Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3422: The sour smell of love!

The next day, Xia Jiu was awakened by Xiaomei's phone call.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jiu lazily said with a nasal voice.

"What's wrong? Xia Jiu, don't you know? Mr. Jian sent you a lawyer's letter! Now the whole company knows that you maliciously damaged the company's property and maliciously competed!"

Xia Jiu had planned to meet Mr. Jian last night and went to the scene to guard and solve the problem.

But with Shen Muhan's words and Mr. Jian's disgusting face, Xia Jiu directly acted as the shopkeeper, dragged Shen Muhan to the barbecue stall, went to buy ice cream, and went to bed until midnight.

Therefore, the staff at the scene were all at a loss, and they didn't know if Xia Jiu would take care of it. Without her backbone, everyone's affairs would naturally not be done well.

There are still problems with the booth and the clothes are not ready.

Seeing that the show was about to be exhibited, they naturally didn't dare to neglect, and all of them called to find Mr. Jane to make up his mind.

Seeing Xia Jiu's behavior, President Jian naturally sent out the lawyer's letter.

Xia Jiu's voice was still lazy: "The lawyer's letter? Just send it! Who's afraid of who won't?"

Xiao Mei was anxious: "Although you don't know those things, you are still the person in charge after all. If BIR really insists on sue you, even if the Xia family company wants to protect you, it will be difficult. Xia Jiu, you really are. Isn't it serious?"

"Xiaomei, don't worry." Xia Jiu sat up from the bed, "I have asked the big boss of BIR to help me deal with it, so don't worry."

"Really?" Xiao Mei knew that Xia Jiu had always had the ability and had many methods, so she believed, "That's good, then you pay attention."

"Yeah, okay, thank you, yeah." Xia Jiu kissed the phone.

Xiao Mei also clearly felt that Xia Jiu was different from before, not the kind of arrogant and too lazy to talk to people, she became soft and sticky.

It should be in love, right?

The sour smell of this love!

Shen Muhan brought her clothes, and Xia Jiu smiled softly: "Mr Jane has sent me a lawyer's letter."

"I know." Shen Muhan sat down, he was always meticulous, his clothes were already on and his ties were tied.

He put down his clothes: "Get up."

Xia Jiu reached out and said, "I'm too lazy to move, you can wear it for me."

Shen Mu Hanbai glanced at her, and her charming smile brightened his eyes. He resignedly picked up the clothes, reached out and picked her up, and changed her clothes.

The weather turned warmer. She was wearing a thin burgundy sweater with laces on the cufflinks and slim trousers.

Shen Muhan moved fast and dressed her in twos or twos.

However, his strength was so strong that Xia Jiu's hair hurt, and he thought to himself that it was better to wear it.

Shen Muhan dressed her up, glanced at her, and raised his eyebrows.

Xia Jiu clapped her hands: "Thank you, Young Master Han, the clothes you wear are really good."

Shen Muhan was satisfied now, the arc of the corners of his lips couldn't be suppressed.


President Jian asked the lawyer to send Xia Jiu a lawyer's letter, but it wasn't really true, just intending to scare her first.

After all, his real purpose is not really to sue Xia Jiu.

However, after the lawyer's letter was sent, no effect was achieved, and Jane was still a little annoyed.

"How is Xia Jiu?" He asked the assistant.

The assistant walked in quickly and said, "Mr. Jian, Xia Jiu is here!"

"Huh, I'm not coming over yet." President Jian looked relaxed, "Let her come to my office."

"The big boss is here, too, waiting for you in the meeting room for a meeting."

Mr. Jian stood up with a sigh. After the company was acquired, he had only seen the people arranged by the headquarters, but had not seen the big boss.

I didn't expect this incident to shock the big boss!

He immediately arranged his clothes, and after checking that there was nothing wrong, he walked to the meeting room.

After he stepped forward, many people were already there, many of whom were from the headquarters he had seen before.

There was only one headed, and looked a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, he became familiar, isn't that Shen Mu Hanhan?

Although he had never seen him before, but he knew Shen Muhan's identity and power in Jingyuan.

Unexpectedly, he was the big boss who bought BIR before!

Mr. Jane immediately went forward to say hello one by one.

When greeted Shen Muhan, he was suppressed by his powerful aura, and Mr. Jian's voice rose involuntarily, for fear that others would not be able to hear it.

Shen Muhan opened his eyelids, and a pair of handsome eyebrows were cold and compelling, which made Mr. Jane feel like he was in trouble.

Immediately, Shen Muhan was too lazy to look, and closed his eyes.

Mr. Jian hurriedly found a place to sit down, only to find that Xia Jiu had arrived, sitting not far away, her slap face lifted from the chestnut long hair, lazy and casual, she played with the coffee cup in front of her, stirring The small spoon, the brown liquid whirled, exuding bursts of fragrant smell.

Mr. Jane has a bad feeling in his heart.

In the meeting room, it was cold, and the needles could be heard, which made people feel great pressure.

Shen Muhan was in good time, and Xia Jiu had no fear. Only Mr. Jian was sweating in this not too hot weather.

A few minutes passed, as if a few years had passed.

Shen Muhan said lightly: "Exhibition show, what's the matter?"

Mr. Jian insisted that this matter was for the good of the company. He didn't seek any personal gain. Instead, he relaxed a little and said, "Xia Jiu, you talk about it first."

Xia Jiu squatted and went to see Shen Muhan.

Shen Muhan opened her eyes when she received her eyes: "Are you the person in charge of the company, or Xia Jiu?"

Mr. Jian wiped his sweat: "That's it, what happened yesterday...that's how it is. Although Xia Jiu is leaving, she has always been responsible for this matter, so she left it to her to do it. She did this. It's hard to suspect that she has no selfish intentions for big mistakes. Therefore, I intend to let her use a batch of new designs to make up for it, otherwise, I will sue her for malicious competition."

The more he speaks, the more he feels that he is right, and the more confident he is.

"So you mean, let Xia Jiu make up for the loss?" Shen Muhan asked with interest.

"Yes, that's for sure. The stage must be guarded by her to rebuild the stage, and the clothes on stage must also be fixed by her. And the wasted manpower and material resources also need her to bear. If it is done well, it will be fine. If you do not do well, you will have to bear the legal responsibility!" Jian Zong said righteously!

Shen Muhan didn't even lift his eyelids this time: "What do others think?"

"General Jane's opinion is good."

"Definitely bear the responsibility."

"Since Xia Jiu was delayed, then Xia Jiu must be responsible to the end."

Everyone agrees with Mr. Jian's opinion.

Shen Muhan tapped on the table with long fingers, everyone was silent.

He continued to knock, and what he said, accompanied by the knock, was very rhythmic: "So, what if Xia Jiu did it?"

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