Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 346: How could Shen Jingyu's woman be touched by you?

"Grandma, aunt, I am in love with Ye Shu. The previous kick was accidentally kicked by a joke between us. Outsiders passed on a few more words, making it seem like there was some misunderstanding between us. same."

"Actually, I should have brought Ye Shu back to see you. My fault is too busy."

Ye Shu's eyes widened, his face full of incredible.

Why did this man suddenly hold her hand?

what the hell?

Ye Shu stretched out his hand several times to pull it back from his palm.

He Yiming clenched her fingers instead.

He glanced at this ignorant woman.

Ye Shu narrowed his mouth and gave him a blank look.

He Yiming retracted his gaze, and the feeling of his body reached his palm.

The soft touch makes him very useful, so comfortable that he doesn't want to let go.

Mrs. He looked up and down Ye Shu, her hair was as short as a boy, and sportswear with no temperament at all seemed unworthy of her good grandson.

She felt a little uncomfortable, and asked: "Then your body...is really okay?"

"If something happens, can I still stand here?" He Yiming said amused.

Old Mrs. He glanced at Ye Shu a few more times, and looked down upon her with a heart.

However, this grandson of my own has never been a woman, and no one knows whether he is cold or hot. He is willing to fall in love, which is always a good thing.

"Okay, I'm old, I can't take care of you anymore. Since it's a misunderstanding, I won't pursue it."

He Ning was overjoyed and said to Ye Shu: "Ye Zi, it's okay."

Ye Shu nodded heavily, but he was always a little uncomfortable being held by He Yiming.

He Ning felt a stabbing gaze staring at him, and when he looked up, it was He Birong.

For some reason, her gaze made He Ning feel very uncomfortable, and she felt a little flustered.

She subconsciously leaned against Shen Jingyu's side.

In He's place, it seems that it is safe only by his side.

"If it's okay, let's go first." Shen Jingyu took He Ning's hand, jawed to the old lady He and He Birong, and walked out.

He Yiming said: "I will send them out."

When he got to the door, Ye Shu took out his hand: "Why are you holding me! You said you didn't mean me? Next time I will tell you to be mean to me first!"

In fact, it was because of some abnormal feelings in her heart that made her very uncomfortable.

So duplicity said something disgusting.

He Yiming raised his dark sword eyebrows and threw away her hand.

He Ning hurriedly said: "Okay, General He can be regarded as helping you out. Don't get angry with him."

"I want to thank you." Ye Shu held He Ning's face and kissed him. "Always show up in time when I need someone's help!"

Shen Jingyu's face changed suddenly, and he pulled Hening to his side, raising his hand to wipe the place where Ye Shu had kissed him.

"Hey, don't you dislike me so much?" Ye Shu stamped his foot.

"Shen Jingyu's woman, how could you touch it?" He Yiming calmly watched her being disgusted.

"I'm not a man!" Ye Shu retorted.

He Yiming hugged his arms: "Really? I didn't see it."

Ye Shu was so angry that he squeezed his fist and shook it in front of him.

The old lady He said to He Birong: "You are not allowed to lie to me about the housekeeper Luo. What is going on?"

He Birong had no choice but to tell the matter exactly.

"You! What a ghost, is Jingyu such a fool?"

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