling very harsh.

After all, he didn't drink, so he went out.

Xia Ruomeng was very uncomfortable, and could only follow him slowly.

The hotel at night is brightly lit, as bright as day.

Xia Ruomeng and Fang Minghao went in together.

Instead of holding hands as intimately as before, Fang Minghao subconsciously walked a few steps forward and distanced himself from Xia Ruomeng.

Xia Ruomeng swallowed.

Suddenly, she heard Xia Jiu's voice and immediately raised her head.

Xia Jiu walked with President Jian and Manager Du and was briefly introducing the situation.

Xia Ruomeng immediately walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and took Fang Minghao's arm, and said, "Minghao, wait for me."

Fang Minghao also stopped when he heard Xia Jiu's voice.

Xia Jiu's makeup and hair today is very formal, with her long hair that is usually like a waterfall, braided into a curly hair, making her face extremely small.

She is wearing a BIR employee uniform, which is obviously the same style issued by the company. She feels completely different from others, like a tailor-made one. The waist is well pinched, and the straight pencil skirt makes double The legs are particularly slender.

He wanted to call Xia Jiu, but he had no position at all...

His hand stretched out slightly, Xia Jiu, President Jian and others had already walked forward, as if she hadn't seen him at all.

"Why did Xia Jiu come here?" Xia Ruomeng was puzzled.

Fang Minghao said, "Where do they go, do they need to report to you?"

He was covered with thorns as soon as he spoke, and Xia Ruomeng had to laugh.

The two entered the private room, and some senior members of the Xia family arrived one after another. In order to show the importance of the visitors from Eastern Europe, the Xia family paid a lot of money tonight, and booked the best private room and the highest standard of treatment.

As long as the senior members of the Xia family are there, they are all in place.

Even Huang Sasha and her father arrived.

Seeing this situation, Xia Ruomeng finally eased the blockage in her heart a little.

"Ruomeng!" Huang Shasha stepped forward and took her arm. "You are here! We have been waiting for you for a while! Sit down."

Xia Ruomeng sat down.

Because this business was discussed by Xia Ruomeng, everyone had a good attitude towards her, and the words were very polite and respectful, and no one mentioned the previous scandals.

Huang Shasha even started to pour her water, and took out the medicine to say: "This is to protect the stomach. You should eat a little first, and you will have to drink later. You will feel better after drinking. "

Xia Ruomeng was very appreciative of these compliments, and took Huang Shasha's medicine and ate it.

Only Fang Minghao looked a little indifferent, but she still gave him a medicine and let him eat it.

Huang Shasha pulled Xia Ruomeng and talked about things.

However, as time passed a little bit, everyone began to look around.

It's just that, after waiting for a long time, the customer who said yes, but still nowhere to be seen.

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