Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3435: I am a senior citizen, and I am not a pig

Xia Jiu agreed: "Since it's a glaucoma, don't get angry with him."

After saying this for a while, Jiang Bai didn't get angry, and said cheerfully, "Then I'll go see it again."

"Good." Xia Jiu replied.

Shen Muhan came to ask Xia Jiu to eat.

When she arrived at the dinner table, she glanced at it, and it turned out that all the dishes Ding Qinen cooked that day.

"Wow, you are amazing, Shen Muhan! You can even do these." Even though Xia Jiu had eaten him many times, he still hadn't eaten them.

"You like to eat these, you will eat them at home later." He handed chopsticks.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and smiled: "Could you be... even the vinegar of the third aunt?"

No wonder that when I came back that day, I was a little unhappy to see him.

Originally still thinking about this matter.

He has been very dull these past few days, but he is actually learning these dishes with a big move?

"Who would eat her jealousy?" Shen Muhan lifted up his chopsticks and started eating.

Xia Jiu stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek: "Thank you."

The corners of Shen Muhan's lips rose slightly.

Xia Jiu smiled and said: "You are so busy and you are still researching new dishes for our mother and daughter. I don't know what to say. Then I will eat three bowls first."

Shen Muhan curled his lips: "I am a senior citizen, and I am not a pig farmer."

"Then my husband made it, you have to eat if you can, and you have to eat if you can't." Xia Jiu just picked up the chopsticks and was caught in Shen Muhan's arms.

"Hey, be careful of my daughter!" Xia Jiu's heart beat with fright.

Shen Muhan naturally had confidence in his actions, so he would do so.

He is more nervous about this child than she.

He looked down at her: "Who did you just say I was?"

"Who are you? Of course you are Shen Muhan, who else can you be!" Xia Jiu knew what he was talking about, but wanted to avoid it.

Shen Muhan was so angry that he took a bite on her face.

"It hurts!" Xia Jiu covered his face, "Are you a dog?"

"Then who am I?" Shen Muhan was reluctant.

Xia Jiu hum: "The famous boss Shen Mu Hanhan, a giant in the investment world, and a military member of the Dragon Empire..."

Shen Muhan made a gesture to bite again.

Xia Jiu cried and chirped: "Also, dog attributes! Bites at every turn!"

Seeing him sternly and ignoring himself, Xia Jiucai whispered: "Shen Muhan?"

Shen Muhan ignored her.

She murmured: "My husband has this bad temper. He gets angry at every turn and doesn't know what he is angry with."

The three words "my husband" rippled like water on a person's heart, making his heart tickled, crisp and soft.

Shen Muhan pursed his lips: "Xia Jiu, sooner or later, I will be **** out of a heart attack by you."

Xia Jiu kissed the corner of his lips. Someone who was about to be angered by a heart attack miraculously healed himself again, with a radiant face and good spirits.


Ding Qinen invited Xia Jiu to dinner at the Shen family mansion, and Xia Jiu agreed.

She asked Shen Muhan's opinion.

Shen Muhan frowned.

"Then I will tell the third aunt, my husband is not going?" Xia Jiu raised his head and looked at him.

It's "my husband", can Shen Muhan not go?

Xia Jiu smiled and came forward to hold his hand.

Shen Muhan buckled her hand back: "Remove the first word."

"What's the first word?" Xia Jiu deliberately didn't understand.

Shen Muhan was so angry that he didn't want to care about her, and his face was calm.

Xia Jiu leaned on his shoulder, took the initiative to find a place in his arms, and sat steadily.

Someone who was angry hooked her into his arms and held her firmly before the corners of her lips began to pick up slightly.

Shen Fengshan is not here today, so Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu should be more comfortable.

Ding Qinen smiled and said, "I made today's food by myself. Xia Jiu will eat more in a while."

When she said this, Xia Jiu’s saliva was about to flow out: "I must eat more. These days at home, I was flustered thinking about Auntie San’s craftsmanship. When Auntie San called me today, my heart was all over. It's coming."

Shen Muhan looked at her disgustingly, what about the hard work he put into cooking?

After cooking so many things for her, she drools over other people's food?

Ding Qinen smiled and said, "I will come when I want to eat."

"Mu Han also likes to eat what you cook, I will let him come too."

Shen Muhan just picked up the teacup and took a sip, and he wanted to squirt it out. When did he say he liked to eat something cooked by Ding Qin'en?

Ding Qinen felt a little soft when he didn't know what to do: "Mu Han also comes often."

Shen Muhan put down his teacup.

The old lady Shen knew that he didn't want to be with his family, but after all he had the blood of the Shen family, others could abandon him, she couldn't.

While talking, the butler came over and said: "Old lady, madam, Shi Hui and Shi Zaixuan are here, saying that they want to come in and visit you."

"What is she here for?" The old lady Shen was quite puzzled.

Shi Hui was a stubborn person with Shen Sihai, and Mrs. Shen didn't like her.

However, now that the old lady Shen has accepted Shen Muhan, she won't even be able to tolerate her, especially since Shi Youxuan is also from Shen's family.

She changed her name to hide it from outsiders, but how could she hide it from the Shen family?

Mrs. Shen said, "Let them come in."

Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan were overjoyed when they heard the old lady Shen. They really didn't have a face. They had followed Shen Sihai before, and they were robbing family business and making troubles. They broke up long ago.

Now I want to re-attach, but it is because Shen Sihai is no longer able to rely on it.

The two walked in together, and saw that Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu were also there.

Shi Hui actually came here when she found out that Shen Muhan was here.

She hadn't seen Shen Muhan for a long time, and Shen Muhan seemed to avoid her specially, not letting her know whereabouts at all.

Shi Hui had already murmured in her heart.

Now that she sees Shen Muhan, she has an affectionate attitude: "Muhan!"

Shi Youxuan immediately went forward to hold Shen Muhan's arm: "Big Brother!"

Shen Muhan withdrew calmly.

Shi Hui asked with a smile: "Mu Han, how are you doing recently? You child, always sees the dragon and misses the end, so I miss it. I heard that you are getting married recently, and I don't know which girl you are. child?"

Even if she didn't know this, she deserved it as a mother, and it was really a failure.

Shi Youxuan has actually heard that the person who wants to marry Shen Muhan is Xia Jiu.

She is actually acceptable to anyone, but she is unwilling to accept Xia Jiu.

After all, there have been many competitions between Xia Jiu and her, which made her deflated again and again.

How can the eldest brother marry her?

After Shi Hui greeted the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen, she also glanced at Xia Jiu. She raised her hands and feet in opposition to this marriage!

She also wants to marry her confidant to Shen Muhan!

However, she neither saw Shen Muhan nor did Shen Muhan answer her calls, and she did not even have a chance to say objections.

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