Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3414: Married kind

Speaking of this, Shen Muhan showed an indescribable smile on his face.

Shen Sihai also tried to give Shen Ming and Shi Youxuan all to him, hoping that he, the eldest brother, would treat his younger siblings well. In fact, he had no feelings for the whole family at all.

Just as Shen Sihai didn't have any feelings for him.

"So... haven't you even celebrated a holiday?" Xia Jiu's hand holding his leg tightened slightly.

"The holidays are theirs, it has nothing to do with me." He said calmly, but Xia Jiu's heart was even tighter.

Xia Jiu asked, "...what about your father now?"

"They all thought he was dead, but I know that he is still alive."

And he will pick him out one day, let him try all the pain he has tried.

Seeing Xia Jiu sad, Shen Muhan smiled carelessly: "What's so sad about this, he is not my biological father."

"Really?" Xia Jiu's expression improved, but still filled with outrage, "That's no wonder. So are you adopted? But even if you are adopted, he can't treat you like that!"

"I don't know. All I know is, I checked the DNA, I am not his son."

So Shen Muhan never resented Shen Sihai or blamed Shi Hui. They didn't need to have feelings for themselves.

Of course, it is nonsense to pray for him to have feelings for them.

It's been a long time since Shen Sihai lied to death. He has been waiting for the old fox to show up, so he has not torn his face with Shi Hui and the others.

He wanted to see when this old fox would appear!

Suddenly, Xia Jiu didn't know what to do with Shen Muhan.

What happened to him was more painful than she thought, so Chen Qi and the steward said that he was difficult before, but it was not an exaggeration.

The development of his character is also inseparable from those things.

The ice in his hand was almost finished, Xia Jiu quickly let go and said, "Let’s eat first."

Shen Muhan got up, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to support him, injured her ankle, can't use too much force, she needs to recuperate before going to the ground.

This injury really has no effect on him.

But since Xia Jiu supported him, he also suffered, and she still struggled to support him even though she didn't feel much pressure.

Shen Muhan stretched out his palm to support her waist.

Xia Jiu thought he couldn't bear the force, so he wanted to support herself, and didn't think too much, but didn't know that he was helping her to save energy.

When he got to let him go, although Xia Jiu was already very labor-saving, he was still sweating in detail.

She sat down, her gaze just slammed into Shen Muhan's eyes.

His always deep and cold eyebrows now have warmth, and he is looking at her seriously.

Xia Jiu was uncomfortable: "What do you do?"

"Xia Jiu, let's always be together." Shen Muhan rarely said such things, not very comfortable, but after saying it, he felt that everything was innocent, "the kind of marriage."

Xia Jiu didn't sit still and almost fell off the chair.


This matter made Xia Jiu not sleep well that night.

It is precisely because he rarely said such a thing, and so suddenly, it is no different from exploding like a bomb.

Because of what?

Just because I helped him cold his feet?

Is it because of something else?

She always thought that the relationship between herself and him was nothing more than a sale, and it was the kind that he forced to buy, she had long wished to leave.

But what is he talking about now?

Xia Jiu went to BIR with dark circles under her eyes the next day.

At noon, Jiang Bai followed the people from the clothing association, and the people from the association came over to have something to do, but she came specifically to look for Xia Jiu to play.

Seeing Xia Jiu's expression a little haggard, she was surprised: "You just took over Xia's company. Is it too hard? Why are dark circles so heavy?"

"No." Xia Jiu shook his head.

Things in BIR are on the right track, and under Qin Zheng's management, the Xia family is also becoming more stable.

She really has nothing to worry about.

"What's that?" Jiang Bai asked, "Is Young Master Han bullying you again?"

Although she recognized that Shen Muhan had feelings for Xia Jiu, she also knew that some of his methods and methods were indeed difficult to accept.

Xia Jiu told her what Shen Muhan had said.

Jiang Bai said with joy: "Isn't this a good thing? It means that he just didn't recognize his heart and didn't know how to talk about feelings, so he would do something inexplicably uncomfortable for you. Now he knows how to express and will respect it. You mean it, isn't it great?"

Xia Jiu is bad because of this.

She originally, when Xia's family was on the right track, Xia Lin's condition was fine, and she would soon leave Shen Muhan and go to France.

There, someone likes her design very much. She had already thought about it a long time ago, find a small company, change her identity, stay calmly, and stay with Shen Muhan in the future.

but now……

She admitted that she was embarrassed.

"What do you think about Xia Jiu?" Jiang Bai saw that she was struggling.

"I have always thought that I shouldn't have any feelings with him. But now that I am, I am actually tempted. Jiang Bai, am I really stupid, knowing that I should not fall in love with a man like him, but still Can't help but control your heart?"

Xia Jiu laughed mockingly.

How firm the mind was to leave, how ironic it is now.

It also adds a lot of troubles.

Since he changed, she has to admit that her feelings for him have also begun to change.

From the previous heart as dead and indifferent, the sparks began to reignite.

Jiang Bai smiled: "Actually, it's normal to fall in love with someone like Han Shao. He treats you well and always misses you. Although he doesn't speak a lot of sweet words, he actually knows from the bottom of his heart that he will love you. A man who is willing to change for you also requires a lot of dedication and courage. Xia Jiu, if you can, in fact, you might as well consider it for you and for him."

Jiang Bai had eaten Shen Muhan several times, and he also had some understanding of their affairs, so he held the mentality of persuading and not persuading.

She also understands that in this matter, it is always up to the person concerned to be able to make up his mind.

Whatever others say, it doesn't work.


In a blink of an eye, it was almost time for the New Year, Xia Jiu went to the hospital and took Xia Lin back.

Seeing that the home furnishings were exactly the same as when they were there, with colored **** and lanterns beaming, Xia Lin wanted to celebrate the Chinese New Year soon.

"Great, did you hang these up?" Xia Lin asked curiously.

Xia Jiu shook his head and smiled: "Only half of it is mine."

Xia Lin thought that the servants helped hang up the others, and said joyfully: "I'm not here this time, I'll help you next time."

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