Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3470: Let's get married

"Come here with food." Shen Muhan said quietly.

The butler went away.

"Follow me back to the room." Shen Muhan glanced at the baby in her hand. He wanted to hug him, but Xia Jiu turned sideways and avoided.

Shen Muhan didn't want to hug him. If it weren't for Xia Jiu, he would definitely not take a look at these children.

Xia Jiu followed him into the room.

The butler’s food was also delivered.

Shen Muhan began to roll up his sleeves: "Why don't you eat?"

"No appetite." Xia Jiu lowered his eyes and refused to look at him.

"Because I'm not there, no one will accompany you?"

Xia Jiu was silent.

Shen Muhan sighed: "Sit down and I will feed you."

"I don't want to eat." Xia Jiu shook his head, "You can eat by yourself. I am very tired and want to rest."

"Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan stopped her with a drink.

Xia Jiu really didn't want to make false claims with him.

He wanted to treat it as nothing happened, but she couldn't treat it as nothing happened.

Shen Muhan stood up, put down the bowl heavily, and began to pull on his tie: "If you want to do something else first, I don't mind to accompany you to do it first."

Xia Jiu: "...Can you not think of this in your mind? I'll go now, you can do it yourself."

Before taking a step forward, Shen Muhan grabbed both hands, he lowered his head and kissed her hard.

Reached out and stroked her shivering back.

Xia Jiu couldn't break free, and slapped him hard.

Shen Muhan's face was beaten to the side.

The air stagnated for a moment, and he turned his head back, raised his eyebrows, cold and pressing, and kissed her again.

"Shen Muhan! Let go!"

Xia Jiu struggled.

Then he was thrown heavily on the bed.


Xia Jiu remembered what was left in the safe in the bank.

At first, she let herself forget.

But things now remind her of the existence of these things all the time.

That is a set of all the documents that can stay in France, allowing her to change her name and surname, stay away from the Dragon Empire, and settle down in France.

Even if it is a little harder to bring three children, there must be no problem.

She is seriously thinking about the possibility of this matter.

She didn't want to stay any longer.

Whenever she thinks of Shen Muhan, she can't stay at ease.

Especially his attitude towards children.

What would a child look like under his upbringing style?

Xia Jiu didn't dare to think deeply.

She didn't want to ruin the lives of the three of them because of herself.

She sat at the desk in a daze.

Shen Muhan walked in and put the washed cherries in front of her: "Want to go out to play? I'll accompany you."

"I don't want to. I don't want to eat this either."

"You used to like this the most."

"You also said it was before." Xia Jiu sneered, "People will change."

Shen Muhan grabbed her wrist, she was always cold, like a block of ice that couldn't be covered: "Xia Jiu, what are you going to do to start again with me?"

"Aren't I and you restarting? Every day we eat and sleep together, how can we start again?" When she said this, she didn't smile at all.

Is it really a fresh start?

While eating, she said nothing.

When sleeping, she just responded passively, and it was difficult to even look at him perfunctorily.

Shen Muhan had tolerated her for a long time.

She smiles only when she sees the baby. At other times, her facial features seem to be stiff, completely indifferent.

"Have I tolerated you for too long?" Shen Muhan whispered, with a deep displeasure in his tone, "Xia Jiu, I will give you time."

Xia Jiu smiled, but there was no temperature at all: "What then?"

"Let's get married." After all, Shen Muhan was reluctant to hurt her again. "It's just right to be together. Have you chosen both the wedding dress and the ring? We will make preparations soon.

Xia Jiu remembered the wedding dresses and rings that she had chosen with so much emotion and longing.

How happy it was then, how indifferent it is now.

He whispered and said in her ear with a breath: "From then on, he will never leave me."

Xia Jiu's body shrank, subconsciously trying to curl up.

Regardless of whether Xia Jiu agrees or not, the wedding is prepared.

Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen were also very happy.

Those subtle emotions and attitudes of Xia Jiu hadn't been told to them.

Like the babysitters, they saw only Shen Muhan's thoughtfulness and change, not Xia Jiu's mood.

Even if he knew about the kidnapping, but Shen Muhan's self-directed and acted, it was just a sigh.

Everyone’s sadness and pain are uncomfortable, and no one else can feel the same.

Xia Jiu knew this, and she didn't expect it.

The old lady Shen called her to her room alone, and said: "I know about Xia Lin, you have always had a grudge. But Xia Jiu, the dead are dead, and the living ones can only look forward. Don't. Too stuck with the things of the past. As long as he is willing to change, there is hope for everything."

Xia Jiuhong stared at the end of her eyes and didn't say a word.

The old lady Shen also felt sorry for her, but in the eyes of the old man, persuading peace and not persuading her to leave, let alone the situation that she already had three children?

There is nothing she can do about things that cannot be changed, only hope that Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan will get better in the future.

She took out a pair of precious jewellery and stuffed it into Xia Jiu's hands: "Only by living a good life in the future, can we be able to bear the suffering. I hope you and Mu Han will be well in the future."

Xia Jiu accepted it without saying anything.

When she went downstairs, Shen Muhan stretched out her hand and held her hand, but she avoided it.

He supported the wall and looped her between the wall and his arm: "Does it only give me a little response when I am about to die?"

"Shameless!" Xia Jiu slapped him.

"Is that right?" Shen Muhan held her hand, "Does it hurt?"

Xia Jiu's nose was sore. People who didn't know really thought he was so considerate.

Xia Jiu does not deny his thoughtfulness, but these thoughtfulness are deadly poison.

She can imagine that if her daughter and son encounter something and need herself in the future, Shen Muhan will also choose to abandon them and save herself.

She does not deny his love, but his love is too heavy and too selfish.

To accommodate anything else is suffocating.

Charlene’s lessons learned are vivid, why would she want her children to follow in the footsteps?

Seeing her in thought, Shen Muhan lowered his head and kissed her: "I'm getting married, be happy, eh?"

How can Xia Jiu be happy.

He inserted his ten fingers into her fingers, clasping her fingers, "Or, what else do you want."

He gives it all.

But what Xia Jiu wanted, he could no longer give.


Xia Jiu recently went to Xia’s company very often. There were a lot of things in the company. She often stayed until the afternoon when she got off work.

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