Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 343: This master is really no ordinary master

Mrs. Li was crying, "Today's such a big banquet, even the third master was present, but Steward Luo stuffed a woman into the glorious bed. Not only me, but even the third master had no light on her face."

"I know Steward Luo is your capable person, but he can't do such a thing either."

"I don't want to live anymore! If Steward Luo gives me an explanation today, even if I go to the presidential palace, I have to ask for justice!"

He Birong said lightly on the side: "Mrs. Li, my mother is old and in poor health. If you make trouble like this, if the old lady has something to do, you will be responsible?"

Mrs. Li held back her tears and cried: "Miss, I can't help it. I am the head of the family, who is also a little embarrassed. If it weren't for such a big ugly noise, I wouldn't find it here..."

Shen Jingyu was a regular visitor to the He family. When he saw him, someone immediately led him and He Ning in.

He Ning was hearing Mrs. Li's grievances crying with tears and snot.

Mrs. He was very angry and shouted: "Steward Luo!"

Steward Luo had already walked over and said, "Old lady, I really don't know about the Li family."

"You don't know, what the third master said personally, is there a fake? Female star Xiao Lin, do you know him?"

Hearing this, Steward Luo's face changed drastically.

Wasn't Xiao Lin arranged for Shen Jingyu?

Why did you get to Li's house?

What's more, things didn't work out. Could there be any changes?

Mrs. Li cried aggrieved: "Old lady, I don’t know what housekeeper Luo means, but I’m also a woman, so I want to face. I really want to see my husband rolling with other women. I have to ask Steward Luo, is this going to break up our Li family? Or does it have another purpose?"

Mrs. Li saw Shen Jingyu at a glance and said, "Look, the third master is here. Third master testifies against Steward Luo, you suspect me, you can't doubt third master, right?"

Old lady He and Birong He both looked at Shen Jingyu, and Shen Jingyu nodded slightly.

The place where He Ning sat next to Shen Jingyu was just blocked by Shen Jingyu, so they didn't see He Ning's face clearly for the time being.

"Steward Luo, do you know the female star Xiao Lin?" Mrs. He said majesticly.

Butler Luo was sweating in his head.

He Birong can't help but frown, is it really related to Steward Luo?

Steward Luo glanced at He Birong. He Birong got the information revealed in his eyes. It turned out that it was Xiao Lin that he had arranged for Shen Jingyu.

This matter can never be known to people, because it has something to do with herself, He Birong immediately narrowed her eyes.

Steward Luo looked at Shen Jingyu's direction and couldn't help being discouraged.

He was convinced, originally thinking that the matter was not done, Shen Jingyu would not be held accountable.

But this master is really not an ordinary master, after all, he still can use a certain game at will, and this matter can be thrown on him.

Old Mrs. He saw the problem with Steward Luo and said in an air: "You are really confused. You have not done anything wrong with me for more than 20 years. How can you do it? This kind of activity?"

"I am always confused! Please punish the old lady!" Steward Luo had done something wrong and could only admit it!

Don't admit it, are you waiting for Shen Jingyu to make another move?

"Confused! Confused!" Mrs. He said angrily.

Steward Luo respectfully said: "The old lady shows her love, so that I can do it for so many years in the He family. Now I have made a mistake and resigned. I hope the old lady will be fulfilled."

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