Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3475: Why should he come?

This room, Xia Jiu had also lived in before, was a room specially set by Shen Muhan. Looking out, it was the atrium of the hotel.

The floor is not very high, but it is quiet and quiet without being disturbed.

She looked out the door anxiously.

Shen Muhan wouldn't come alone, would he?

What she said was already flawed, so even if he came, he would definitely bring someone with him.

As a shrewd person like him, Xia Jiu shouldn't have doubts about his IQ.

Thinking of this, she settled and shook the dagger in the handshake.

After a while, remembering the sound of swiping the door card, Xia Jiu wanted to rush to the door, but was held down by Aikins.

The door was pushed open, and Shen Muhan walked in with strides. He was still wearing today's groom's dress, cold and solemn, with coldness between his eyes.

When he walked in, Xia Jiu's heart was about to jump out, but she believed that he would be able to deal with it, and she didn't call out the words for him to evade as soon as possible.

However, he just walked in, and the people in Shen Sihai had already jumped out and surrounded him directly, with weapons against his temples.

Shen Sihai himself also walked out.

This is a thin man with a cold look in his eyes, and a daunting hostility, which gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Shen Muhan, my good son, it's been a long time!" Shen Sihai laughed overcastly, but under the blue sky and white sun, it gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Shen Muhan opened his eyelashes, but looked in the direction of Xia Jiu: "Jiu'er, are you okay?"

Xia Jiu sat weakly on the bed, "Why do you want to come here alone?"

"Didn't you let me come?" Shen Muhan calmly, with a rather compromised tone.

It seems that there are no outsiders here, only him and Xia Jiu.

"Do I mean to let you come over?" Xia Jiu said with air, "Which word in my words is true?"

When did she cook, cook for him, cook the soup?

Has she ever cooked anything delicious for him?

Her words and sentences meant to remind him not to come.

Doesn't he understand a word?

Thinking of this, Xia Jiu felt sad.

He made good food for her every time to satisfy her picky taste, but she never thought of him.

So, why should he come?

Shen Muhan said flatly: "If you let me come, I will come."

Moreover, how could he put her in danger?

"Shen Muhan, you are not stupid!" Xia Jiu scolded uncomfortably.

Can't he not do this to himself?

Shen Sihai laughed, and the laughter was ugly: "Shen Muhan, you also had a day in the hands of a woman! It's hard to imagine. My son will also fall in love. It's great! It's great!"

It wasn't because of Xia Jiu, he really couldn't catch Shen Muhan at all.

Shen Muhan's arrangement today is very comprehensive. If it hadn't been for cooperating with Akins to subdue Xia Jiu first, it would be Shen Sihai, not Shen Muhan, who fell into this field!

Ai Jinsi said: "Boss Shen, you have caught the person you want, now I can take Xia Jiu away?"

"Who dares to take her away!" Shen Muhan's voice came, like a cold wind blowing on his face, chilling.

Aikins looked at him: "Young Master Han, Xia Jiu is my biological daughter. I want to take my daughter away. I don't need to ask others for instructions? Xia Jiu, let's go."

"No!" Shen Muhan's words seemed to have substance, firmly blocking Ai Jinsi's footsteps.

"Young Master Han is already hard to protect herself, and still want to keep Xia Jiu? You are too big-hearted, right?" Aikins said mockingly, "I'll take my daughter away, this is going to be done!"

"Xia Jiu!" Shen Muhan's voice called Xia Jiu solemnly.

Xia Jiu bit her lip, and she never thought of the ending before her eyes.

The best outcome she thought about was that she called Shen Muhan to alert him, and he brought someone to catch Shen Sihai.

Then the people on both sides fight each other, and she can take the opportunity to escape and take the child to France.

She wanted to leave, but never thought of hurting Shen Muhan!

Shen Sihai let out a gloomy smile: "Yes, Xia Jiu can't leave for the time being, I keep her, it's still useful."

Aikins said angrily: "What does Boss Shen mean? I promised to cooperate with you. As long as you catch Shen Muhan, I will take my daughter away so that she doesn't need to be involved in your own grievances. Now Boss Shen wants to break his promise?"

"I suddenly felt that it was too cheap to let Xia Jiu leave like this. Shen Muhan." He took out his dagger and tried the blade on his finger. "I finally raised this son. Who knows, this wolf cub is a white-eyed wolf. Not only sent my wife and daughter to jail, but also injured my son and stayed in the hospital for a long time! In this tone, you say, how can I get out?"

Atkins immediately blocked Xia Jiu behind her.

Shen Mu said coldly: "Shen Sihai, you dare to touch Xia Jiu's finger, I want to kill your wife and daughter, and slash your son, so you can't die!"

Shen Sihai laughed loudly.

He took out a pair of handcuffs and directly handcuffed Shen Muhan's hands and wrists.

He took out the dagger again and gave it to Xia Jiu.

"I decided to play a game."

Shen Sihai said, "Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu can only live and leave alone."

Aikins asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

"Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, each stab each other in the heart, whoever hurts lightly can leave. It's fair, isn't it?"

Aikins couldn't help being shocked.

very fair?

Give each other a knife, and then say fair?

In the worst case, he died on the spot, and in the case of serious injury, he said it’s fair?

Shen Sihai is really an old fox, so good calculation.

If Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu each stabbed each other, Xia Jiu's physique and Shen Muhan's accuracy would kill Xia Jiu on the spot, and Shen Muhan would be completely injured, without harm to Shen Sihai.

Shen Sihai can still control Shen Muhan.

Of course, if Xia Jiu hit Shen Muhan with one blow and killed Shen Muhan directly, it would save Shen Sihai's strength.

No matter if it is Xia Jiu's death or Shen Muhan's death, Shen Sihai can take advantage of it.

And Shen Muhan, whether he kills Xia Jiu for a short time, or dies innocently at Xia Jiu's hands, will become a heart disease, a heart disease that tortured him all his life, or a heart disease that will not look at him.

Kill the heart!

Shen Sihai not only wanted to kill Shen Muhan, but also crushed all his arrogance fiercely! Break through all his armor.

Ai Jinsi couldn't help but feel chilly, why did she choose this kind of person to cooperate in the first place!

Now he put his daughter into his hands and became his tool to torture Shen Muhan!

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