Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3473: Tell you a truth

Today, he will solve many things at once.

When he treated Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan hard, Shen Sihai finally showed up!

He thought that Shen Sihai would always hide in a dark corner.

Chen Qi and Shen Muhan's people are all focused on Shen Sihai.

In Xia Jiu's room, a blonde woman soon appeared, but she had dark eyes and extremely beautiful faces, and she could see that she was a mixed race.

She took Xia Jiu and left quietly, without even disturbing Shen Muhan's people.

Xia Jiu woke up quickly, opened her eyes and glanced at the white ceiling, and the things before she lost consciousness poured into her mind. She couldn't help but raised the corners of her lips in a mockery.

She calculated so much, but she didn't expect it at all. He didn't count Shen Muhan in, but he saw it thoroughly.

That man is really too smart!

Whenever there is no relationship involved, his IQ has never been offline.

I couldn't go this time, and I don't know when I can go.

She pursed her lips and sat up.

"you're awake?"

There was a woman's voice in his ear.

Xia Jiu immediately looked at her. A woman in her early forties, with blond hair, black eyes, and extremely mature beauty, made people unable to remove her eyes.

"Who are you?" Xia Jiu realized that this was not the room where he was just now. "You brought me here? What are you going to do?"

The woman smiled: "My name is Aikins. If I don't take you away, you can only marry Shen Muhan."

Xia Jiu clenched her fingers. Although she didn't want to divorce Shen Muhan, she didn't want to get involved with such a stranger.

She just wanted to leave.

She stood up and walked away: "Thank you then."

"Wait!" Atkins stopped her. "Aren't you curious about my identity?"

"If you are willing to say it, you will naturally." Xia Jiu said, "I'm still very busy, goodbye."

"Even if you go out like this, there are people from Shen Muhan everywhere, it is impossible for you to leave."

Xia Jiudun stopped: "How do you know so much?"

"Xia Jiu, I know so much, just because I am your biological mother!" Aikinsi said.

Xia Jiu looked at her in shock, unable to believe it for a while.

How can it be?

She has had a good relationship with her parents since she was a child, especially her mother, who treated her with great care. Suddenly a mother like this appeared, Xia Jiu couldn't accept it!

In her heart, only her own mother!

Aikins said, "Don't you think you look like me? Xia Jiu, look at your eyes, do you copy me? Look at your natural hair color, do you look like other people? , Make a big difference?"

Xia Jiu looked at her carefully again. This woman had lush blond hair and black eyes, and Xia Jiu was born with long curly chestnut hair. When she was studying, she was persuaded by her teacher not to dye her hair!

And her parents, there is no sign of mixed race.

She once felt strange, but her mother told her that maybe it was just a genetic mutation. She also told her that as long as she is healthy, it doesn't matter if she is a little different from others.

In addition to Xia Jiu's outstanding appearance, her long chestnut hair made her beauty even more attractive. Gradually, everyone only praised Xia Jiumei, and she herself underestimated the difference in hair color.

What's more, after college, girls even dyed their hair in various colors, and no one had any unusual eyes on Xia Jiu's hair color. Xia Jiu himself had forgotten such things.

So, is this woman really his biological mother?

Xia Jiu shook his head: "No, you are not!"

She doesn't follow or believe it!

Her mother is good enough, she is the best mother in the world, she doesn't want other mothers!

"Xia Jiu, whether you believe it or not, you can't change this fact."

"But between me and Xia Lin, even the spinal cord is matched. Don't say, Xia Lin is also your daughter." Xia Jiu saw that she knew so much about herself, so she was convinced that she must also know about Xia Lin.

Aikins smiled and said, "The match between your spinal cords is just a coincidence. It can't explain the problem.

Xia Jiu, when you were young, I was separated from you. I have been looking for you for so many years.

Unfortunately, I only found you now.

If you find you earlier, you won't be treated like this by Shen Muhan. "

Xia Jiu shook his head, no, she didn't believe it.

This woman can't be her mother!

But reason has actually believed a lot. She and this woman look so much alike. If this woman were younger, she would be almost indistinguishable from her.

Eyebrows, facial features, two people are so similar.

Xia Jiu clenched his fists: "What are you looking for me for?"

"Just to tell you the truth!" Aikins said.

Xia Jiu stared at her, "I don't believe it!"

"You have never heard of it, how do you believe it or not?" Aikinsi said, "Xia Jiu, you can no longer be deceived. Don't you want to know the truth about the car accident of your adoptive parents?"

Xia Jiu hesitated.

She clenched her fists, her parents' affairs were always pressing on her heart, and she really couldn't ignore it.

"you said."

Aikins said softly: "I have investigated everything clearly. Shen Muhan had seen you before. He told your adoptive parents that he wanted to marry you. But your adoptive parents knew his nature well, so they refused. What's more, They don't know whether you will accept such a man. Your adoptive parents have always loved you very much. You know this well.

Subsequently, Shen Muhan caused a car accident and killed them.

You know that a man like him, doing things, has always been too lazy to turn around and tactfully, he will only use the most direct way to get what he wants.

Your parents strongly guarded your attitude and angered him, and he didn't want them to be a stumbling block between you two, so he hurt the killer.

Then, you are weak and helpless, lonely, he is really good to take advantage of the void, take you down in one fell swoop, tied to his side.

Xia Jiu, think about it for yourself, if it wasn't for your stubborn temper and reluctance to compromise with him everywhere, would you have already been in his bag? "

"No, no!" Xia Jiu shook his head, refusing to believe what a strange woman said.

Although, when she was in the cemetery, someone said the same thing to her.

Xia Jiu also thought about the possibility of this matter.

But in the end she couldn't accept this statement.

An Jinsi calmly looked at Xia Jiu's eyebrows and said, "You don't want to believe this, just because you don't dare to accept the death of your adoptive parents. It's related to you. You are afraid. You are afraid that you are. The fuse of their death."

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