Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3427: I made a mistake

"Whatever you want. Whatever you want to eat." Xia Jiu walked over and saw the housekeeper and Chen Qizheng moving something into the same room. She asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Miss Xia." Chen Qidun paused, "This is the baby room set up by the young master before. Now it can come in handy. The housekeeper and I are thinking of adding something. It will be convenient for the young master to be born in the future."

Xia Jiu stepped forward and saw that it was indeed a baby room with a huge floor area. Because there were so many rooms in the villa, she was usually fine and rarely wandered around.

I saw that the decoration inside was really comfortable, and I couldn't help but like it very much.

"When will it be installed?" Xia Jiu asked.

She had no idea.

"It was the last time you were pregnant." Chen Qi said softly.

Xia Jiu stretched out his hand and stroked his belly...Did he really look forward to it last time?

Chen Qi whispered: "Last time, the master smashed this place, but it was renovated later. He liked it very much. He was so happy that he couldn't sleep in the first two nights. He came here several times in one night."

Xia Jiu's heart moved slightly, smashed?

It should be known when she finished the operation.

Some things became clear when her mind turned... She did not have time to explain to him at the time, and he did have huge expectations.

Fortunately... it's not too late, she and him still have a chance.

Xia Jiu reached out and stroked the things in the baby room, thinking about it over and over again...

He had never expressed his feelings before and didn't know her enough, so why did she get to know him seriously?

He is responsible for causing such a situation and situation, and her responsibility cannot be shied away.

She stretched out her hand to cover her belly, and said to the baby in her heart, in the future, we will not quarrel with Dad, oh?

The housekeeper and Chen Qi saw that she liked this place and watched them carefully, and they took a few steps back carefully so that she could enjoy the space better.

When Shen Muhan came over, they didn't say anything interestingly, but they quickly left the room.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips, turned around, and saw him just in time. He was leaning against the door, with extra long legs, one slightly curved and one standing upright, casual and free and easy.

The white shirt was buttoned straight to the top button, again revealing the rigor of this man.

It looked like a couple of times with him, like two people.

"Shen Muhan, come here quickly." Xia Jiu fingered him.

Shen Muhan put away her long curved legs and walked slowly towards her. She pointed to a place and said, "I want to put my daughter's things here. You have to free this piece for me."

"Okay." Shen Muhan's voice became clearer, with some natural smiles.

"There is also this place. I need to keep a big cabinet to put clothes for my daughter. She will definitely look good, and I will definitely buy her many clothes. They must be big enough to put them down." Xia Jiu pointed to that. The cabinet that is not big enough shook his head.

Everyone knows that women will always lack a piece of clothing.

Although the daughter is small, she is also a woman.

Shen Muhan smiled: "I made a mistake."

Xia Jiu smiled with satisfaction: "I am very satisfied with other places, there is nothing to change. I am also very satisfied with the space. I heard that the four rooms were changed, enough for her to play and rest here. ."

The master bedroom is bigger than she and Shen Muhan in the end, so it is a happier thing to be someone's daughter.

Shen Muhan stretched out and shook her hand, did not say a word, his face was raised, even the end of his eyes was raised.

Xia Jiu looked around again and nodded, with stars twinkling in her eyes.

After a while, she said: "Shen Muhan."

Shen Muhan looked sideways: "What?"

"In the future, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly." Xia Jiu felt that there would be no need for many conflicts between each other due to poor communication in the future.

"I'm afraid to say that you are not happy."

Shen Muhan is still not confident about his ability to communicate with her.

Xia Jiu raised his eyebrows: "Of course you can't say hurtful words. I asked you to communicate with me, but I didn't let you **** me or make bad words."

Seeing him smiling, with the tip of his tongue pressed against his cheek, Xia Jiu added: "I don't want to be a double-standard dog either. I have such a request from you, and I will do the same. Okay?

Shen Muhan walked closer to her, and said, "After that, I will give more advice."

Xia Jiu smiled and buried him in his arms.


Xia Jiu's pregnancy reaction came out very quickly.

First of all, the nausea is not good, and when I smell the food, I start to retching, my appetite disappears completely, only eating fruits will be better.

Then there was lethargy, but I couldn't sleep well, so I could only sleep lightly for a while.

It made her feel very bad.

Shen Muhan almost demolished the hospital for this.

The doctor really complained: "The reaction during pregnancy itself varies from person to person. It depends on the body. There is no special treatment. The pregnant woman can only maintain a good mood and stay with us as much as possible. We are also powerless to do the rest."

Xia Jiu felt really sorry for the other doctor, and took Shen Muhan and hurried away.

The doctor gave her a grateful glance, and Shen Muhan could only calmly accompany Xia Jiu back to the villa.

The butler brought some light dishes, and Aunt Zhang also persuaded Xia Jiu to eat more. Before Xia Jiu entered the restaurant, he almost vomited after smelling the taste.

"I don't want to eat it." Xia Jiumeng shook his head.

Aunt Zhang and the housekeeper were also trembling. These small dishes were already fried with very little oil. They almost couldn't smell the oily smoke, but Xia Jiu was disgusting when they smelled it.

Xia Jiu pulled Shen Muhan who was about to get angry: "Okay, I'm not very hungry, I'll eat some cherries, mango and other cushions first."

Shen Muhan looked down at her, and could only accompany her upstairs first.

"I don't blame others for morning sickness. It's my own body. It's useless if you are angry. With that angry energy, why don't you think about how to be happy with me." Xia Jiu himself was helpless, "I listened to my mother before She said that when she was pregnant with me, she also vomited what she ate and vomited from beginning to end. People were tens of kilograms fatter during pregnancy. She became more and more slender after giving birth to me. But then she and I were not both Is it good?"

Shen Muhan was not comforted, but was even more worried: "Speaking of which, what will you vomit after eating?"

"What if I'll be better after that? The doctor also said that some people just do this in the early stage, but it's much better in the later stage?" Xia Jiu smiled.

Shen Muhan squeezed her face: "Lean."

"Where is it so fast, I've only been pregnant for a few days."

It has only been a week or two since I checked it out.

Seeing him frowning, Xia Jiu stretched out his hand: "Tired. I want to hug."

It was so uncomfortable, she had lost her temper a long time ago, but now, she couldn't bear it.

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