Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3420: Is it really an accident?

"You guys, take out those that can be used immediately, wash and dry and iron them smoothly!"

Hearing that Xia Jiu didn't punish them, they immediately followed Xia Jiu's request.

Xia Jiu didn't punish them, but in the current situation, even punishing them would not help. The most important thing is to find a way to solve the current problem.

"Xia Jiu, do you have spare clothes?" my colleague asked.

"Of course there is." Xia Jiu said, "Which time is there for the activity, and the spare clothes are not prepared? However, there are only a dozen sets of spare clothes, which is not enough. Moreover, the spare fineness and production process are not as good as the previous ones. ."

Hearing Xia Jiu's words, my colleagues were first happy, and then disappointed.

Yes, where can all the spare parts replace the genuine ones?

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

Xia Jiu first arranged the situation here and temporarily stabilized.

Then, she and Shen Muhan walked out together.

Shen Muhan's eyebrows were deep: "Do you think it was really an accident?"

"It's not an accident at all." Xia Jiu said, "Where you put your clothes, I have repeatedly said to stay away from water and fire sources. Everyone is a frequent person who does this kind of thing. Why do you make such a mistake? And look at the clothes being soaked. The time is far more than a few hours. How many hours do you know when the pipe burst?"

Shen Muhan nodded: "I just saw the collapsed stage. The steel bars were sawn off artificially. Someone deliberately harmed you?"

"But, who will it be?" Xia Jiu was particularly surprised, "Is it a competitor? But this method is too low, right? And when the spring starts, every family has exhibitions, and who is not busy with their own affairs? , How come to engage in such destruction? Even when I competed with Xia Ruomeng before, she had never used this method."

As soon as she finished speaking, President Jian called.

Jian always sounded a little angry: "Xia Jiu, you come to my office right away!"

Xia Jiu resigned and said, "I'll be right now!"

Shen Muhan drove her over.

After all, he had to bear the main responsibility for this matter, and Xia Jiu did not intend to shirk it.

She arrived at President Jian’s office very quickly, and she hadn’t gotten off work until this point, mostly because of this temporary accident.

"Mr. Jian." Xia Jiu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Xia Jiu, what's going on? The clothes are all destroyed, and there are problems with the stage. This is about to start. How do you ask me to explain the company to the outside world?"

"Mr. Jian, I will try my best to make up for it." Xia Jiu also felt guilty.

President Jian said with a sincere heart: "Actually, you are going to leave. I shouldn't ask you so harshly. But after all, things are left to you. If you haven't done a good job, I can only look for you. Xia Jiu, this time. If something goes wrong, the entire BIR will face a crisis. As a last resort, I can only ask you to properly resolve it."

Xia Jiu nodded: "Mr. Jian, the matter is in my hands. I will definitely solve the matter before leaving. As long as I am still managing this matter for a day, I will not push the blame."

"Okay, okay. I didn't read you wrong." Jane was very pleased, "How are you going to solve it?"

"The stage problem is easy to solve. It should be no problem to let the workers work overtime to rebuild. As for the clothes..."

Mr. Jian looked at Xia Jiu expectantly.

Xia Jiu said: "Those who can rush to work come out, the spare ones can be used and the spare ones can be used. As for the other ones, I will select some from the ready-made garments, make some simple modifications, and strive to be usable on stage!"

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