Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3411: Smashed in your hand?

After the client looked at it for a while, he put down the pen with a weird look and said: "Ruomeng, this time, we are afraid we can't cooperate."

He used to be only between Xia Ruomeng and Xia Jiu, it was an emotional dispute between young women, so he didn't care who was right and who was wrong.

Now that I saw the whole picture, I realized that Xia Ruomeng was not a business partner to associate with.

Plagiarism, fabrics without patent authorization, and all kinds of other things, is he buying the clothes provided by Xia Ruomeng and throwing them in his hands?

"Brother Wang, we can still discuss, do you dislike profit..." Xia Ruomeng hurriedly stood up and tried his best to stay.

The customer shook the phone: "I'm sorry."

After all, he got up and left.

The secretary also stepped forward and took away all the contracts.

Xia Ruomeng took out the phone and turned to the content sent by Xia Jiu.

She collapsed like a puddle of mud.

She knew that all the last hope was also lost!

This client is the most forgiving one, even he will not cooperate with him, and the others can be imagined.

She sat down, and Xia Fen hurried over and said, "Sister, Fang Minghao said... let us return the investment of the Fang family, otherwise he will directly sue. And he may, he will get a divorce... …"

Xia Ruomeng passed out completely.


Xia Family Company.

Xia Jiu finally appeared.

With her hair tucked in the back of her head, she looked shrewd and capable. A lady's slim suit made her tall figure more imposing, a little more deserted than usual, and there was less smile in her expression, she was full of exploration.

She was wearing high heels, and every step she took, she made a sound on the ground.

She deliberately walked slowly and steadily again, walking slowly, as if she was using her footsteps to announce, the current Xia Jiu, who owns the world.

The faces of the senior officials were a little embarrassed, but as expected they were all old foxes, and they quickly concealed this look, as if nothing had happened before, stepping forward in front of Xia Jiu, with a respectful attitude: "Miss Xia! "

"Miss Xia, your office has been cleaned up, please come with us."

Xia Jiu walked with them.

She didn't manage the company very often before, after all, she was still in school at that time.

But I often follow my parents to play with, and I have a lot of things in my ears and eyes.

Now what they have packed up is the mother's original office, the furnishings are still the same as before, but many details are completely different.

Naturally, these people can't be as careful as Shen Muhan and take everything into consideration.

Xia Jiu walked in, and everyone followed her silently.

She only sat for a while, and then said, "Let's have a meeting."

Everyone nodded hurriedly.

When he arrived in the conference room, Xia Jiu sat down in the chair and said lightly: "Everyone knows that the company was founded by my parents and they have been in charge. No matter what happens, what belongs to them belongs to them.

Now they are no longer there, and the company will be under my control in the future. I hope everyone can remember who you are working for. "

Everyone nodded hurriedly.

"From today, the position of general manager will be given to Qin Zheng." Xia Jiu said.

Everyone was taken aback, but in fact they were a little unhappy.

Before, they followed Xia Huangshan and framed the loyal confidants of Xia Jiu's parents.

The leader is Qin Zheng and his son.

Wouldn't they be miserable if Qin Zheng took the position?

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