Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3425: You do not want?

Shen Muhan gently massaged her wrists and the back of her hands: "Is it better?"

"Not so good." She shook her head.

Is there anything good about infusion?

After the loss, she was afraid that her hands would be swollen into pig's hoofs. She was afraid of pain and ugliness since she was a child. This is all rushed together, no matter how good it can be.

"If it's not good, you can only suffer." Shen Muhan put her hand down. Although there is no massage, he still stretched out his hand to pad her hand. "Anyway, this fluid must be lost."

"So what's wrong with me?" Xia Jiu's face wrinkled into a bitter gourd, "How long will it take to lose? Will it be hospitalized? Will it have an injection? Is there any trauma?"

Shen Muhan tucked the quilt for her, and then said, "You are pregnant and a little tired. This is the nutrient solution infused."

"I, I'm pregnant?" Xia Jiu grabbed the sheets tightly.

She is indeed totally unprepared.

Although I have convinced myself that instead of going to France, I can consider staying with Shen Muhan, but her medicine has never stopped.

One is that there are a lot of contraceptives, and the other is that she has not been with Shen Muhan for a long time, and she has always had lingering fears about pregnancy.

Doesn't the contraceptive pill have a success rate of more than 90%?

Why is this happening?

She closed her eyes and thought.

Shen Muhan's hand was slightly stagnant, "You don't want it?"

Xia Jiu's eyes turned, this was not a question she wanted or not.

The problem is that she is not yet mentally prepared to take on a child.

Especially, this child is still Shen Muhan.

She pursed her red lips slightly, her thoughts are complicated.

Shen Muhan's voice sounded faintly above her head: "Xia Jiu."

Xia Jiu was a spirited soul, and only then did he remember this matter now, not just his own business.

Thinking of Shen Muhan's attitude when she was pregnant last time, she opened her eyes and stared at him.

For fear that if he said nothing, Shen Muhan would really go back to the past.

"Xia Jiu."

His voice was deep and slow.

Xia Jiu's heart was another exciting spirit, and it was as uncomfortable as to be grabbed.

Shen Muhan leaned over and whispered again: "Xia Jiu. Let's discuss it."

"You said." Xia Jiu had a hunch that he would force him to keep the child.

It was only this time whether she would be very resolute or not, and she couldn't give herself an answer.

"I've thought about it. If you don't want to be a mother for the time being...I can accept it." Shen Muhan said calmly, "I will let the doctor perform the operation for you."

He had made a decision before she woke up.

So now speaking, calm and quiet.

After he finished speaking, Xia Jiu looked at him angrily: "Do you think surgery is such a simple thing? I have already had an operation, but I have to have another operation? Are you afraid that I will never be a mother in the future?"

Obviously she didn't really want the child so resolutely, but when Shen Muhan said something like that, she was still a little flustered and subconsciously wanted to protect the child.

When she said this, Shen Muhan felt very guilty. He changed the contraceptive pill...

The child is also his.

When the dressing was changed, he just wanted to keep her by his side. Now that she is by his side, he wants to hurt her.

"I'm sorry." Shen Muhan said softly.

Xia Jiu didn't know what he was saying was sorry for changing the medicine, and thought he was sorry for what he said just now.

"Forget it, you didn't mean it." After Xia Jiu finished speaking, he glanced at him again, "You don't want children?"

The doctors and nurses came in for an examination and heard what Xia Jiu said. They really wanted to say something to Shen Muhan. If the conscience of heaven and earth and Shen Muhan didn't want children, no other man would want children.

He just knew that Xia Jiu had the enthusiasm of a child, who couldn't see it and sighed.

"Miss Xia, Young Master Han really didn't mean that. You didn't see how happy Young Master Han was just now." The nurse said happily.

Shen Muhan raised his eyebrows: "Who let you in?"



The doctor explained: "We knocked on the door for two minutes, and saw that the door was hidden before we came in. The main reason is that Miss Xia's nutrient solution is almost finished, so..."

Shen Muhan's expression slowed down, and he motioned to the doctor to change the nutrient solution.

When they left, Xia Jiu slowly opened his eyelashes and asked, "Are you really happy to have children?"

"I have a baby myself, of course I will be happy." Shen Muhan said, "Aren't you happy?"

Xia Jiu avoided but did not answer: "Do you like children very much? What obsession do you have for children, so you want children?"

It was the same last time, and it was the same this time. She had never seen a man who wanted children so much.

Shen Muhan's hand was still under her infusion hand, and she said flatly: "Xia Jiu."

Xia Jiu responded, "Well, I'm listening."

"Is my performance not obvious enough, or I never said it." Shen Muhan leaned over, "The person I want has always been you, not a child."

He leaned very close and deceived himself. The last sentence was the sound of breath squeezed from the tip of his tongue, burning with heat beside Xia Jiu's ear.

Xia Jiu's ears started to get hot, and he was still dissatisfied, and continued: "Leaving the child is because I want to keep you."

It was really too obvious this time, Xia Jiu's heart began to miss.


Old lady Shen and Ding Qinen brought in Tang.

"Xia Jiu, come and have a drink." The old lady Shen's wheelchair got closer and closer.

Xia Jiu had been resting for a long time, and picked up the infusion bottle. Shen Muhan went out to get fruit, but he could have been discharged from the hospital.

But Shen Muhan didn't feel relieved, insisting on recuperating here, and observing for another day or two.

Ding Qinen took a bowl, filled a bowl of fragrant pork ribs and mushroom soup, and said, "Come on, have a bowl."

"Your third aunt was sent over by someone who was boiled for it. It's especially tonic and very fragrant." The old lady Shen said, even the name changed.

The third aunt Ding Qinen was named after Shen Muhan's name.

Although, Shen Muhan has never met Ding Qinen's third aunt.

Xia Jiu took it over with a warm heart. After her parents passed away, it has been a long time since her elders have cared for her so much.

She sipped the soup: "It's so fragrant, thank you Grandma Shen, thank you Auntie San."

Ding Qinen smiled and said: "You are pregnant, there must be a lot of constant and uneasy. If there is anything, just ask me. I have raised a few children anyway."

Xia Jiu knew that she was Ping Ping's grandmother and had a lot of experience in raising children, so he smiled and said, "After that, I will bother you more."

"What's the interruption, it's too late for me to be happy." Ding Qinen has also retired long ago, and is fine on weekdays.

Shen Jingyu's children are older and they are busy now. In addition, there are too many people rushing to take the children. It would be nice if she could help the last time in a month, so she is really idle.

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