Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3418: You profiteer!

His hand held hers tightly.

After getting in the car, the atmosphere was a little dull.

He drove the car, leaned on the back of the chair, held the steering wheel with one hand, and stretched out his hand to pull the tie to loosen it a bit.

He knew that Xia Jiu was sometimes awakened by nightmares, and he also knew why she took contraceptives.

He was trying to understand, accept, and perceive her heart a little bit.

It was difficult, but he was fearless.

Xia Jiu looked out the window, his eyes condensed lightly.

She seemed to be frozen, without any movement.

After a while, Shen Muhan stopped the car, and Xia Jiucai looked at him quietly as if he had recovered from his meditation.

Shen Muhan loosened his tie again, and his voice was a little low: "Xia Jiu, what happened last time...I'm sorry."

"Last time?" Xia Jiu didn't know which last time.

"The time you had a miscarriage." Shen Muhan's voice was a bit dry, and there was grit on his throat, "That time... I didn't know that you had an ectopic pregnancy. I thought you deliberately removed the baby, so I treated you..."

The past flashed past like lightning.

Xia Jiu was tortured because of this incident.

At that time, he seemed to be about to kill her, so that every time she dreamed back at midnight, she would wake up from suffocation.

He now... solemnly apologize?

For him, isn't this kind of thing not a big deal in the first place?

She looked at him with confused eyes, as if unbelievable, this was Shen Muhan, one who would say sorry, and the other who would understand her thoughts.

She stared at him blankly, he seemed to know that this was her heart knot, how many uncomfortable moments she had gone through, until he became ashamed.

Shen Muhan looked at the little woman in front of him, with a touch of pain across his eyes.

Xia Jiu was still looking at him, and the end of his eyes started to glow red gradually, and the grievance was known and forgiven by the human body, but he couldn't help but want to cry.

He stretched out his hand and held her hand, both cherishing and reproaching himself, "Xia Jiu...I'm sorry."

In the winter, the cold wind is still there, and the thick dark clouds rolled in the clouds slowly pass through the sky.

Then, thin sunlight penetrated through it, shining on the window of the car.


After the beginning of the new year, Xia Jiu went to Mr. Jian to mention the resignation.

Jian always knows about Xia's family, so it will be a matter of time to know that Xia Jiu is leaving.

It's just that when this day came, Mr. Jian was still a little unacceptable.

The BIR family has big business and designers are like clouds, but Xia Jiu brought more than other designers.

The departure of Xia Jiu and the prosperity of the Xia family are bound to have a great impact on BIR's performance.

The trade-offs have greatly interfered with the performance of BIR and Mr. Jian.

"Xia Jiu, isn't the affairs of your Xia family handed over to Qin Zheng? Qin Zheng has joined a lot of old employees, and now it shouldn't require you to spend too much time." Mr. Jian said with a smile. "Actually, staying in BIR will not have much impact on your management of the Xia family."

"Mr. Jian, the Xia family and BIR are in a competitive relationship after all. It is not convenient for me to stay." Xia Jiu said sincerely, "I have already considered it, so please accept my resignation report."

Moreover, she had also thought about it. BIR was originally in the name of Shen Muhan, but in fact, if she stayed, it had little effect on it.

Shen Muhan didn't put much effort into BIR, and Xia Jiu didn't need to care too much about things he didn't mind.

President Jian sent Xia Jiu out with a smile, but his heart was strained.

He doesn't know the background behind BIR, he only knows where he is, and he can't tolerate any mistakes.

Now Xia Jiu is leaving... he can't afford this loss.

"Then, your work should be handed over in one month as usual." Mr. Jian said.

"Good." Xia Jiu responded.

She went out and Xiao Mei ran over: "Xia Jiu Xia Jiu, are you leaving your job?"

"Yes, I want to go back to my own company." Xia Jiu smiled, originally she planned to go to France.

Now that she decided to stay, she provided some designs for the Xia family, which was also excellent.

Xiao Mei regretfully said, "I also said, I want to learn from you. Now it's fine, you have to go."

"If you have a chance in the future, you can also come to the Xia family to apply." Xia Jiu smiled.

"Really?" Xiao Mei was extremely happy, "Then I will work hard! Wait for me then!"


After Xia Jiu moved back to Xia's house during the Chinese New Year, Xia Lin went back to the hospital and she moved back to the villa.

After Xia Lin reminded her last time, she slowly discovered that it seemed that most of the things in Shen Muhan's villa were really her own.

In the living room, the original dark carpet was replaced by a long-haired white carpet, with pink tea sets and light blue curtains.

In Shen Muhan's study, light pink carpets, pillows, the piggy bank she bought, and various dolls appeared from time to time.

Needless to say in the room, she likes pink and fancy, the whole room is now almost the same as when she lived in Xia's house.

She pursed her lips and smiled, so good!


BIR has a large annual exhibition show, just in the beginning of spring.

This is very important for the orders of the year, and can even determine most of the company's annual performance.

It was determined before that Xia Jiu was in charge.

Even though Xia Jiu was about to leave, he did not perfunctory and still did his best.

All the people who should be invited have been invited.

Even Mrs. Gao did not hesitate to invite her.

Even colleagues laughed at her: "Xia Jiu, you are going to leave, don't you know how to keep it? Or do you do your best for BIR?"

Xia Jiu smiled: "What should be done is always done well."

"You are too sincere. Mr. Jane also hopes that you can take out the new design drawings. Are you going to take them out too?" my colleague quipped.

This Xia Jiu won't take it out.

She is no longer a member of BIR. The new design drawings must be reserved for Xia's family. Qin Zheng is still waiting.

However, if Shen Muhan asked her in person, she could consider it.

When she got off work in the evening, she got a smile on her face in Shen Muhan's car.

"Why are you laughing so happy?" Shen Muhan drove the car himself, turned the front of the car, and drove to the villa.

"I laughed that you might have to send me a red envelope. I said about resignation, but I didn't perfuse what I should do during the opening of the BIR exhibition. I did everything I could. There will be a few more days to be busy at that time." Xia Jiu looked at him busily.

Shen Muhan was surprised: "You do something for BIR, why should I give you a red envelope?"

Xia Jiuqi: "Shen Muhan, you profiteer! Unscrupulous capitalist! Have you forgotten that BIR is your property?"

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